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Women and HIV : questions answered

RICHEY, Catherine
August 2007

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Questions and answers are grouped into 4 sections: basic facts about HIV; family planning and HIV; health of mother and infant; and mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Shadow report : Review of country coordinating mechanism proposals with SRH-HIV/AIDS integration submitted to the Global Fund round 7

DALY, M. Felicity
August 2007

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This report considers efforts to integrate sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in the HIV & AIDS components of country coordinated proposals submitted in July 2007 by Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) for the 7th Round of funding by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund).

Uganda demographic health survey 2006

August 2007

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The 2006 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) is a nationally representative survey of 8,531 women age 15-49 years and 2,503 men age 15-54 years and is the first such survey to cover the entire country. The primary purpose of the UDHS is to furnish policymakers and planners with detailed information on fertility; family planning; infant, child, adult, and maternal mortality; maternal and child health; nutrition; and knowledge of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. In addition, in one in three households selected for the survey, women age 15-49, men age 15-54, and children under age 5 years were weighed and their height was measured to assess their nutritional status. Women, men, and children age 6-59 months, in this subset of households were also tested for anemia, and in addition the women and children were tested for vitamin A deficiency. In addition to the main report, the key findings, a preliminary report, a wall chart and fact sheet are also available online

Community based approaches to prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV : findings from a low income community in Kenya

KAAI, Susan-Baek
et al
August 2007

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This is the report of an intervention study in Kibera, an urban slum in Nairobi, to determine what effect three different community-based activities had on the utilisation of key prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services. The interventions included moving services closer to the population via mobile clinics, as well as increasing psychosocial support through the use of traditional birth attendants and peer counsellors as PMTCT promoters

Building capacity through financial management : a practical guide

August 2007

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“This guide provides an overview of financial management and the practical tools that can help build the financial capacity of non-profit organisations. Using case studies to demonstrate good practice, it offers practical advice in how to work with a partner organisation to build financial capacity. Intended for managers and trustees of non-profit organisations, the guide provides tools and techniques for using financial skills to improve organisational and programme management. enabling them to build their own financial systems. It is also of use to those assessing another organisation's financial capacity”

Key findings from an evaluation of the mothers2mothers program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

BAEK, Carolyn
et al
June 2007

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Mothers2mothers (m2m) is a peer support programme that aims to provide education and psycho-social support to HIV-positive pregnant women and new mothers' help women access existing health care services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT); and follow up with mothers and babies to ensure they receive appropriate medical care after delivery. While there has been much interest in innovative psycho-social support programmes that complement PMTCT clinical services, only a few such programmes exist, and there are very little data about their effectiveness. Although m2m is a well known programme with anecdotal accounts of successfully supporting HIV-positive women, it had yet to undergo an external evaluation. The Horizons Program of Population Council, in collaboration with Health Systems Trust, completed the first evaluation of m2m as part of its introduction in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa

The essentials of antiretroviral therapy for health care and program managers

HOPE, Ruth
April 2007

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This book provides health care workers and mangers with information and practical guidance relating to antiretroviral therapies (ART). It also considers wider care and treatment issues such as; opportunistic infections, the integration of ART with antenatal and midwifery services, the particular needs of children and young people, support relating to nutrition, spiritual needs, psycho-social and economic issues. In addition, the need for community level support to help with adherence to treatment and address stigma and discrimination are also considered, as is end-of-life care for people whose disease does not respond to treatment

Promoting safety of medicines for children


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These guidelines are intended to improve awareness of medicine safety issues among everyone who has an interest in the safety of medicines in children and to provide guidance on effective systems for monitoring medicine safety in the paediatric populations. The document will be of interest to all healthcare professionals, medicine regulatory authorities, pharmacovigilance centres, academia, the pharmaceutical industry and policy-makers

Behind the pandemic : uncovering the links between social inequity and HIV/AIDS


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This is an education toolkit which takes an exploratory and participatory approach to helping improve people's understanding about international HIV and AIDS issues and the links between HIV and AIDS and social inequity and poverty. There are three modules: Background and Basics, a Global HIV Pandemic Simulation, and Moving Into Action: Stopping the Pandemic. It also contains an extensive information section and instructions for leading the sessions

Pain relieving drugs in 12 African PEPFAR countries : mapping current providers, identifying current challenges, and enabling expansion of pain control provision in the management of HIV/AIDS

