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Cartagena action plan 2010-2014 : ending the suffering caused by antipersonnel mines

December 2009

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This paper presents the Cartagena action plan 2010-2014. It provides an introduction and then outlines the following areas: universalizing the Convention; destroying stockpiled anti-personnel mines; clearing mined areas; assisting the victims; international cooperation and assistance for achieving the Convention’s aims; and additional actions essential to achieving the Convention’s aims
Second Review Conference of the Mine Ban Treaty
Cartagena, Colombia
29 November - 4 December 2009

Assisting the victims : recommendations on implementing the Cartagena action plan 2010 - 2014

December 2009

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“"This document is primarily intended to provide recommendations to States Parties on each action related to victim assistance in such a way as to facilitate a holistic and integrated approach to addressing the rights and needs of mine victims. The recommendations are not intended to replace existing plans, but rather, should be considered as ideas for enhancing the implementation of the Cartagena Action Plan in the period 2010 to 2014"

Respect, protect and fulfill : legislating for women’s rights in the context of HIV/AIDS

November 2009

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This two-volume resource contains eight modules draws together international human rights law and illustrative examples from various jurisdictions as the basis for developing a legal framework to respect, protect and fulfill women’s rights in the context of HIV and AIDS. It is intended as a tool to assist human rights advocates and policy-makers as they reform or develop laws to meet the legal challenges posed by the HIV epidemic. It is not intended for any one country. Rather, it is designed to be adaptable to the needs of various countries within sub-Saharan Africa and beyond

HIV, disability and discrimination : making the links in international and domestic human rights law

ELLIOTT, Richard
ZACK, Elisse
November 2009

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This article looks at the links between HIV and AIDS and disability; gives a brief overview of how both are treated in international human rights law; and looks at some of the ways in which national anti-discrimination laws reflect the links between HIV and AIDS and disability, with representative examples from various countries. The conclusions and recommendations suggest how future collaborations between HIV and disability rights activists might advance human rights at the international level, for example by making use of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Recommendations for national action plans on victim assistance 2010 - 2014|Building on international standards, lessons learned and field expertise for an effective and sustainable impact

MUNOZ, Wanda
October 2009

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This report provides recommendations to support stakeholders involved in creating and updating national action plans on victim assistance throughout the period 2010-2014. The recommendations are in accordance with the Cartagena Action Plan and other international humanitarian and human rights standards. The report provides a background on victim assistance and highlights recommendations using six key elements. This report is useful for countries affected by mines/explosive remnants of war (ERW), survivors, disabled persons’ organisations (DPO) and other civil society representatives, international organisations and countries committed to international cooperation

Banning of cluster munitions : government policy and practice

May 2009

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This report details information about the international treaty banning cluster munitions. It contains entries on 150 countries, including signatories to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, stockpiler countries, and affected states. It highlights governments’ policies and efforts to clear contaminated areas and meet the needs of cluster munition victims. It also mentions government practices with respect to the use, production, stockpiling, and transfer of cluster munitions. The report is useful for people interested in a comprehensive overview of the banning of cluster munitions

Categories of disability under IDEA

April 2009

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This document provides information about the different disability categories for children with disabilities under the US federal law Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It defines the 13 disability categories and provides information about services available to families. This resource is useful to people interested in categories of disabilities under IDEA

Children to the fore! : an easy-to-use training handbook that promotes child rights and cultural issues in the face of HIV in southern Africa

STALLY, Aulora
March 2009

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This handbook aims to get children's rights known, recognised and respected in communities, particularly where they might be compromised by traditional and cultural practices, and where their realisation is threatened by the HIV and AIDS epidemic. It provides methods for upholding positive cultural practices,as well as opportunities to revisit harmful cultural ways. It aims to develop positive approaches to sensitive issues within the community,such as child abuse and discrimination against young girls

Realizing the millennium development goals for persons with disabilities through the implementation of the world programme of action concerning disabled persons and the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

February 2009

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This report presents actions and issues to consider in order to meet the millennium development goals through the implementation of the world programme of action concerning disabled persons and the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by including and integrating their rights, well-being and perspectives in development efforts at national, regional and international levels

Deaf people and human rights

ALLEN, Colin
January 2009

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This report is based on a survey which is the largest knowledge database on the situation of deaf people. Through various associations of deaf people in 93 countries, it presents data on various issues, including the recognition of sign language in legislation and education
Note: The report can be viewed translated to International Sign on the WFD website

Measuring transparency in the public pharmaceutical sector : assement instrument


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The objective of this instrument is to help stakeholders carry out assessments to measure the level of transparency and the vulnerability to corruption in selected areas of the public pharmaceutical sector. It provides an assessment methodology together with a questionnaire for national assessors to systematically collect information and perceptions through interviews of relevant health professionals in the public and private sectors

Disability review 2009

GORE, Eleanor

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This is the third annual survey highlighting disabled people’s views and experiences of everyday issues around the UK, including education, employment, health and social service, housing, transport and citizenship. The report provides an indicator of the impact of government policies on the lives and experiences of disabled people in the UK

Achieving economic and social rights : the challenge of assessing compliance

December 2008

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This paper considers the challenges governments face when implementing economic and social rights obligations into policy and practice. Assessing government compliance with its obligations is necessary for accountability but is a complex issue for which new approaches are needed. The cost of delivering these rights also needs to be taken into account when developing approaches to assess compliance

Connecting the dots : victim assistance and human rights

December 2008

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This report highlights the connections between the following international treaties: the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (The Mine Ban Treaty); the Convention on Cluster Munitions; and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It aims to enhance the implementation of the three treaties relating to victim assistance and human rights. This report is useful for people interested in victim assistance and human rights as outlined in international treaties

Explosive violence in areas of civilian concentration

MOYES, Richard
October 2008

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This transcript outlines what Richard Moyes of Landmine Action believes is required to reform policy on landmines and cluster munitions. He draws on current patterns of explosive violence to support his points and the legality and acceptability of explosive force in areas populated by civilians

Human rights and disability : equal rights for all

October 2008

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This paper outlines the international human rights framework for persons with disabilities. It includes a brief description of the situation highlighting key issues for persons with disabilities, which include: the fight against discrimination; the move from institutional care to community living; and the right to take decisions about one’s personal affairs

A guide of understanding victim assistance in the context of AP Mine Ban Convention

October 2008

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This guide highlights the strategic approach on victim assistance adopted by the States Parties and assists relevant States Parties in applying it. It provides information about a broader view of victim assistance and guidance for each state party to develop a national strategic approach by offering relevant help for landmine victims through emergency first-aid care, rehabilitation services, psychological assistance and economic reintegration. It recommends that each State to complete a situation analysis to take specific, measurable, achievable, relevant steps in a set time frame to raise efficiency and promote sustainability of services
Note: this guide is a companion to "Victim Assistance in the Context of the AP Mine Ban Convention: Checklist"

Victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Treaty : checklist

October 2008

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This checklist is a tool to be used by States Parties in developing a comprehensive victim assistance response in the context of broader efforts concerning healthcare, rehabilitation, reintegration and human rights and achieving the aims of the Nairobi Action Plan in the six thematic areas of victim assistance
Note: This is a companion piece to "A Guide to Understanding Victim Assistance in the Context of the AP Mine Ban Convention"

