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4th report on the world nutrition situation : nutrition throughout the life cycle

January 2000

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"The Fourth Report on the World Nutrition Situation is part of a series of ACC/SCN reports initiated in the mid-1980s on the nutritional status of populations in developing countries. This report is built around the theme ‘nutrition throughout the life cycle’ This report highlights the size of the malnutrition problem and its consequences for human and economic development. It stresses the need to move ahead in creative partnerships. The Fourth Report provides evidence of contrasts - contrasts in the prevalence and trends of malnutrition, contrasts in actions taken, contrasts in progress made, and contrasts in the availability of data on the extent and causes of malnutrition"

Incidence of malaria among children living near dams in northern Ethiopia : community based incidence survey

et al
September 1999

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Describes a study to assess the impact of the construction of microdams on the incidence of malaria in nearby communities in terms of possibly increasing peak incidence and prolonging transmission. Found that overall incidence of malaria for the villages close to the dams was 14.0 episodes per 1000 child months at risk compared with 1.9 in the control villages: a sevenfold ratio. Incidence was significantly higher in both communities at altitudes below 1900 m. Concludes that there is a need for attention to be given to health issues in the implementation of ecological and environmental development programmes, specifically for appropriate malaria control measures to counteract the increased risks near these dams

Changing home treatment of childhood fevers by training shop keepers in rural Kenya

et al
May 1999

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Malaria control in Africa relies primarily on early effective treatment for clinical disease, but most early treatments for fever occur through self-medication with shop-bought drugs. Lack of information to community members on over-the-counter drug use has led to widespread ineffective treatment of fevers, increased risks of drug toxicity and accelerating drug resistance. This study examined the feasibility and measured the likely impact of training shop keepers in rural Africa on community drug use. It concludes that this approach is both feasible and likely to have a significant impact

