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Global health observatory (GHO)


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The Global Health Observatory (GHO) provides access to WHO's global health-related statistics. The aim of the GHO is to: compile and verify major sources of health data; provide easy access to country data and metadata; present scientifically sound information in user-friendly formats. Specific areas are provided for theme pages, a data repository, reports, country statistics, a map gallery and standards

Aging and life course


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This WHO website presents information about the ageing of populations around the world. It highlights global programmes and networks, as well as challenges, opportunities and initiatives for developed and developing countries. It also contains links to specific topics and programmes, useful factsheets, publications and related organizations. This resource is useful for people interested in ageing and the life course

AHP stroke toolkit


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"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in stroke care. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence...This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the Outcomes Framework; Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"

AHP diabetes toolkit


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"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in diabetes care. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence....This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the Outcomes Framework; Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...This information is aimed at those involved in commissioning or developing diabetes care. The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"

AHP cancer toolkit


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"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in cancer. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence. This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the NHS Outcomes Framework and the Improving Outcomes: a strategy for cancer (Jan 2011); Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...This information is aimed at those involved in commissioning or developing cancer services. The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"

Global health observatory (GHO) : non-communicable diseases (NCD)


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This area of the global health observatory (GHO) provides access to WHO's global non-communicable disease (NCD) statistics. It presents general NCD information, mortality and morbidity statistics, risk factors, and the health system’s response and capacity to address and respond to NCDs. Links are also provided to related NCD data products. This database is useful to anyone interested in NCD related statistics and data

The WHO global infobase


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"The WHO Global InfoBase is a data warehouse that collects, stores and displays information on chronic diseases and their risk factors for all WHO member states...The Infobase assembles, for the first time in one place, non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factor data collected from WHO Member States. NCD risk factor data are crucial for predicting the future burden of chronic diseases in populations and also for identifying potential interventions to reduce the future burden. The Infobase online dissemination tool provides not only data but also health information to help users understand health enquiries worldwide and improve the health of nations." NCD indicators, mortalities and country profiles are provided, displaying the information with user-friendly tools including graphs, maps and data tables. This database is useful to anyone interested in NCD related statistics and data

World diabetes foundation


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The World Diabetes Foundation supports the prevention and treatment of diabetes in developing countries through partnerships. This website presents information about the Foundation, their key focus areas, global projects and stories from the field

Journal of human development, disability and social change

GAUCHER, Charles

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The bilingual Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change focuses on the development and diffusion of knowlege about personal and environmental determinants of the social participation of people with disabilities. The journal values "interdisciplinary", "cross-disability" and "transgenerational" perspectives: all disciplines, impairments and disabilities, as well as age groups are included. The publication accepts submissions from authors discussing about the rehabilitation, adaptation, social participation and people with disabilities human rights fields
Two issues per year

International workshop in CBR and persons with intellectual disabilities


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This website presents resources, images and related information from the International workshop on community-based rehabilitation (CBR) and persons with intellectual or learning disabilities on the occasion of the the First World CBR Congress. The workshop report and presentations are available in pdf format
"CBR and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities"
Agra, India
24-25 November 2012


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This is a web-based educational resource for health professionals responsible for the management of spinal cord injury (SCI). It is comprised of seven learning modules, each subdivided into various submodules. Six of the seven modules address the educational needs of all disciplines involved in comprehensive SCI management. The seventh module addresses prevention of SCI. Each submodule includes an overview, activities, self-assessment questions and references. The content of the learning modules is relevant to students and SCI healthcare professionals

Realife trust


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This website presents information about Realife, an action research development agency. The agency's original purpose was to work alongside up to 10 local families and to develop a range of initiatives based on their needs and preferences. Every project undertaken since then has been a result of requests from local people to set something up that they simply cannot find from their local authority or other voluntary agency. Information is oprovided about the services they offer and related news and resoruces

Medbox : the aid library


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Medbox is an online library aimed at improving the quality of healthcare in humanitarian action. An independent internet platform supported by international agencies and scientific institutions active in humanitarian assistance and development, this resource collates online professional guidelines, textbooks and practical documents on health action.


Resources are divided under the following main headings: Key resources (subheadings include Disaster Preparedness, WASH, Project Cycle Management), Clinical Guidelines, Pharmacy and Technologies, Women and Child Health, Public Health, Countries and Toolboxes



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Newsletter series published by Inclusion International, the international organisation of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.  The newsletters will be useful to persons with disabilities, particularly those fighting for the right to live independently, disabled person’s organisations and NGOs interested in inclusion and Article 19 of the CRPD

​Published quarterly

ICF education


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A web portal for the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) education materials. The portal is for sharing resources as well as for finding materials, and resources are available in a variety of languages including English, French, Dutch, German, Portuguese and Finnish

Applied research on disability in Africa : the East Africa report


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“This literature review concerns the achievements of a project which started in 2014 and will last three years. The aim of this project is the dissemination and promotion of applied research results and disability to researchers and field stakeholders of the African continent (particularly to Disabled People Organizations), in order to increase knowledge on the situation of people with disabilities and the recommendations made to improve their social participation… The goal of this literary review is to report on existing knowledge about applied research on East Africa, regarding physical disability, mental health and less on learning disabilities, the concerns of people with disabilities and their carers’, adults and children, medical aspects of disability, identification of disability, experiences of disability, policy and policy implementation”

My disability matters


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“My Disability Matters” is a membership website created for and by people with disabilities. The website shares news and opinions on about disability issues in Australia, with a special focus on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

For sensitizing intermediaries on sexual rights of young people with learning disabilities


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“This manual has been developed for organizations who wish to educate and sensitize staff, teachers and carers about the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of young people with mild to moderate learning disabilities. Although it mainly focuses on intermediaries that are staff in an institution for young people with learning disabilities, it may well also be appropriate as a programme for the parents and family of young people with learning disabilities. The manual provides a menu of exercises that can be used to sensitize intermediaries on how to create a protective environment for young people with learning disabilities to prevent sexual abuse and violence”

