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Tips and techniques


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This manual and video is a useful guide for anyone new to using a motion camera. It covers dealing with light, sound, and movement, and techniques such as panning, tilting, and zooming. More advanced concepts are introduced, such as composition, direction, and safety precautions, including how to use the camera without attracting unwanted attention

Overcoming resource barriers : the challenge of implementing inclusive education in rural areas

MILES, Susie

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This paper examines inclusive education in rural areas and presents case studies highlighting potential barriers and solutions and lessons learnt. The summary of lessons learnt includes the following point: to embrace the whole school approach; to ensure specialist support is at national level; to ensure access to information for teachers; and to develop teacher training and create community involvement. This paper is useful for people interested in inclusive education in rural areas
A Symposium on Development Policy "Children with Disabilities and the Convention on the Rights of the Child"
Bonn, Germany
27-29 October 2000

The Delhi declaration on people's right to safety


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This declaration presents safety as a human right, which provides an important policy tool for injury control and safety promotion. It outlines the rationale, the definition of safety, the declaration and future next steps. This report is useful to anyone interested in safety as a human right
5th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control
New Delhi, India
8th March 2000

Promises promises : the reality of the Oslo peace accords. A report on the socio-economic impact of the Oslo peace accords on the Palestinian community in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

O'REILLY, Siobhan
May 1999

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The aim of this report is to examine how the lives of ordinary Palestinians have been affected by the implementation of the accords coming out of the Oslo peace process in 1993. It draws on the evidence and experience of World Vision, which has been working in the area since 1975, and also of its partners who are working to provide economic, medical, educational, psychological and spiritual assistance to Palestinians throughout the Occupied Territories. The report finds that the majority of Palestinians have experienced a serious deterioration in living standards, in terms of income, employment, ownership of property and land, and freedom of movement. The Palestinian economy has also declined with GNP per capita falling by 35%. Several key trends are identified: denial of individual rights; weakening of the collective strength of the Palestinian community; demographic engineering; continuation of the long-term strategy to control the West Bank and East Jerusalem; accelerated dehumanisation of the "other"; widening disparities and use of the language of apartheid; and "security" breeding insecurity. The report makes a number of policy recommendations in the light of the findings

Violence against disabled women

March 1999

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This report summarizes available data and research on the prevalence of violence in the lives of women and girls with disabilities -including domestic abuse and battering, sexual abuse and rape, and forms of violence masked as socially accepted treatment

Communications and development : a practical guide


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DFID guide to development communications in three sections: background (channels of communication, rights, participation, implications to poor people and civil society); guide to implementing development communications (including forming a strategy, planning, using mass media, building capacity); guide to different media (drama/performance, mass media, ICT)

Disabled village children : a guide for community health workers, rehabilitation workers, and families


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This well-known manual contains a wealth of information that is crucial for therapists, professionals and community groups. It deals comprehensively with all common childhood disabilities including polio, cerebral palsy, juvenile arthritis, blindness and deafness. It provides clear, detailed information and easy-to-implement ideas for rehabilitation at the village level, the development of skills, making low-cost aids and the prevention of disabilities

Young people with a physical disability


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This is the report of a seminar in Ghent which brought together young disabled people from Sri Lanka, Uganda and Romania. It includes papers on rights and the worldwide situation of young disabled people, and a debate on the life experiences of the participants from developing countries

Training manual for media and disability rights

HURST, Rachel

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This manual was developed for disabled people’s organisations. It aims to empower disabled people to be recognised by the media in their countries in a positive way. The manual is divided into different training sessions and gives hints for the trainers. It is targeted at disability equality trainers, disabled people's organisations and other people working in disability NGOs

The ageing and development report : a summary. Poverty, independence and the world's older people

RANDEL, Judith
EWING, Deborah

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This is a summary of a report on the circumstances of older people in developing countries and countries in transition. It has chapters on economic security, health, family and community life, poverty, gender, and emergencies. It also includes information on demographic trends and ageing in specific countries and regions. It is suitable for planners, managers, trainers and students

Female genital mutilation programmes to date : what works and what doesn't, a review

ALI, Nancy A
et al

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This review looks at the status of female genital mutilation programming, the types of behaviour change strategies being implemented, their successes and failures, what lessons have been learned, and what support and strategies are required if the goal of eliminating female genital mutilation is to be achieved. The review focuses on the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions

Women and girls with disabilities : defining the Issues|An overview


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This report addresses a wide range of issues -including physician assisted suicide, access to health care, reproductive rights and health, family life, education and employment, violence against disabled women and girls, and disabled women's leadership. The report also considers how applying a "disability lens" and reflecting the values and vision of disability feminism can help bring the voices of disabled women and girls to the policy arena and to feminist research, policy and advocacy agendas

Human rights and HIV/AIDS

June 1998

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HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes engage the full range of human rights. International human rights instruments recognise that only non-derogable rights are absolute; other rights may be limited under certain circumstances. However the power to restrict such rights is narrwoly proscribed. To prevent the further spread of HIV/AIDS, while simultaneously protecting the rights of those infected with HIV and those who are not, HIV/AIDS policymakers must review the legality of HIV/AIDS policies, evaluate their public health goals, assess whether the policies can achieve those goals, and weigh whether the benefits outweigh the financial and human rights burden

