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Adolescence and disability


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This Key list highlights essential information resources on adolescence and disability.
Adolescence is a time of great emotional and psychological change, of emerging sexuality and important life choices about employment and education. During this period of transition adolescents, especially those with disabilities, may be vulnerable in society; their rights have not been always been recognised. Disability programmes tend to focus on young children or adults, and may risk excluding adolescents, negatively affecting their opportunities to develop their abilities and to participate in community life. Factors in disabled adolescents' development and socialisation include the attitude and behaviour of parents, family members and peers, and social and community values. Issues highlighted in this Key list include rights, education, employment, sexuality and relationships

Keeping children safe toolkit : a toolkit for child protection


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This toolkit is a complete package for people working in safeguarding children across the world. It aims to support agencies at international, national and local levels to put these standards into practice. This revised toolkit for child protection includes material on children's participation in child protection. The toolkit has five components: Tool 1: Standards for child protection Tool 2: How to implement the standards Tool 3: Training for child protection Tool 4: Children's participation in child protection Tool 5: Film
Note: The original version of this document is also available to download in Arabic and Albanian

Out from the shadows : sexual violence against children with disabilities

ELLERY, Francis
CSÁKY, Corinna

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This document is an advocacy report on sexual violence against children with disabilities. It is based on evidence generated from a literature review and primary research in four African countries. Adults with disabilities who had been abused as children were interviewed, as well as carers, lawyers, judges, police, social workers, teachers and members of disabled people's organisations. The report concludes with a set of recommendations, developed in consultation with children, young people and professionals working globally on this issue

Mental health atlas


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This report "represents the latest estimate of global mental health resources available to prevent and treat mental disorders and help protect the human rights of people living with these conditions. It presents data from 184 WHO Member States, covering 98% of the world’s population. Facts and figures presented in Atlas indicate that resources for mental health remain inadequate. The distribution of resources across regions and income groups is substantially uneven and in many countries resources are extremely scarce. Results from Atlas reinforce the urgent need to scale up resources and care for mental health within countries"

Joint position paper on the provision of mobility devices in less resourced settings : a step towards implementation of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD) related to personal mobility


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"This joint position paper was developed in response to a meeting about personal mobility and mobility devices, held on 28-29 October 2009 at World Health Organization headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. This paper aims to guide and support countries, especially those with limited resources, in the implementation of relevant articles of the CRPD associated with the provision of mobility devices"

CBR matrix and perceived training needs of CBR workers: a multi-country study


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CBR Matrix, proposed in the CBR Guidelines, provides a systematic framework for organising and analysing CBR activities. A sample of experienced CBR workers, active at community level in 7 countries , were asked for information about different activities they actually carry out, so as to understand the applicability of CBR Matrix framework in the field. The CBR workers were also asked to identify their most pressing learning needs in different areas of CBR Matrix.

This study shows that CBR Matrix can be a useful framework to understand field-level activities in CBR projects. The study has identified a number of priority learning needs, in terms of different domains of CBR Matrix, and in terms of different disabilities. It also shows that globally, areas related to advocacy, lobbying, legal protection and rights-based approach, are the most important learning needs identified by CBR workers.

Working with persons with disabilities in forced displacement


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"Refugees with disabilities have specific needs and face particular forms of discrimination. As highlighted in the Executive Committee Conclusion No. 110 (LXI)-2010, it is important for UNHCR to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities who are of concern to the Office are met without discrimination. This places an onus on offices to develop a thorough understanding of the circumstances of persons with disabilities under their care. This note provides staff with guidance on a range of issues to consider in meeting these responsibilities"

Statelessness : breaking the cycle in Kyrgyzstan


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This article presents the barriers and increased vulnerability that individuals have faced as a result of not applying for Kyrgyzstan citizenship when the Soviet was divided. It highlights the assistance provided by UNHCR to prevent statelessness from occurring, to resolve cases that do occur and to protect the rights of stateless persons

Good practice in the development of management information systems for social protection

KIDD, Stephen

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This paper "aims to fill a gap in the literature by examining good practice in the design of MISs for social protection. Section 2 will describe MISs, pointing out that they are more than systems of computer hardware and application software. Section 3 will discuss the type of information required by social protection MISs, and the challenges in capturing, transferring and processing this information. Section 4 will assess the potential for introducing new technologies into social protection MISs in developing countries. Section 5 will conclude by examining issues around the integration of MISs in countries with multiple social protection schemes, and the extent to which a national Single Registry is an appropriate model"
Pension watch : briefings on social protection in older age, Briefing no 5

