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Report of the CACL task force on alternatives to guardianship


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This report presents a new conceptual framework for decision making. It is based on an enabling model which recognises a person's right to make decisions concerning their own life with the support of family and friends. A common misconception is that personal autonomy can only be achieved independently

Centre for social protection


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This website reviews, monitors and creates social protection policy designed to foster growth and development. The Centre for Social Protection aims to advance thinking and practice by: examining theoretical and applied research; providing advice to policy makers to help design policy and implement programmes; evaluate social protection interventions; deliver training courses; and share learning. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in policy development, advocacy and social protection


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This is an online tool providing UK local authorities and their partners with inspiring examples of technology enabled services that are improving the lives of disadvantaged people. It aims to help local partnerships share innovative ways to meet Local Area Agreement targets and improve performance against the National Indicators. It also provides examples of projects in the UK that use technology to enhance social inclusion



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This website presents information about HandyTax, an organisation that specializes in getting Canadians approved for the disability tax credit. It provides details about their services and disability information in Canada

Aging and life course


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This WHO website presents information about the ageing of populations around the world. It highlights global programmes and networks, as well as challenges, opportunities and initiatives for developed and developing countries. It also contains links to specific topics and programmes, useful factsheets, publications and related organizations. This resource is useful for people interested in ageing and the life course

Global action on aging


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Global action on aging reports on older people's needs and potential within the global economy. It advocates by, with and for older persons worldwide. This website provides information about their programs and news about aging developments worldwide. The programs cover the follow thematics: Elder rights; Health; Pension watch; Rural aging; Armed conflict & emergencies project; and Aging watch at the UN. Links are also provided to the weekly newsletter and internship program

EFC publications : disability country profile 2012


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This resource presents the national level European country reports that examine the effect of the economic crisis, and its consequences in terms of austerity measures, on the rights and status of people with disabilities. In particular, the reports focus on the impact on the delivery of social services and income supports and allowances particularly aimed at people with disabilities

Realife trust


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This website presents information about Realife, an action research development agency. The agency's original purpose was to work alongside up to 10 local families and to develop a range of initiatives based on their needs and preferences. Every project undertaken since then has been a result of requests from local people to set something up that they simply cannot find from their local authority or other voluntary agency. Information is oprovided about the services they offer and related news and resoruces

Disability benefits scheme database


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The database provides information on disability benefits in low and middle income countries in an excel spreadsheet format. The database focuses mainly on tax-financed disability benefits, but also includes some examples of social insurance schemes

