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Sexual-health communication across and within cultures : the clown project, Guatemala

SAVDIE, Anthony
June 2009

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This paper puts forward an argument in favour of careful and critical analysis of culture in formulating communication strategies with and for specific groups, based on experience drawn from the Clown Project in Guatemala and other countries in Central America. The Clown Project uses labour-intensive face-to-face street theatre and dialogue, participatory workshops, and symbolic communication such as print-based material to reach those most vulnerable to the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS . The analysis takes into account relations of power within and between vulnerable groups, examining the centre-periphery dynamic between classes, genders, ethnicities, age groups, and other social identities. Both appropriately supported insider perspectives and appropriately processed outsider knowledge are recommended, along with ways of bridging science and the field, theory and practice

Peer approach in adolescent reproductive health education : some lessons learned


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This document pulls together what research and experience tell us about the peer education in promoting attitude and behaviour change in adolescents around sexual and reproductive health. It also offers guidelines for policy makers and programme implementers to learn from others and to adapt strategies that will be most effective in their setting. Chapter one defines peer education, and explains some of the theoretical models. Chapter two justifies using peer education and discusses advantages and benefits of this approach. Chapter three synthesizes research on the impact of peer education in the Asian region. Chapter four compiles lessons learned from many research studies, to show what makes a peer education programme work. Chapter five presents a series of guidelines for planning and implementing adolescent reproductive health interventions, including tips for working with youth and adults

Sang Fan Wan Mai Youth Group : tiny steps by youth to battle the AIDS crisis

JANPENG, Jansuai
et al
July 2001

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Describes the development of a youth group in Thailand that engages in HIV/AIDS education through puppet shows, stage plays, youth training and workshops, youth camps, village broadcasting, small group discussions, sports and competitions, and radio shows. In all activities, they integrate information about HIV/AIDS and emphasize the participation of the community throughout the process. Some useful lessons are included in the final section, 'Turning from a risk group to a responsible body'. The report was prepared by the youth themselves, and was translated and published by UNDP-SEAHIV
