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Direct payments and mental health : new directions

LOWE, Janice

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Direct payments are community care monies paid directly to the people who require support, so that they can make their own choices about the support they receive. Successful implementation of direct payments in mental health relies on proactive managers who are clear about the task, knowledgable and committed practitioners, and informed service users and carers who are interested in exploring the options of direct payments. This report identifies action for these three groups as well as for national policy-making

Making cash count : lessons from cash transfer schemes in east and southern Africa for supporting the most vulnerable children and households

et al

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This is the report of a study comparing unconditional cash transfers to vulnerable groups in 15 countries in east and southern Africa, with in-depth analysis of four counties - Ethiopia, Lesotho, Mozambique and Zambia. Because cash transfers are new to this region, the aim is to draw lessons for policy from a comparative review. The report finds that knowledge gaps impede the development of meaningful policy. This work would be useful for anyone with an interest in vulnerable groups, development and the socio-economic factors

Social development and the 'information revolution' : lessons from research in Senegal

POWELL, Michael
March 2004

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This paper brings together a series of research studies that explore the scope of ICT-driven social change in Senegal. The studies focus on government, media, and business, as well as the health and education sectors. Several other studies looked at a broad range of social settings and collected statistics on the public use of ICTs. The paper presents the main findings of the research, and draws out policy implications

Convention document legal analysis : a legal commentary on the draft convention text produced by the working group for the UN Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dign


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The legal analysis of the draft convention text Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities is an exellent document explaining and commenting on the convention text. This document addresses both legal experts and people who need legal background information about the convention

Model national personal assistance policy


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Social policy is often characterised by legislation and administration hindering people who depend on it to benefit from it. This paper suggests we recognise the right of disabled people to have the power of decision. The concept of direct payments can help to provide better quality services which are person-centred and which help to eliminate monopolies in the field of social work

Measuring welfare for small but vulnerable groups : poverty and disability in Uganda


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When vulnerable groups such as disabled people are surveyed, representative welfare estimates from non-purposive sample surveys becomes an issue. This paper takes the example of Uganda and describes the connections between disability, poverty, wellbeing and social welfare. This is possibly the first time that statistically representative information on income poverty amongst disabled people has been generated for a developing country

Age and security : how social pensions can deliver effective aid to poor older people and their families. Summary report


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This is a summary of a report published by HelpAge International, which highlights the benefits of non-contributory pensions for older people. Social pension schemes (either universal or means tested) are in place in a number of developing countries, including Senegal, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Bangladesh and India and the evidence shows that they are effective means of ensuring that basic material needs are met. The report argues that social pensions will: help achieve the Millennium Development Goals; contribute to the human rights agenda; effectively target aid at minimum cost and improve the life chances of orphans and vulnerable children

Changing minds, policies and lives : improving protection of children in eastern Europe and central Asia. Redirecting resources to community-based services

FOX, Louise

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After more than a decade of coping with transition challenges in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the need for the reform of family and child welfare systems has been widely acknowledged. Through Changing minds, policies and lives, UNICEF and the World Bank have teamed up in an effort to developing knowledge and tools for the reform of three essential family welfare system regulators (decision making, standards and financing). This publication provides guidelines for redirecting monetary resources by changing financing flows primarily towards support for families at risk and family-based alternatives. This toolkit is part of a three set collection, the other two focus on standards to ensure family-centered outcomes, and decision making processes to reshape the gate-keeping system

Disability pensions and social security reform : analysis of the Latin American experience

DEMARCO, Gustavo

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This paper describes the disability pension arrangements prevailing in ten Latin American countries that reformed their pension systems. The analysis is limited to the topic of disability pensions, without attempting to evaluate other aspects such as accessibility.
Comparisons reveal that a wide variety of options for disability systems are possible. In the following sections general issues in the design of the disability-pension systems are identified

Are you listening : current practice in information, advice and advocacy services for older people

et al

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This study reports on a critical review of current practice in services designed to provide information, advice and advocacy for older people. The information is derived from a literature search, a search of the websites of local authority and major voluntary organisations, and three focus groups involving older people living in sheltered housing and elsewhere in the community. Examples of good practice are highlighted and some recommendations are made for future action

Orphans and other vulnerable children : what role for social protection?

LEVINE, Anthony
October 2001

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This report records the proceedings of the conference Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children: What Role for Social Protection? This two-day conference sought to promote awareness of the extent of the orphan and other vulnerable children crisis caused by HIV/AIDS, to provide practitioners with a forum to share best practices and other insights, and to probe the role of social protection in implementing a balanced response

Social security policy options for people with disabilities in South Africa : an international and comparative review

et al
March 2001

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This paper provides an overview of the social security system for disabled South Africans. It offers a comparative analysis of international public social security systems, identifies the gaps in the literature for further research, and provides recommendations for a more integrated and comprehensive system. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in social protection, disability and development

Children in Bulgaria : growing impoverishment and unequal opportunities

KOLEV, Alexandre
January 2001

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This paper investigates the changes that have occurred over the last decade in three dimensions of child welfare recognised as fundamental child rights - economic well-being, health and education. Then it concentrates on particularly vulnerable groups of children - those born of teenage and single mothers and those living in institutions. The data show that the human cost of economic transition has been high and children have been among the most vulnerable groups of the society

Chronic poverty and disability

YEO, Rebecca

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This report summarises the interconnections between disability and chronic poverty. After giving general information about different stakeholders, principles and structures, it presents two case studies (from India and Uganda) where action is being taken to mitigate or reduce chronic poverty among disabled people

Disability insurance in a multi-pillar framework

DE JONG, Philippe

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This paper draws attention to the fact that disability insurance needs to broaden its focus and cover more people than just the person with impairment. Many other people, including family members and friends, may have to make practical, financial and psychological adjustments to support the person with impairment.
This paper sees disability insurance as a multidimensional and complex system that should include governmental, private and social insurance aspects

Using a home care agency : a question and answer guide for disabled people


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These guidelines, produced by the Gateshead Personal Assistance Pilot Project, provide considerations for disabled people when looking for home care services. Different aspects are mentioned such as how to find an agency, administrative work and staff management.
Although this guide has been written for the situation in the UK, it also gives a more general overview of home care for disabled people

Disability principles

The Disability Alliance
October 1997

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"This booklet contains three documents which relate to the meeting held between the Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation and the Disability Alliance on 22nd November, 1975"
Editor's Note: This unabridged version was electronically scanned and reformatted from the original document by Mark Priestley, in consultation with Vic Finkelstein and Ken Davis

