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Gender analysis for project planners

May 2007

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"This fact sheet provides an overview of gender analysis in the context of AIDS and development projects. It outlines a generic methodology for project planners who want to improve the effectiveness of their programmes by integrating gender issues at the project conception stage or who want to understand why they are not achieving anticipated results. It also illustrates gender issues that need to be considered at each phase of the project cycle to help formulate gender analysis for project proposals and on-going projects"

Ripple effects or deliberate intentions?|Assessing linkages between women's empowerment and childhood poverty

JONES, Nicola
May 2007

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This paper looks at the impact of women's empowerment on child poverty and well-being. It includes an overview of theoretical literature on women's empowerment and inter-generational poverty transmissions; outlines the research methodology used; presents the findings from research in four districts of Andhra Pradesh; and sets out the conclusions and policy recommendations

Family planning : a global handbook for providers

World Health Organization Department of Reproductive Health and Research (WHO/RHR)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs (CCP), Info Project CCP
United States Agency for Inernational Development (USAID)

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This is a quick-reference resource for health care workers at all levels. It reflects the family planning guidance developed by the WHO and expands on the coverage of 'The essentials of contraceptive technology' (CCP:1997) to address other needs of clients that come up during the course of family planning. Coverage includes different methods of contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, maternal and new born health, reproductive health issues, family planning provision and serving diverse groups; e.g. adolescents, men, and women near menopause . The handbook is one of the WHO's 'four cornerstones of family planning guidance'

UNAIDS practical guidelines for intensifying HIV prevention : towards universal access


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These practical guidelines are designed to help policy makers and planners to create an effective national response to HIV prevention, by ensuring that their response matches the epidemic dynamics and social context within their country and the populations who remain most vulnerable to and at risk of HIV infection. The guidelines encourage countries to know the national and local epidemiological scenarios and their current response; to match and prioritise their response; to set ambitious, realistic and measurable prevention targets; to tailor prevention plans to local epidemic scenarios and to use and analyse strategic information

Engaging men and boys in changing gender-based inequity in health : evidence from programme interventions

RICARDO, Christine

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"This report seeks to fill a gap in the collective knowledge about engaging men and boys and to build on the three decades of experience in evaluating interventions to empower women and girls from a gender perspective....[It examines] the engagement of men and boys in programmes around sexual and reproductive health; HIV prevention, treatment, care and support; fatherhood; gender-based violence; maternal, newborn and child health; and gender socialisation"

Challenges of care : VSO-RAISA regional conference 2007 report back

PORTER, Stephen

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"The aim of the conference was to bring together stakeholders from different sectors, in order to create a forum for discussing innovative solutions to emerging issues affecting caregivers in community based organisations. Objectives included focusing on the challenges of care to women and children, identifying good home-based care practices, discussing policy and legal frameworks for home-based care, raising awareness of caregivers’ needs, exploring how to engage men in home-based care, and establishing networks for lobbying and advocacy"

Yaari dosti : Young men redefine masculinity, a training manual


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This manual was adapted from the Brazilian Program H curriculum and piloted in urban slum communities in India as part of an operations research study aimed at reducing HIV risk among young men by addressing perceptions of gender norms. The manual can be used by health educators, teachers and/or other professionals or volunteers who want to work, or are already working, with young men between 15 and 24 years old. It is divided into four subsections: gender, sexuality and reproductive health, violence, and preventing and living with HIV & AIDS, around each of which there is a series of activities

17 fact sheets on gender-related aspects of HIV/AIDS | Resource pack on gender and HIV/AIDS

UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team on Gender and HIV/AIDS

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These fact sheets aim to provide policy makers with concise information about gender related aspects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. They deal with core facts and issues in thematic areas and are underpinned by an analysis which clarifies how gender issues are fuelling the crisis. Each theme presents a self-contained set of issues and recommendations and many of the themes are interlinked. All of them are connected by a concern to promote a gender-enlightened and comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS and its impacts

Clinical management of rape survivors : developing protocols for use with refugees and internally displaced persons

June 2004

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"This guide describes best practices for clinical management of people who have been raped in emergency situations. It is intended for adaptation to each situation, taking into account national policies and practices, and availability of materials and drugs. This guide is intended for use by qualified health-care providers in developing protocols for the management of rape survivors in emergencies, taking into account available resources, materials, and drugs, and national policies and procedures. It can also be used in planning health-care services and training health-care providers. The document includes detailed guidance on the clinical management of women, men and children who have been raped"

Involving men in maternity care in India

VARKEY, Leila Caleb
et al

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"The Men in Maternity (MiM) study investigated the feasibility, acceptability and cost of a new, more comprehensive, model of maternity care that encouraged husbands' participation in their wives' antenatal and postpartum care. The study specifically assessed the impact of the intervention on family planning in the postpartum period and STI preventitive practices among men and women. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Delhi Directorate at their primary health facilities called dispensaries"

Involving men in maternity care : South Africa

REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH RESEARCH UNIT (DURBAN), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of the Witwatersrand
POPULATION COUNCIL. Frontiers in Reproductive Health Program

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"The Reproductive Health Research Unit (RHRU) University of the Witwatersrand, in partnership with the FRONTIERS Program of the Population Council, and the KwaZulu Natal Department of Health conducted a three-year operations research study titled "Men in Maternity" (MIM) in the Ethekwini district. The study was completed in July 2003...The intervention was clinic-based and included two broad strategies: improving antenatal care services by strengthening the existing antenatal package and service monitoring and supervision; and introducing couple counseling by providing training to health providers, inviting partners of antenatal women to attend counseling twice during pregnancy and once post delivery, and providing information to couples with a new antenatal booklet...At follow-up few differences were found between the control and intervention groups to support the hypothesized effect of the intervention. Significant differences were found only in changing communication, partner assistance during pregnancy emergencies, and knowledge of the condom as a method of dual protection"

Gender sensitivity checklist

BUNCH, Megan M

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This checklist has been compiled to provide individuals involved in HIV and AIDS prevention programmes and policies with a tool to assess whether their work is sensitive to the needs of women, men, girls, and boys. The checklist can be used in the development and/or implementation of an HIV and AIDS prevention programme or policy. In addition, the checklist can be used to assess the gender sensitivity of organisations that implement such programmes and policies. It would be useful to programme and policy developers and health trainers

Partnering : a new approach to sexual and reproductive health

COHEN, Sylvie
BURGER, Michèle
December 2000

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This report puts forward a gender perspective in sexual and reproductive health, and on finding constructive ways to build partnership between men and women. One way of achieving this is through a better understanding of manhood. The report provides an overview of current theoretical and operational knowledge; it proposes programme directions, suggests programme indicators, discusses programming considerations, and informs about innovative approaches used in gender-sensitive reproductive health services and in communication interventions that aim to build partnerships with men. It provides both the rationale for comprehensive and more complex strategies and illustrates recent government, NGO and private sector initiatives. It also underlines the importance of using gender tools on a continuing basis to evaluate service and communication programmes.

