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Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 2|How to assess health-related stigma

VOOREND, Carlijn
et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The second Guide describes when and how to assess stigma using qualitative and quantitative methods and instruments. It also explains how to use the instruments"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 3|A roadmap to stigma reduction : an empowerment intervention

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The third Guide provides recommendations on how to develop an approach for reducing stigma. Through the use of a roadmap, several steps are discussed for reducing stigma related to a particular health condition"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 4|Counseling to reduce stigma

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The fourth guide explains the use of counselling at a basic level in dealing with stigma. It provides an explanation on different techniques and approaches for counselling persons affected by stigma"

Standards for child protection : tool 1


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"These standards can ensure that agencies develop practices that keep children safe from harm. They offer practical guidance to agencies on what they need to put in place to meet their responsibilities to protect children. They also provide a basis for determining local standards and how these will be met and measured. At the end of this document there is a useful tool for assessing and monitoring performance against the standards. These standards are Tool 1 of the Keeping Children Safe: Toolkit for Child Protection. The other supporting tools include a training pack, a guide on how to implement the standards and a DVD"

Disability rights TOT training manual


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"This TOT training manual was developed by HI Laos to facilitate the process of effective and meaningful inclusion, empowerment, promotion and protection of the rights of people with disabilities." Practical exercises, cases studies, questionnaires and checklists are provided

Guidelines for child-friendly spaces in emergencies

January 2011

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The purpose of this guideline is "to give practical guidance to the field teams that establish (Child Friendly Spaces) CFSs in different types of emergencies and contexts. They are also intended to guide advocacy efforts and donor practices in emergency settings where protection and well-being ought to be high priorities"

Child protection rapid needs assessment : a short guide (CPRA) toolkit

January 2011

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This practical guide provides information about the how to use the Child Protection Needs Assessment Toolkit, an inter-agency, cluster-specific rapid assessment to be used in the aftermath of a rapid-onset emergency. It is meant to provide a snapshot of urgent child protection related needs among the affected population within the immediate post-emergency context, as well as act as a stepping-stone for a more comprehensive process of assessing the impacts of the emergency

Access to services for people with disabilities in Freetown, Sierra Leone


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"The purpose of the DECISIPH project is to promote the rights of people with disabilities in six countries in West Africa: Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. The first expected outcome of the project is to enhance the availability and access to relevant and reliable information on people with disabilities, their rights and their organisations in order to foster advocacy campaigns by disabled people's organisations. The aim of the study was to analyse and compare access to services for people with disabilities with that for people without disabilities in the project's intervention zones. This study in no way attempts to determine the disability prevalence rate. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in several of the DECISIPH project countries. Despite its limitations, this was the first study to be conducted in Sierra Leone and the first to provide data for gaining a better understanding of access to services for people with disabilities compared to that of people without disabilities"
SD/RS 06 No 8

Submissions to the thematic study by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on participation in political and public life by persons with disabilities


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The webpage presents submissions received for the OHCHR’s thematic study on participation in political and public life by persons with disabilities. The submissions listed include responses from: 64 States Parties, one intergovernmental organization, 19 civil society organizations, 22 national human rights organizations, four United Nations human rights presences and three individuals. These submissions are useful to anyone interested in the participation of people with disabilities in political and public life

Capturing change in women’s realities : a critical overview of current monitoring and evaluation frameworks and approaches

PITTMAN, Alexandra
December 2010

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"This document provides a critique of current M[onitoring] &E[valuation] frameworks and approaches as experienced by women’s organizations and movements worldwide along with an analysis of a large number of M&E frameworks and tools. Part I of this document provides a broad overview of common challenges with monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and identifies feminist practices for engaging in M&E to strengthen organizational learning and more readily capture the complex changes that women’s empowerment and gender equality work seek. Part II offers an analysis of a large number of M&E frameworks and tools, along with some of their strengths and weaknesses in assessing women’s rights and gender equality processes and impacts"

Lessons from the evolution of a CBR programme for people affected by leprosy in Northern Nigeria

EBENSO, Bassey
et al
December 2010

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"This paper reviews the 13-year evolution of the social economic activities in Northern Nigeria from a welfare-oriented to a community-centred programme for people affected by leprosy...Findings revealed that the transformation among other things, demanded formulation of new programme policies and guidelines; and staff training in CBR principles and practice. Findings also showed that adopting CBR principles and community development projects can stimulate improvements in living conditions,self-esteem and acceptance of people affected by leprosy into the community"
Leprosy Review Journal, Vol 81

Final evaluation of community based rehabilitation (CBR) programme

December 2010

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This final evaluation report assesses how far the program has met the stated goal of improving the situation of children with disabilities through the fulfillment of child rights, appraises the sustainability of the program, assesses the project implementation, and provides lessons learned and best practices of the project. This report is useful for anyone interested in CBR programmes

Development for all : towards a disability-inclusive Australian aid program 2009-2014|Achievement highlights : the first two years

December 2010

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This report presents the progress towards ensuring that Australian aid benefits people with disabilities. This report highlights the early achievements in making Australia’s aid program more effective through a focus on including people with disability
Note: Available in pdf and word formats online. Also available in large print, audio, and screen-reader compatible formats online at: and Braille copies can be ordered online from the publisher or on +61 2 6269 1050

The challenge of HIV : social stigma or disability?

November 2010

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"The nature of discrimination against people living with HIV and with AIDS ('PLHA') is rooted in deeper stigmatisation than discrimination against other groups. Reasons for this include the association of HIV/AIDS with behaviours that may be considered socially unacceptable by many people. To combat such discrimination, HIV is deemed to be a 'disability' under the Equality Act 2010. Whilst this protection has been welcomed by various activists and policy groups within the field, it will be argued that the decision to classify HIV as a disability is an inadequate response to the unique and multi-faceted discrimination faced by PLHA. To achieve this this article will examine the history of the virus; current epidemiology within the UK; the extent to which HIV accords with traditional models of disability and the definition employed by the Equality Act 2010; and finally, the manner in which HIV is socially constructed and how this has compounded discrimination against PLHA"
5 Web JCLI

The right to political participation of persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities

November 2010

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This report provides the first results from a legal study carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in the context of its project on the "Fundamental rights of persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health problems." It begins with an analysis of the key international and European principles relating to the right to political participation. The situation in EU Member States is summarised and compared in Section 2. The report then presents the legal situation in the EU Member States and concludes with some possible ways forward
Note: This report is also available in easy read format

Study of disability in EC development cooperation

October 2010

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The study examines how effectively the EC cooperation has reached persons with disabilities and provides a set of recommendations in order to comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This report is useful for people interested in disability and development
Lot nr 4
Contract nr 2009/212558

Study on challenges and good practices in the implementation of the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities : executive summary

October 2010

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This study provides an analysis of the obligations set forth in the Convention and gathers information about the various practices related to the implementation of the Convention by the EU and its Member States. It identifies challenges that may hinder the full and effective implementation of the Convention, and measures that would facilitate the achievement of its objectives at both the EU and Member States level. This document would be of interest to those interested in the implementation of the CPRD

