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New Partnerships for EFA : building on experience

DRAXLER, Alexandra

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Early in 2007, UNESCO and the World Education Forum launched a new programme, ‘Partnerships for Education’ (PfE). PfE aims to create a global coalition among multi-stakeholder partnerships for education (MSPEs) in order to advance toward the objectives of Education for All (EFA)

Guidelines for national OVC programme coordination


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"This guide highlights key features of the national OVC programme coordination mechanism that allows for an effective national OVC response with harmonised interventions at different levels. The guide highlights key stakeholder programme coordination roles and composition. The OVC programme coordination mechanism is based on the conceptual understanding and agreement that a multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary and multi-level approach is needed in understanding the needs of OVC and coordinating an effective response to address these needs"

Civil society engagement for mainstreaming disability in the development process : report of an action research project initiated in Gujarat with multi-stakeholder partnership

Handicap International

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This report describes "a three-year action research (2002-2005), in Gujarat, to understand the prevailing situation and invoking the participation of civil society groups for mainstreaming disability... The four key strategies adopted in the project have been detailed to share how civil society groups can be mobilised and invoked to take concrete action for promoting participation of persons with disabilities on local issues, creation of a barrier-free environment, developing materials for public education and social communication and influencing development organisations for mainstreaming disability"

Improving the human rights performance of business through multi-stakeholder initiatives : summary report

December 2007

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This is a summary report on consultation of the UN Special Representative on business & human rights. "The consultation, convened by the Clean Clothes Campaign and hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in The Hague, brought some of the leading multi-stakeholder initiatives together with representatives from business, government, and civil society to address two interrelated objectives: first, to identify 'good', if not necessarily 'best', practices in the governance of multi-stakeholder initiatives, and second, to identify criteria for credible and effective implementation of supply chain codes of conduct"

UN development account project on improvement of disability statistics

LIU, Wei
September 2007

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This presentation presents background information about ESCAP and disability and statistics. It highlights the UN development account project, featuring the expected outcomes and activities. This resource is useful to anyone interested in projects focusing on the improvement of disability statistics
Seventh Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics
19-21 September 2007
Dublin, Ireland

Challenges of care : VSO-RAISA regional conference 2007 report back

PORTER, Stephen

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"The aim of the conference was to bring together stakeholders from different sectors, in order to create a forum for discussing innovative solutions to emerging issues affecting caregivers in community based organisations. Objectives included focusing on the challenges of care to women and children, identifying good home-based care practices, discussing policy and legal frameworks for home-based care, raising awareness of caregivers’ needs, exploring how to engage men in home-based care, and establishing networks for lobbying and advocacy"

Democratic dialogue : a handbook for practitioners

PRUITT, Bettye
THOMAS, Philip

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In acknowledging the important role dialogue processes can play in advancing peace, human development and democratic governance, a number of organisations came together to develop this methodological tool. It's aim is to help dialogue practitioners carry out their work in a more systematised way. This handbook is also available in Spanish

Investigating the mystery of capacity building : learning from the Praxis programme

WRIGELY, Rebecca

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This paper investigates the issue of capacity building, drawing on the experiences shared by capacity building practitioners through the INTRAC Praxis Programme over the past four years. “This DGIS-supported programme encouraged capacity building practitioners to reflect on, learn from and disseminate their experiences in the field, in attempt to discover what works and what does not in building capacity. Written by practitioners from diverse contexts on a wide variety of themes…this paper syntheses the learning -  that “to build capacity effectively, stakeholders need to articulate more clearly and negotiate a shared understanding of capacity building. This understanding should be rooted in the specific context and culture in which it takes place. We have to mitigate the inherent obstacles to capacity building in the aid system as far as possible. We also need to appreciate the degree of difficulty entailed in building capacity”


Praxis Paper series No. 18

CSO capacity for policy engagement : lessons learned from the CSPP consultations in Africa, Asia and Latin America

