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Community early warning systems : guiding principles

January 2012

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"The Community early warning systems: guiding principles" is one of a set of guides prepared by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent societies that present guiding principles that will assist in building a strong foundation for the design or strengthening of early warning systems (EWS) at any level.   Written as a strategic, rather than  operational, guide it aims to provide an overview of successful practice from the field in developing early warning systems.  It provides a practical toolkit for the disaster risk reduction or risk management practitioner

Mainstreaming disability in disaster management : a toolkit

HANS, Asha
et al

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The toolkit promotes an understanding of the main issues and concerns from the perspective of people with disabilities in the context of disasters and provides an understanding for integration and mainstreaming. The comprehensive toolkit provides a step by step approach for the inclusion of disability in disaster management. 

  • It provides the user with a resource to help plan in mainstreaming disability in disaster management
  • A guidance note, which summarizes the mainstreaming needs and enables users to understand them from the perspective of a Person with Disability.
  • A guidance on the most appropriate methodology to be adopted for including disability in the disaster management process, to monitor and evaluate it; a good practice scenario and a road map.
  • A checklist for use and FAQs are provided in the last section. Section wise essential readings and a reference, which refers specifically to the issue, has been provided to give the background and deeper understanding. Most of these are accessible through the Internet. At the end of the document additional references are provided. This section refers to the most important writings, handbooks and guidelines available. As very few resources have been developed on the subject, generic material has been included

​This toolkit is intended for use by policy makers, government officials, members of Panchayati Raj Institutions, non-government organisations, disabled peoples organisations and disaster management practitioners

A community for all : checklist

PARKER, Camilla
December 2011

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This checklist outlines out ten key areas of work that governments will need to take if they are to comply with their obligations under Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which provides unequivocally that people with disabilities have the right to live independently and be included in the community. The checklist includes an overview of the CRPD and its relevance to efforts to replace a system that institutionalizes people with disabilities with appropriate community-based services that promote social inclusion

Strengthening livelihood capacities to disaster risk reduction : compilation of change studies Kathmandu Nepal

BHANDARI, Dinanath

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This collection of articles documents the lessons learned during the project implementation in Nepal. It describes the prevailing physical, institutional and socio economic context, and details the activities and its interventions. The collection presents a compilation of initiatives and their evaluated outcomes on improved and diversified livelihood strategies, including the adoption of new income earning opportunities with increased resilience and food security, and improved health and resilience of targeted communities while reducing their exposure to prevailing and future hazards

Water, sanitation and hygiene for schoolchildren in emergencies : a guidebook for teachers

November 2011

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"WASH in Schools aims to support the provision of safe drinking water and improved sanitation facilities, and promotes lifelong health for children and their families...This guidebook is a resource for those involved in teaching and working with children in emergency preparedness, during an emergency and throughout the recovery period. It provides simple strategies for use and adaptation with all children and families to ensure a smooth and healthy transition to a healthy and accessible learning environment...The guidebook provides the information needed to ensure that every child knows about water, sanitation and hygiene. It is not a technical book about installing taps and building toilets. Instead it provides guidance on safe WASH behaviours that help children, families and teachers stay healthy and avoid life threatening diseases. Every emergency and child-friendly space or school is different, so the suggestions and ideas provided should be adapted to suit the local situation"
Note: a book of flashcards is available as a companion to the guidebook. Although this guidebook’s pictures were created for the Africa region, flashcard sets for Asia and Latin America are also available from the website

Characteristics of a safe and resilient community : community based disaster risk reduction study

September 2011

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"This research report on the Characteristics of a Safe and Resilient Community has been prepared by Arup’s International Development team (Arup ID) on behalf of the IFRC as part of a wider Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) Study of the Tsunami Recovery Programme (TRP). Specifically, this report draws on the experience of the TRP CBDRR programmes and current literature in order to identify the characteristics of safe and resilient communities; to understand how these characteristics changed over time and how RCRC interventions have contributed to this change"

Field based training for mental health workers, community workers, psychosocial workers and counselors : a participant-oriented approach

FRANCIS, Felician Thayalara
July 2011

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"This article discusses the training of mental health workers whose basic job is with clients that have been seriously affected by armed conflict and/or natural disasters by using ‘helping through talking’, and who have had little education that is relevant to this work. It sums up the characteristics required of the workers, their learning needs, the messages that the training needs to convey, and the characteristics and potential contents of a tailor made, participants-oriented programme"
Intervention, Vol 9, Issue 2

Cash transfer programming in emergencies. Good Practice Review 11.

June 2011

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This edition of Good Practice Review is intended primarily for humanitarian practitioners who plan and implement emergency responses both those who are already familiar with cash-based interventions and those who are not. It synthesizes cash transfer guidelines, highlights lessons from evaluations and adds practical examples drawn from experience in the field.

