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Document on violence against women with disabilities

October 2010

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This paper presents information about violence against women with disabilities. It defines disability and gender-based violence, highlights why women with disabilities are targets of violence, and provides recommendations to stakeholders to ensure the rights of women with disabilities against violence. This paper is useful to anyone interested violence against women with disabilities
Discussion group on violence
4 October 2010

Review of leprosy research evidence (2002-2009) and implications for current policy and practice

et al
September 2010

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"The ILEP Technical Commission (ITC) advises ILEP member associations on technical aspects of leprosy. A major review of research evidence in leprosy was published prior to the International Leprosy Congress in 2002. This current report updates that review based on research published between 2002-2009 and focuses on interventions for prevention, early diagnosis, chemotherapy, reactions, prevention of disability, stigma measurement and reduction and rehabilitation in leprosy"
Leprosy Review, Vol 81, Issue 3

Understanding the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities : a handbook on the human rights of persons with disabilities|3rd edition

SCHULZE, Marianne
August 2010

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This manual is a useful tool for explaining the content of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It provides comprehensive information about the negotiation and drafting process, a detailed overview of the CRPD presenting information about each article, and the positions taken by the different stakeholders involved. It highlights the key documents adopted by United Nations bodies following the adoption of the Convention and the importance of the obligation to involve DPOs. This manual is useful for people for people working in the field of disability, development and human rights at the local, national, regional and international levels

"As if we weren’t human" : discrimination and violence against women with disabilities in northern Uganda

BARRIGA, Shantha Rau KWON, Soo-Ryun
August 2010

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After 20 years of displacement and war in northern Uganda, this research report presents information about the situation of women who acquired their disabilities due to the war or who already had disabilities before the war. The report presents interviews from women with disabilities, their family members, international agencies and NGOs, and analyses their responses given the context that Uganda is a signatory to international treaties, such as the CRPD. The report concludes by making recommendations to the government of Uganda

Disability rights or disabling rights? CRPD alternative report

August 2010

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This report, prepared by a collaborative network of disabled peoples organizations and their allies, is the parallel civil society report submitted along with the governments report as specified by article 35 of the CRPD. The civil society organisations provide an analysis of the present situation of people with disabilities according to the articles of the CRPD and make recommendations to the Hungarian government to enable evidence based legislative and policy planning. This resource is useful for people interested in the situation of people with disabilities in Hungary

Social transfers : a critical strategy to meet the MDGs

BOURNE, Astrid Walker
August 2010

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"This paper outlines the crucial role that social transfers can play by providing an inclusive framework to reduce intergenerational and chronic poverty and accelerate progress to achieve the MDGs"
HelpAge policy briefing

Left out twice : living with HIV/AIDS and disabilities

BARRIGA, Santhu Rau
July 2010

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This article documents the experiences and prejudices which women with HIV and Aids and disabilities face. These include the risk of sexual violence to disabled women, and the difficulty in persuading partners to consent to safe sex. The article concludes with suggestions as to how the link between HIV and disability can be better researched and funded. This article would be of interest to those who are interested in HIV and disability

Protect for the future : placing children's protection and care at the heart of the MDGs

DELAP, Emily
et al
July 2010

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This paper argues that, in relation to children, this vital change in approach must go beyond a consideration of survival, health and education rights already specifically referred to in the millennium development goals (MDGs), to encompass rights relating to children’s protection and care. These include recognition of the central importance of family-based care for child wellbeing, and children’s rights to be free from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. It is argued that only through a consideration of such rights will it be possible to make wide-reaching and sustainable progress in efforts to alleviate child poverty, increase access to education, improve maternal and child health, and reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS

Mapping of child protection M&E tools

AGER, Alastair
July 2010

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The availability of effective measurement tools is a clear prerequisite for the strengthening of monitoring and evaluation within the field of child protection. This report provides a structured review of a sample of 124 child protection M&E tools
Note: Annexes are available to download in separate files

Advocacy toolkit : campaign for a new optional protocol to the CRC establishing a communications procedure

June 2010

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This advocacy toolkit has been prepared to support those who are interested in joining the campaign for a communications procedure under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). It contains background information about the campaign, lists of campaigning and lobbying activities you could undertake at national level, questions and answers, a glossary and a feedback form