August 2006

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This paper explore the views of Southern civil society organisations (CSOs) on the issues of evidence-based policy engagement and came out of the Civil Society Partnerships Programme (CSPP). "During its first phase the CSPP conducted a series of consultative seminars and workshops in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The aim was to provide a forum for representatives from policy research institutions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), as well as other stakeholders, to come together. Participants discussed the opportunities and challenges for CSOs when using evidence to inform policy, presented lessons and best practice in this area, shared experiences about ongoing activities and identified opportunities for collaborative work"

Who is in...and for what? An analysis of stakeholders' influences in CBR

January 2006

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"CBR builds on the active involvement of people with disabilities, volunteers, community rehabilitation workers, trainers, planners, and policy makers and can therefore best be viewed as a ‘web of interactions’ between and among these people." This paper uses a stakeholder analyses to explore CBR working processes
Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal, Vol 17, No 1

Multistakeholder initiatives to combat money laundering and bribery


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This paper follows up on two examples of ‘multi-stakeholder initiatives’ and discusses their creation, the respective political and legal context. It provides some details about their operation in order to analyse them as current examples of the role of non-state actors in regulation. and also addresses some of the critique leveled against these initiatives and discusses the challenges

Disability at a glance : a profile of 28 countries and areas in Asia and the Pacific


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This publication provides "...disability-related data and policy-related information so that readers are able to see in detail how a particular country or area defines disability and collects related statistics, and implements the Biwako Millennium Framework, in particular, with regard to the establishment of a relevant institutional framework and policies." It is intended "...that this publication will serve as a basis for continuing dialogue amongst the stakeholders on reviewing current status of Government commitments on disability and serve as an impetus for further actions"

Building effective States : forging engaged societies

September 2005

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"This report of the Task Force on Capacity Development in Africa analyzes four decades of capacity development experience in Africa and offers key messages for African countries and their international partners that should underpin a renewed effort to develop, use, and retain capacity for development in Sub Saharan Africa. It also presents specific recommendations of how the World Bank, as a leading development agency in the region, should step up its analytical, financial, and operational contribution to capacity development as part of a coordinated international effort under the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. This paper contains the following chapters: why capacity development - and why now; governance matters for sustained capacity development; the new paradigm for capacity development; from shared vision to implementation platform - renewing the compact; and updating the World Bank's approach to capacity development in Africa - business unusual. The paper includes five annexes that cover the consultations, the literature review, and the country and portfolio evidence collected by the Task Force. It also includes a note on the World Bank Institute's capacity development activities in Africa"

Report number 37709

The global threat of counterfeit drugs : why industry and governments must communicate the dangers

WHITE, Nicholas J
March 2005

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This article suggests that many pharmaceutical companies and governments are reluctant to publicise the problem of counterfeit medicines to health staff and the public. It recommends mandatory reporting to governmental authorities, which should have a legal duty to investigate, issue appropriate public warnings, and share information across borders

The partnering toolbook


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This publication is in three parts: Part 1 is a short book that describes the generic partnering process from inception to conclusion. Part 2 is in the form of ‘stand alone’ tools to enable practitioners to develop effective partnerships. Part 3 includes more information about the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the issues around food fortification and case studies selected to be locally appropriate for each of the different language versions

Multi-stakeholder processes for governance and sustainability : beyond deadlock and conflict

et al

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"This book is about how people and organisations from very different backgrounds can work together in an increasingly complex political, social and economic environment.... "[It] puts forward a framework for designing multi-stakeholder processes (MSPs), aiming to contribute to the advancement of such mechanisms as will produce practical solutions. MSPs seem a promising path, both around (inter)governmental processes and independent of them"

Inter-agency network for education in emergencies (INEE)


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The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is a network of interested parties from international agencies and institutions working together to provide better access to education in the aftermath of emergencies. This website describes the main purpose of INEE and features information about their members and task groups. It also provides informative sections on knowledge and capacity, policy and coordination, links to events on education matters, and related resources

