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Advocacy toolkit : a guide to influencing decisions that improve children’s lives

COHEN, David
et al

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This toolkit "provides a broadly accepted definition of advocacy and underscores UNICEF’s unique position and experience in advocacy. The heart of the Toolkit provides detailed steps, guidance and tools for developing and implementing an advocacy strategy. The Toolkit also outlines eight foundational areas that can help strengthen an office’s capacity for advocacy, and covers several crosscutting aspects of advocacy including monitoring and evaluating advocacy, managing knowledge in advocacy, managing risks in advocacy, building relationships and securing partnerships for advocacy and working with children and young people in advocacy. Special focuses examine a variety of specific topics, including human rights and equity approaches to advocacy, theories of change, and conducting advocacy in humanitarian situations"

Child protection in emergencies : coordinator’s handbook

KRUEGER, Alexander

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This handbook is "intended for child protection specialists working in complex emergencies and disasters. It provides essential information for those professionals tasked with initiating the Child Protection co-ordination mechanism within the Humanitarian Reform process and cluster protocols. The handbook represents the collective learning and thinking of the sector on how to optimise the impact of efforts for children through careful and strategic co-ordination, and how to avoid unintended harm through fragmented poorly coordinated responses. The expectation is that whenever it is needed, children’s protection will be an active and coordinated part of preparedness, response and recovery"

Child disciplinary practices at home : evidence from a range of low- and middle-income countries


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This report analyses findings on child discipline from 35 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted in low and middle-income countries in 2005 and 2006. Questions on child discipline were addressed to the mother (or primary caregiver) of one randomly selected child aged 2-14 years in each household. The questionnaire asked whether any member of the household had used various disciplinary practices with that child during the past month. The survey covered eight violent disciplinary practices, some of which were psychological (such as shouting and name calling) while others were physical (such as shaking and hitting). The surveys also collected information on three nonviolent forms of discipline, such as explaining why a behaviour is wrong. Finally, interviewers asked the mother (or primary caregiver) about her or his personal beliefs regarding the need for physical punishment in child rearing"

Child-centred disaster risk reduction : building resilience through participation : lessons from Plan International


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This report “presents the results and recommendations of a five-year programme and…includes a series of case studies illustrating how child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) supports the delivery of the Hyogo Framework’s Priorities for Action, as well as the realisation of children’s rights to education, health and participation within disaster risk contexts…Child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction is an innovative approach to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) that fosters the agency of children and youth, in groups and as individuals, to work towards making their lives safer and their communities more resilient to disasters”

Recognition, respect and rights: disabled women in a globalised world


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Following a statistically rich overview of the position of disabled women and girls globally, the position of disabled women and girls in Australia is reported. The human rights violations of disabled women in the context of violence, sterilisation and, motherhood and parenting are discussed. The history, evolution and current structure of the Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) organisation are described. Some of the challenges and successes of WWDA are also described including: dealing with authorities; negotiating the local, the national and the global; using the new communication technologies; and forming strategic alliances.

State of the rights of persons with disabilities in Bangladesh 2009

December 2009

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This report is an assessment of the state of the rights of persons with disabilities in Bangladesh, with regard to the recent implementation of the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) of which Bangladesh is a signatory. The report analyzes laws and policies’ affecting the lives of disabled people in Bangladesh. This report would be of interest to disabled people and those who work in the disability sector in Bangladesh

Cartagena action plan 2010-2014 : ending the suffering caused by antipersonnel mines

December 2009

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This paper presents the Cartagena action plan 2010-2014. It provides an introduction and then outlines the following areas: universalizing the Convention; destroying stockpiled anti-personnel mines; clearing mined areas; assisting the victims; international cooperation and assistance for achieving the Convention’s aims; and additional actions essential to achieving the Convention’s aims
Second Review Conference of the Mine Ban Treaty
Cartagena, Colombia
29 November - 4 December 2009

Assisting the victims : recommendations on implementing the Cartagena action plan 2010 - 2014

December 2009

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“"This document is primarily intended to provide recommendations to States Parties on each action related to victim assistance in such a way as to facilitate a holistic and integrated approach to addressing the rights and needs of mine victims. The recommendations are not intended to replace existing plans, but rather, should be considered as ideas for enhancing the implementation of the Cartagena Action Plan in the period 2010 to 2014"

