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Mapping exclusion

KOZMA, Agnes
PETRI, Gabor
November 2012

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This is a comprehensive report on the state of deinstitutionalization from institution-based services towards community-based services in the mental health field in Europe. The report consists of a comparative analysis of trends and policy changes in Europe based on a survey, and 32 country reports are presented in the annex covering issues crucial in the context of community care, such as data about institutional and community-based services, national mental health and deinstitutionalization strategies, information on guardianship and involuntary admission policies
Note: The report is in English, summaries are available in Dutch, French, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, Romanian and Swedish

The right to political participation of persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities

November 2010

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This report provides the first results from a legal study carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in the context of its project on the "Fundamental rights of persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health problems." It begins with an analysis of the key international and European principles relating to the right to political participation. The situation in EU Member States is summarised and compared in Section 2. The report then presents the legal situation in the EU Member States and concludes with some possible ways forward
Note: This report is also available in easy read format

Stockholm : the city for everyone


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This report provides a general overview of City of Stockholm’s easy access project to make its streets and squares and city-owned properties, accessible and serviceable to all. The programme aims to remove all accessibility barriers by 2030 This report is useful for anyone interested in urban accessibility

Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and optional protocol

December 2006

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The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities acknowledges their rights to education, health, work and more. It provides a platform for action and activitism on inclusion and equity in countries which ratify and strive to implement it

Children and adults with disabilities

Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA)
December 2005

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This position paper concerns the processes for mainstreaming disability in development cooperation. Specifically, it is concerned with the ways in which SIDA can ensure that disabled people are active participants in development work and decision-making processes. The paper includes strategic areas for including persons with disabilities in SIDA's policies and programmes (on education, HIV and AIDS, poverty reduction, etc) along with a range of useful resources on global disability rights and websites on disability issues. This paper would be useful to anyone with an interest in mainstreaming disability in development cooperation, and in particular, to policy-makers, NGOs, and disabled people's organisations

Situation of disabled people in the enlarged European Union : the European Action Plan 2006-2007

Commission of the European Communities
November 2005

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This action plan follows the European Union Disability Strategy of 2005. It relates specifically to mainstreaming disability in policy formulation and is intended to ensure a coherent follow-up to the European Year of Disabled People. The paper recognises that disability policy is most effectively dealt with at national level but aims to provide a dynamic framework to develop a broader EU Disability Strategy. It includes important information and data on the employment situation of people with disabilities, as well as laying down guidelines for developing accessible goods, services and inclusive policies. This paper would be useful to anyone with an interest in mainstreaming disability in development cooperation, in particular policy-makers, NGOs and disabled people's organisations

Independent Living Institute

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This site serves self-help organisations of disabled people. It hosts a global network facility where organisations they their partner organisation. Worldwide radio programmes on disability are presented. The site also has an Internet based full text library, which holds about 700 documents

The Finnish Deafblind Association

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This website highlights the work of the Finnish Deafblind Association including details of their services provided, organisational activities, international activities and publications

The Association of the Swedish Deafblind

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This website describes the work of the Association of the Swedish Deafblind. Information is provided about deafblindness and the twelve affiliated regional associations. News updates, materials and newspaper publications are made available. Links are included for the Youth Council, Parent Council and related Swedish, Nordic and international centres and associations