Tools and methods for evaluating the efficiency of development interventions

April 2011

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"This report investigates tools and methods for assessing aid efficiency. It explains concepts of efficiency and efficiency analysis and presents a catalogue of 15 methods that can be used to assess the efficiency of aid interventions. Each method is described and characterised. Several general observations and recommendations conclude the report"
BMZ Evaluation Working Papers

Realizing the millennium development goals for persons with disabilities towards 2015 and beyond

February 2011

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This report presents a resolution adopted by the General Assembly at the 71st plenary meeting. It provides information about the inclusion of people with disabilities in the millennium development goals and outlines specific requests to the secretary general regarding inclusive development efforts. This resource is useful to people interested in the MDGs and people with disabilities

Mental health atlas


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This report "represents the latest estimate of global mental health resources available to prevent and treat mental disorders and help protect the human rights of people living with these conditions. It presents data from 184 WHO Member States, covering 98% of the world’s population. Facts and figures presented in Atlas indicate that resources for mental health remain inadequate. The distribution of resources across regions and income groups is substantially uneven and in many countries resources are extremely scarce. Results from Atlas reinforce the urgent need to scale up resources and care for mental health within countries"

Availability and accessibility of treatment for persons with mental illness through a community mental health programme


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This article describes experiences in implementing a community mental health and development project in a rural district in southern India, including the position of persons with mental illness when the project was initiated, the challenges the faced and the strategies that were developed to overcome these challenges. The authors conclude that when services are locally available, persons with mental illness can be treated and rehabilitated within their own community. They can live with dignity and their rights are respected. There is a great need for inclusion of persons with mental illness in the existing developmental activities and in disabled persons’ organizations.



Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development, Vol 22, No 2

Identifying and supporting vulnerable people in community-led total sanitation : a Bangladesh case study


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Community – led sanitation often neglects the poorest and most disadvantaged people in society as they are often unable to participate. This paper looked at the experiences of three CLTS communities in Bangladesh. It found that a well being ranking, amongst other things, should be used to help identify vulnerable members in the community and that vulnerable people themselves strongly believe in the power of CLTS to improve their livelihoods and their importance in the participation of CLTS activities. Furthermore, vulnerable people are motivated to move up the sanitation ladder and most households have made improvements to their latrine. Finally, the installation of toilet seats on latrines to aid disabled people has in some cases decreased the sanitation independence of other household members 

Community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) guidelines

et al

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This set of guidelines is designed to help Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) practitioners in building community resilience to disaster risk by coping with hazards and working around the issues of capacity and vulnerability. It is focused on building capacity in mobilising community collective resources in managing disaster risk instead of building their dependence on external support and assistance. The first half of the document details the importance of CBDRM, whilst the second explores the various tools at practitioners disposal (e.g. participatory research tools, facilitation methodologies and community organising strategies).

Guidelines for cognitive and pilot testing of disability questions for use in surveys : ESCAP project on improving disability measurement and statistics in the Asia Pacific region

December 2010

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These guidelines for cognitive and pilot testing of disability questions for use in surveys document the overall experience of the improving disability measurement and statistics project with the aim so it can be replicated by other countries to collect accurate disability statistics. The handbook’s target groups include National Statistical Offices and other stakeholders who want to learn from and build on the project’s experience, and apply the methodology in other fields

Disability rights or disabling rights? CRPD alternative report

August 2010

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This report, prepared by a collaborative network of disabled peoples organizations and their allies, is the parallel civil society report submitted along with the governments report as specified by article 35 of the CRPD. The civil society organisations provide an analysis of the present situation of people with disabilities according to the articles of the CRPD and make recommendations to the Hungarian government to enable evidence based legislative and policy planning. This resource is useful for people interested in the situation of people with disabilities in Hungary

Measuring up : a guide for facilitators|HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations

July 2010

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The overall purpose of this training is to increase users’ capacity to evaluate the progress and results of their advocacy work. It aims to help users identify and confront the challenges faced by community-based organisations evaluating HIV-related advocacy; introduce new thinking for designing advocacy evaluations; give users the opportunity to apply some aspects of the evaluation design process to their specific contexts; and make users aware that advocacy evaluation is a fast-growing and evolving field, with a large number of publications on advocacy evaluation design, approaches and methods available via the Internet and summarised in the resources section of the learner’s guide

Keeping the promise : realizing the Millennium Development Goals for persons with disabilities towards 2015 and beyond

July 2010

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This report presents a "comprehensive biennial review on the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, and the progress and challenges concerning the advancement of persons with disabilities in the context of development and the realization of the Millennium Development Goals." It consists of an introduction, five informative sections, and recommendations to advance disability-inclusive Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals by member states and other stakeholders. The detailed annexes provide further technical information in support of the recommendations

Handbook for coordinating gender-based violence interventions in humanitarian settings

WARD, Jeanne
July 2010

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This Handbook has been produced by the global Gender-based Violence (GBV) Area of Responsibility Working Group as a quick reference tool for all individuals and agencies involved in GBV programming and coordination in humanitarian/emergency settings. The handbook contains practical guidance on leadership roles, key responsibilities and specific actions to be taken when establishing and maintaining a GBV coordination mechanisms in a humanitarian setting. The focus is primarily on work that should be done to scale up coordination from the onset of an emergency (both conflict and natural disasters) but is also relevant to contingency planning and post-emergency stabilization phases
The goal of the handbook is to improve coordination capacity at the field level in order to facilitate accessible, prompt, confidential and appropriate services for survivors according to a basic set of principles and to put in place mechanisms to prevent GBV
The handbook can also be used as an advocacy tool to educate non-GBV programmers--including UN personnel, government officials, NGO staff and donors--about basic protection responsibilities related to GBV coordination, prevention and response

Greater involvement of people living with HIV

June 2010

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This guide provides practical information for programme level staff in organisations responding to HIV, helping them to define good practice for the meaningful involvement of people living with HIV in programmes and organisations and strategies for developing their capacity