The state of the world's children : special edition

et al
November 2009

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This report celebrates 20 years of the Convention of the Rights of the Child. Chapters consider the timeless relevance of the convention; offer essays on a number of different perspectives on the convention; and look at the challenges for making the convention a reality in the 21st century. The online pack includes the report, statistics, panels, photo panels, a video and a press centre

Respect, protect and fulfill : legislating for women’s rights in the context of HIV/AIDS

November 2009

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This two-volume resource contains eight modules draws together international human rights law and illustrative examples from various jurisdictions as the basis for developing a legal framework to respect, protect and fulfill women’s rights in the context of HIV and AIDS. It is intended as a tool to assist human rights advocates and policy-makers as they reform or develop laws to meet the legal challenges posed by the HIV epidemic. It is not intended for any one country. Rather, it is designed to be adaptable to the needs of various countries within sub-Saharan Africa and beyond

Disability at a glance 2009 : a profile of 36 countries and areas in Asia and the Pacific

November 2009

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This document provides disability information and statistics for 36 countries within the Asia and Pacific regions focusing upon the population of persons living with disabilities. The contextual definition of disability is outlined in each of these countries, as well as national policy, programmes and institutional mechanisms that exist on disability issues. This would be useful document for people who are interested in disability information in Asian and Pacific countries

HIV, disability and discrimination : making the links in international and domestic human rights law

ELLIOTT, Richard
ZACK, Elisse
November 2009

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This article looks at the links between HIV and AIDS and disability; gives a brief overview of how both are treated in international human rights law; and looks at some of the ways in which national anti-discrimination laws reflect the links between HIV and AIDS and disability, with representative examples from various countries. The conclusions and recommendations suggest how future collaborations between HIV and disability rights activists might advance human rights at the international level, for example by making use of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Inclusive local development : how to implement a disability approach at local level

November 2009

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This policy paper outlines Handicap International's mandate and values in the field of the inclusive local development. It presents the organisation's actions, choices and commitments in the area of local inclusive development, and provides the six main components of projects. Future possibilities and potential limitations are also highlighted. This policy paper is useful to people who have an interest in disability rights and inclusive local development initiatives

Mainstreaming disability in the development agenda

November 2009

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"The report presents an overview of the status of disability-inclusive development cooperation within the framework of multilateral, regional and bilateral initiatives. The report concludes with recommendations for mainstreaming disability in the development agenda and development cooperation"

Recommendations for national action plans on victim assistance 2010 - 2014|Building on international standards, lessons learned and field expertise for an effective and sustainable impact

MUNOZ, Wanda
October 2009

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This report provides recommendations to support stakeholders involved in creating and updating national action plans on victim assistance throughout the period 2010-2014. The recommendations are in accordance with the Cartagena Action Plan and other international humanitarian and human rights standards. The report provides a background on victim assistance and highlights recommendations using six key elements. This report is useful for countries affected by mines/explosive remnants of war (ERW), survivors, disabled persons’ organisations (DPO) and other civil society representatives, international organisations and countries committed to international cooperation

Understanding the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities : a handbook on the human rights of persons with disabilities|2nd edition

SCHULZE, Marianne
September 2009

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This manual is a useful tool for explaining the content of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and provides comprehensive information about the negotiation and drafting process. It provides a detailed overview of the CRPD and the positions taken by the different stakeholders involved. Information is highlighted about interpreting the text of the CRPD and CRPD implementation at the local, national, regional and international levels. This manual is useful for people for people working in the field of disability, development and human rights

Women with disabilities in development : intersecting invisibility, intersecting realities

August 2009

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"This report briefly reviews selected literature on the situation of women with disabilities in development, chosen from among the bibliographical references provided by participants in the e-discussion. Next, it will present a summation of the challenges that confront girls and women with disabilities in development as identified by the participants. Finally, it will conclude with recommendations from the participants on how development actors and others can help address these challenges"
A Report on the E-Discussion on Women with Disabilities in Development, March 2009

Women with disabilities Australia : submission to inform the development of the framework for the new national women's health policy

SWIFT, Karin
August 2009

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"This Submission focuses predominantly on the Framework for the new National Women’s Health Policy, in the context of human rights and women with disabilities. It examines what is meant by the ‘right to health’ and looks at women with disabilities’ right to health under the relevant international human rights treaties to which Australia is a party"