HARDING, Richard
et al
January 2007

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This study aims to identify current opioid prescribing services and regulatory bodies within 12 African PEPFAR (Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ) countries, and to examine the barriers to, and appraise the potential for, expansion in the number of opioid providers, for people with HIV and AIDS according to the World Health Organization pain ladder. It concludes that while there are common issues raised by services and International Narcotics Control Board competent authorities, it is clear that these key stakeholders have concerns regarding the potential roll-out of opioids

Access to pain relief - an essential human right


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This report highlights the lack of pain control currently available around the world. It recommends urgent government action to ensure that all sections of society have equal and adequate access to pain control. It is estimated that 100 million people could benefit from basic palliative care every year. Data in this report show that even in established palliative care units, patients lack access to pain control that they need

Nutritional anaemia


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This is guide offers a comprehensive summary of the critical issues from prevalence data and statistics, to economics, through to the diagnosis, funcational consequences and background information on each of the micronutrients believed to be directly or indirectly invovled in anaemia

HIV and infant feeding : new evidence and programmatic experience

et al

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This report aims to clarify and refine existing UN guidance on HIV and infant feeding. It follows a previous technical consultation in 2000 and presents a summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations regarding HIV and Infant Feeding between 2000 and 2006

Continuum of care for HIV-positive women accessing programs to prevent parent-to-child transmission : findings from India

MAHENDRA, Vaishali S
et al

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This is the report of a diagnostic study in 2005 to provide an evidence base to strengthen the national Indian prevention of parent-to-child transmission (PPTCT) initiative. The key research questions were: What are the treatment, care, and support needs of HIV-positive women and what services do the women utilize to meet their needs? What are the different ways (clinic-based, community-based, etc) to link HIV-positive women and their families with treatment and care services? The study indicated that linkages between PPTCT and HIV care services, as well as PPTCT and reproductive health services, were limited

The guidebook nutritional anaemia


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This guidebook offers a comprehensive summary of the critical issues from prevalence data and statistics, to economics, through to diagnosis, functional consequences and background information on each of the micronutrients believed to be directly or indirectly involved in anemia

Practical guide on road safety : a toolkit for National Red Cross


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This practical guide "is intended as a summary of road safety problems and solutions worldwide. It also describes the activities of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the field of road safety and suggests possible improvements. In addition, the toolkit includes 20 recommendations that can be undertaken by the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies"

The relationship between detection delay and impairment in leprosy control : a comparison of patient cohorts from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

VAN VEEM, Natasja H J
MEIMA, Abraham
December 2006

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"It is acknowledged that longer delays between first symptoms and diagnosis result in increased impairment in newly detected leprosy patients. However, it is unclear whether detection delay in relation to impairment can be used as a general or absolute performance indicator of leprosy control programmes. It is unknown whether similar delays always result in similar proportions of impairment. Therefore, the present study examined the quantitative relationship between delay and impairment in two different patient populations"
Leprosy Review, Vol 77, Issue 4

Insecticide resistance and malaria control : current trends in research

April 2006

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This article outlines current trends in malaria research. Recent research studies, here briefly reviewed, have focused on the molecular scale of resistance in Anopheles, geographical scale of resistance in Africa, impact of insecticide-treated nets (ITN) in host-seeking vectors, implications of resistance for malaria control, pyrethroids and alternative insecticides, and on new initiatives to fast track the development of improved insecticides

Deadly links between mobility and HIV/AIDS

DODSON, Belinda
CRUSH, Jonathan
March 2006

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This volume of 'Crossings' is devoted to articles looking at the two-way connections between migration and HIV & AIDS. Not only can migration put people at greater risk of infection or reduce their access to medical care, but HIV & AIDS can also drive migration - both of adults and children

Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America : new advances in prosthetics and orthotics

KRAFT, George H
February 2006

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"This issue reviews the biomechanical assessment of the lower limb as well as discussing new dynamic lower limb orthoses used to compensate for weakness. Although lower limb amputations are less common than in the past, they still occur, and new developments are discussed. These include new developments in postoperative management, new socket designs and suspensions, new prostheses, and microprocessors for knee units. One of the newest concepts discussed is the use of the Lokomat robotic gait orthosis for gait retraining. The most striking of the new developments in upper limb prosthetics is the work done on myoelectric designs with myoelectric implants as a means of control. These are discussed in detail by a physician and prosthetist familiar with these topics. Other important topics are also covered. These include scoliosis treatment using spinal orthoses, orthotic management of the limb suffering from neuropathic pain, and the use of prosthetics in pediatric amputations"
Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America, Vol 17, No 1

