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The feasibility of a universal pension in Belize

June 2011

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"This study assesses the feasibility of putting in place a universal pension in Belize. The report is structured into five sections. Section one looks at the situation of older people in Belize today in terms of demographics, health, work and poverty. Section two considers the adequacy of the existing social security system, assessing coverage and, in particular, the effectiveness of the NCP in reaching the poorest older people. Following on from this analysis, section three outlines the rationale for a universal pension in Belize, both in terms of the pension system, and the impacts it would have on reducing the poverty of older people, their families and Belizean society as a whole. Section four then assesses the affordability of a universal pension, and section five considers key issues to take into account in implementation"

Good practice in the development of management information systems for social protection

KIDD, Stephen

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This paper "aims to fill a gap in the literature by examining good practice in the design of MISs for social protection. Section 2 will describe MISs, pointing out that they are more than systems of computer hardware and application software. Section 3 will discuss the type of information required by social protection MISs, and the challenges in capturing, transferring and processing this information. Section 4 will assess the potential for introducing new technologies into social protection MISs in developing countries. Section 5 will conclude by examining issues around the integration of MISs in countries with multiple social protection schemes, and the extent to which a national Single Registry is an appropriate model"
Pension watch : briefings on social protection in older age, Briefing no 5

Making a living last longer : insights into older people's livelihood strategies

ERB, Susan

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This research report explores the challenges faced by older people in securing a sustainable livelihood in four countries. The research found that older people face significant barriers in achieving livelihood security due to lack of regular, predictable and sufficient cash income such as non-contributory pensions. Gender, destitution, and emergency preparedness emerged as cross-cutting issues that affect older people’s livelihood challenges regardless of location. The research also found that older people have only limited access to microfinance institutions (MFIs) and banks, and therefore to credit and savings facilities. It concludes by highlighting key guiding principles for governments, community-based organisations, NGOs, MFIs and others working to support older people to achieve greater livelihood security

Independence, choice and control : DLA and personal mobility in state-funded residential care|Volume 1 : report


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This report focuses upon: how the mobility component of DLA is being used by care home residents and the impact of the loss of this benefit; funding arrangements for meeting personal mobility needs between local authorities and care home providers; and responsibilities of care home providers in relation to the mobility needs of residents. Over 800 submissions from individuals, local authorities and providers were provided , and six oral evidence sessions were held for the compilation of this report
The executive summary and report are available in both word and pdf formats
Oral and written evidence is contained in volume 2 available on the website

Toolkit for long term recovery|Haiti : reconstruction for all

August 2010

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This toolkit suggests strategies and tools to improve disaster recovery and reconstruction practices for disabled people. It is structured around the following seven major thematic areas related to disability inclusive recovery and reconstruction: physical environment; livelihood, employment and social protection; transportation and communication; education; health; capacity building of disabled people's organisations (DPOs); and organisational and operational issues. This toolkit is useful for humanitarian agencies and NGOs in disasters situations

Social transfers : a critical strategy to meet the MDGs

BOURNE, Astrid Walker
August 2010

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"This paper outlines the crucial role that social transfers can play by providing an inclusive framework to reduce intergenerational and chronic poverty and accelerate progress to achieve the MDGs"
HelpAge policy briefing

Enabling Australia : inquiry into the migration treatment of disability

June 2010

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This report examines the assessment of health and community costs associated with a disability as part of the health test undertaken for Australia visa processing. It highlights the current approach and provides recommendations for improvement. Case studies and tables are provided. This report is useful for people interested in the migration treatment of disability in Australia

Achieving income security in old age for all Tanzanians : a study into the feasibility of a universal social pension

et al
May 2010

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"This report summarises the findings of an investigation into the feasibility of achieving universal access to old age income security through a social pension in Tanzania." The feasibility study provides an analysis of the cost, fiscal sustainability and financing options for a universal pension and concludes that introducing income security payments for all older Tanzanians is likely to significantly reduce old age poverty

Inclusive education in Pakistan : experiences and lessons learned from the ENGAGE project

et al
March 2010

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The purpose of the American Institutes for Research (AIR) project, Engaging with Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) in Development Cooperation (ENGAGE), was to increase the participation of DPOs and people with disabilities in the planning and implementation of development efforts. This brief describes the work of the ENGAGE Project in Pakistan to address the issue of increasing access and participation to quality learning environments for children with disabilities

Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines|Livelihood component

et al

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This component of the CBR Guidelines focuses on inclusive livelihoods. It describes "the role of CBR is to facilitate access for people with disabilities and their families to acquiring skills, livelihood opportunities, enhanced participation in community life and self-fulfilment." The guideline outlines key concepts, and then presents the core concepts, examples and areas of suggested activities in each of the following five elements: Skills development; Self-employment; Wage employment; Financial services; Social protection. This guideline is useful for anyone interested in livelihood component of CBR

Disabled children : a legal handbook

READ, Janet

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This handbook aims to empower disabled children and their families through a greater understanding of their rights and entitlements in England and Wales. It is useful reading for the families of disabled children, their advocates and lawyers, voluntary and statutory sector advisers, commissioners, managers and lawyers working for public authorities, education, social and health care professionals, students and academics

The potential impact of the global economic downturn on persons with disabilities

et al
October 2009

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This paper examines the potential impact of the global economic downturn on people with disabilities in both developed and developing countries. The paper highlights the importance of the inclusion of disabled people in government policies and programmes to minimize the impact of the economic downfall. This paper is useful for economists, international development practitioners and policy-makers
Working Paper Series No 9

Securing our common future : why investing in reducing age based vulnerabilities is necessary in the global economic crisis : background issues paper

BEALES, Sylvia
September 2009

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"This paper argues that comprehensive age friendly social policy responses to both the financial crisis and to demographic transition are necessary and affordable, and that a focus on investment in the health, livelihoods and economic security of the older poor for the benefit of future generations is more urgent than ever"

Social health insurance for improving access to care for disabled and elderly people in developing countries

OKEBUKOLA, Peter Oluseyi
August 2009

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“The elderly and the disabled like most disadvantaged groups, often have to pay higher premiums for health insurance than the general population. This condition usually leads to low health insurance coverage for these groups of people and may affect their ability to access healthcare, in view of the fact that they are not the most economically productive group of the general population. This review seeks to explore the possible role of social health insurance in solving this problem”

The disability monitor initiative – Middle East journal : issue 1

COTE, Alexandre
et al
February 2009

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This journal issue focuses upon the issues, challenges and debates of social protection and persons with a disability in the Middle East and contains informative articles about social protection in the Middle Eastern context regarding policy and good practices. This issue includes articles about social protection topics such as gate keeping and social services, and has a practical focus on the three issues of health insurance, cash transfer and exemption. It also includes a list of relevant publications

The journal is an advocacy initiative that gathers and disseminates information on relevant disability topics underpinning the move towards full participation and equal opportunities of people with disabilities. It is primarily based on field research consulting with people with disabilities, service providers, members of civil society, government officials and local authorities

The Disability Monitor Initiative – Middle East Journal, Issue 1

Home truths : facing the facts on children, AIDS and poverty

ADAMS, Alayne

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This report summarises the main reports and recommendations of the Joint Learning Initiative on Children and HIV/AIDS (JLICA). The primary inputs are technical papers and synthesis papers produced by JLICA’s four Learning Groups, which over two years researched and analysed the following areas: * Strengthening families; * Community action; * Expanding access to services and protecting human rights, and * Social and economic policies. The report makes the case for redirecting the response to HIV and AIDS to address children’s needs more effectively

Child health : generating the will


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This edition of Global Future explores the nature of political will and what is required to reduce rates of under-five mortality and realise Millennium Development Goals (MDG) four (to reduce under-five mortality) and five (to improve maternal health). Authors from around the world lay out the "why, who, what and how" of the actions needed to realise these MDGs and get more countries on track quickly. At the time of publication only 16 of the 68 countries with the highest rates of child death were on track to reach MDG four

Social protection policy : responses to older people’s needs in Zanzibar


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This report presents the social protection findings of a study that examines the needs of older people on the archipelago of Zanzibar. The study presents an analysis and develops policy recommendations on social protection and health, making links between the two areas where possible. This report is useful to anyone interested in social protection policy in Zanzibar

Study on social and health services of general interest in the European Union : final synthesis report

HUBER, Manfred
MAUCHER, Mathias
SAK, Barbara
June 2008

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This report seeks to improve the knowledge of both operators and the European Commission about the situation of social and health services of general interest in the European Union (EU). It is also designed to examine the impact of the EU rules on the development of social and health services. The purpose is to eventually establish a monitoring and dialogue tool in the form of biennial reports