Sexuality education for individuals with autism spectrum disorders : critical issues and decision making guidelines

June 2010

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"This paper presents one position in support of sexuality education for children and adolescents with ASD (autism spectrum disorders). The nature of human sexuality is discussed to provide a context for the rights of individuals with ASD to learn about their sexuality. Further justification for providing sexuality education in terms of the unique characteristics of this population is offered in conjunction with potential consequences of failing to provide sexuality education. Lastly, information regarding a decision-making process for sexuality education curriculum is presented, including the responsibilities of families and professionals providing sexuality education"
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45(2)

Keeping motherhood safe

May 2010

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This edition of Momentum contains articles on spacing births to reduce pregnancy-related complications, skilled birth attendants, medication to prevent eclampsia, supporting women's reproductive options, and vouchers for reproductive and maternity services

Women with disabilities and the human right to health : a policy paper

May 2010

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This policy paper examines women with disabilities' right to health in Australia. Given the context of three key human rights conventions, the paper highlights the ways in which women and girls with disabilities in Australia are denied their right to health and provides an overview of policy initiatives required to address the structural, socioeconomic and cultural barriers. The paper concludes with strategy suggestions for the Australian Government. This document would be useful for people interested in women with disabilities' right to health in Australia

Guidance document : effective use of international human rights monitoring mechanisms to protect the rights of persons with disabilities

TROMEL, Stefan
May 2010

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This guidance document provides practical strategies and advice to disabled people's organisations (DPOs) and DPO coalitions on the international human rights mechanisms. It provides details on the reporting process of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), raises awareness on the need to establish national DPO coalitions, and offers assistance for DPOs on producing effective reports for submission to the UNCRPD Committee. It also provides guidance on the monitoring process and includes information on the use of other human rights mechanisms. This document would be useful to global, regional and national DPOs engaging in the UNCRPD reporting process

Disability and international cooperation and development : a review of policies and practices

LORD, Janet
et al
May 2010

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This paper reviews the policies and practices of major multilateral and bilateral agencies that include disability in development. The paper provides examples of their programs and highlights five emerging trends of disability in international cooperation and development. This paper is useful for people interested in disability and international cooperation and development
Social Protection Discussion Paper No 1003

Abuse of women with disabilities : toward an empowerment perspective

FOSTER, Kenneth
March 2010

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"Abuse of women with disabilities is a significant societal problem of which practitioners, service providers, and other professionals must be aware, respond to, and work to alleviate. Practitioners in most settings will encounter client systems impacted by disability, and many of their clients may be victims of abuse. Primary objectives of this paper are (1) to summarize issues and problems relevant to abuse of women with disabilities (2) to describe some of the empowering, proactive attitudes and behaviours of victim-survivors and their support networks, and (3) to further emphasize the need for practitioners to give primacy to helping such clients empower themselves to (re)take and maintain charge of their lives"
Sexuality and Disability, Vol 28, No 3

Report international conference : towards realisation of the millennium development goals for women and girls with a disability

February 2010

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This conference report presents the discussions, experiences and expertise exchanged on how the MDGs may be realised for women and girls with a disability and how to make sure women and girls with disabilities will benefit from the efforts made to reach the MDGs. The session presentations and workshop proceedings are provided. The discussions and workshops shared conclusions and recommendations which highlighted that women and girls with a disability need to be included in all mainstream plans and activities in order to achieve the MDG’s by 2015 and that a twin track approach is the best strategy “"Towards realisation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls with a disability" ”Amstelveen, Netherlands
2 December 2009

Violence through our eyes : improving access to services for women from non-english speaking backgrounds with disability and carers experiencing violence

February 2010

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"Women from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) with disability experience various forms of violence, however due to poor data collection and reporting, the incidence is difficult to estimate. The interaction of disability, culture and violence places women from NESB with disability in disempowered positions with poor access to culturally appropriate information and service provision. This report is a culmination of our individual advocacy work, several consultations with women from NESB with disability and carers who have experienced domestic violence and roundtable discussions with key policy makers and service providers"

