Publication Date
79 p
Taking Better Care looks at the situation facing orphaned and vulnerable children in the Rakai District in Uganda and at the legacy of Save the Children's Child Social Care Project (CSCP) there. The report examines the impact of the CSCP, implemented between 1991 and 1996, and at trends in Rakai since the CSCP ended, as well as outlining the lessons learned and providing recommendations for future action. It concludes that in order to support orphans and vulnerable children in a long-term, sustainable way, child-care models now need to incorporate a maximum of state support and civil society mobilisation, combined with more traditional family support
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Development/ Humanitarian; development agencies; Disability and community; family & caregivers; Disability and social diversity; children with disabilities; vulnerable groups; Health; mental health; systems: service delivery; treatment and prevention; Inclusion; society and social change; Politics government and economics; civil society; public sector; Programme/ Project; learning; Rehabilitation; management (service delivery); Research; data analysis