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International disability rights monitor (IDRM) regional reports


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These regional reports are the primary focus of the International Disability Rights Monitor (IDRM) project and have been compiled by local IDRM researchers. Each report focuses upon several key areas such as legal protections, education, employment, accessibility, and health and housing services for people with disabilities. The reports include a detailed report on each country and a report card that compares the progress made by countries across the region. Reports are available on the Americas, Asia and Europe, as well as two thematic reports, in downloadable pdf format. They are useful for people interested in research on disability and development

Fact sheet on persons with disabilities


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This resource highlights facts about disability globally and describes people with disabilities as the world’s largest minority. Key information is provided about education, employment and violence with respect to people with disabilities. It would be useful for people interested in learning about global disability issues

DOTCOM : the disability online tool of the commission


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DOTCOM is an online tool to map the progress made on a range of key instruments relevant to implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It is "constructed from a large database of information about national laws, policies, strategies and initiatives in the Member States of the European Union, its Candidate countries and other associated countries. For each of the 34 countries, and for the EU, it includes summary information on 43 selected policy instruments, organised in eight themes (more than 1,500 records). Each record includes descriptive text and web links to policy documents or sources of further information at the national level"

E-accessibility toolkit

et al

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This practical online toolkit is designed for policy makers and regulators focusing specifically on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) provisions regarding accessibility to information and communication technologies (ICTs) for persons with disabilities. It provides comprehensive information about ICT accessibility, and highlights that it is a cross-cutting issue that concerns a broad range of government agencies and ministries, including those for broadcasting, communication, education, employment and human rights areas. It gives detailed information about technology areas, policy guides and assessment framework

EFC publications : disability country profile 2012


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This resource presents the national level European country reports that examine the effect of the economic crisis, and its consequences in terms of austerity measures, on the rights and status of people with disabilities. In particular, the reports focus on the impact on the delivery of social services and income supports and allowances particularly aimed at people with disabilities

International workshop in CBR and persons with intellectual disabilities


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This website presents resources, images and related information from the International workshop on community-based rehabilitation (CBR) and persons with intellectual or learning disabilities on the occasion of the the First World CBR Congress. The workshop report and presentations are available in pdf format
"CBR and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities"
Agra, India
24-25 November 2012

Diverse abilities help us build a better working world


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Ernst & Young's website on disability inclusion has useful tools and details about disability inclusive work places.  The site contains information about their networks, people and related resources such as an office accessibility evaluation and guidelines for inclusive events

INCLUDE: A Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) learning community

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INCLUDE is an online learning community for community-based rehabilitation (CBR) that aims to inform and support CBR managers and interested stakeholders around the world.

It is an online programme that guides the user through different information modules based on the Community-based rehabilitation guidelines: health, education, livelihood, social and empowerment.

INCLUDE also provides tools to assist users to reflect on their own thoughts and experiences, and case studies that show CBR in action. INCLUDE allows the user to develop an action plan around management and the five components and corresponding elements of the CBR matrix.

These action plans can be stored and built on over time, and shared with others in the CBR community.