Making a living last longer : insights into older people's livelihood strategies

ERB, Susan

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This research report explores the challenges faced by older people in securing a sustainable livelihood in four countries. The research found that older people face significant barriers in achieving livelihood security due to lack of regular, predictable and sufficient cash income such as non-contributory pensions. Gender, destitution, and emergency preparedness emerged as cross-cutting issues that affect older people’s livelihood challenges regardless of location. The research also found that older people have only limited access to microfinance institutions (MFIs) and banks, and therefore to credit and savings facilities. It concludes by highlighting key guiding principles for governments, community-based organisations, NGOs, MFIs and others working to support older people to achieve greater livelihood security

Disability and non communicable disease

et al

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"This brief discusses the actions urgently needed to ensure that people with impairments due to NCDs have access to treatment and appropriate, timely, affordable, and high quality rehabilitation interventions for all those who need them. These actions are in line with the Proposed Outcomes Document for the Prevention and Control of NCDs, recommendations of the World Report on Disability and the principles and standards of international human rights law, in particular the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities"

Including the rights of persons with disabilities in UN programming at country level : a guidance note for United Nations country teams and implementing partners


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"This guidance note outlines four main areas for mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities: UN cooperation at country level; country analysis (preceding UNDAF development); strategic planning (development of the UNDAF and its results matrix) and monitoring and evaluation (M&E)....By mainstreaming disability rights in their work at country level, UNCTs can respond to the request of persons with disabilities themselves, who have been calling for a new approach to disability, grounded on the conviction that all persons should be equally valued"

A community for all : implementing article 19|A guide for monitoring progress on the implementation of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

PARKER, Camilla

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"This Guide aims to show how the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) can be used to promote the right of people with disabilities to live and participate in the community as equal citizens. Its primary focus is Article 19 of the CRPD (Living independently and being included in the community), which provides that people with disabilities have the right to live in the community, with the same choices as others"

Futures stolen : barriers to education for children with disabilities

BARRIGA, Shanta Rau

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"This report is the outcome of interviews carried out between February and July 2011 with nearly 100 disability advocates, teachers, government officials, and children or young people with disabilities and their families in Nepal. It examines the barriers faced by children with disabilities in obtaining an inclusive and quality education. More than half of the 29 children and young people with disabilities or their family members interviewed by Human Rights Watch reported that the children did not attend formal school. In all of these cases, the children were denied admission by schools, both public and private, or the parents were not aware that their children had the right to attend school"

Getting to a post-2015 framework : what are the scenarios?


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"This short briefing paper maps out five scenarios for a post-2015 framework. The scenarios describe different possibilities for how a framework could emerge, together with some brief analysis of the risks and opportunities involved...It is hoped that the scenarios will help in strategy and forward-planning for the Beyond 2015 campaign, and for others pursuing post-2015 work"

What comes after the MDGs?


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This article highlights the discussion about what will replace the millennium development goals (MDGs) after their expiry date in 2015

A post-2015 global development agreement : why, what, who?


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"This paper was prepared for the ODI/UNDP Cairo workshop on a post-2015 Global Development Agreement. The aim of the Cairo workshop, jointly convened by UNDP and the Overseas Development Institute, is to start a conversation across different regional and institutional perspectives on the future structure and content of a post-2015 global agreement on development, and on the political dynamics likely to bring it about or to act as barriers. This paper sets out the scene and identifies four key questions to be discussed at the workshop"

Analysing commitments to advance the global strategy for women's and children's health|The PMNCH 2011 report


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"This report seeks to further our collective understanding of the current Global Strategy commitments, facilitating more effective advocacy to advance the Every Woman, Every Child effort, as well as greater accountability in line with the recommendations of the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health. This 2011 report is based on structured interviews with those who made commitments, supplemented by reviews of related documentation. This report analyses the specific nature of each commitment recorded through May 2011 to produce a preliminary picture of the achievements of the Global Strategy commitments to date, as well as to identify opportunities and challenges for advancement"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 1|What is health-related stigma?

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community. This first Guide provides basic information on stigma, its causes, manifestations, and effects"

