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Bosnia's political landmines : a call for socially responsible and conflict-sensitive mine action

BOLTON, Matthew
September 2006

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This report addresses key questions related to the landmine removal process. They include: who carries out demining and what was their record during the conflict? Who benefits politically from the aid given to support mine action? Who act as ‘middlemen’ between international donors and the local deminers and to what uses do they put their profit?

World report on violence against children

PINHEIRO, Paulo Sergio
August 2006

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This book presents "the outcome of the first comprehensive global attempt to describe the scale of all forms of violence against children and its impact. Violence is a problem that calls for a multisectoral response. This report approaches the issue from the combined perspectives of human rights, public health and child protection. This report asserts that no violence against children is justifiable and all forms of violence are preventable. The commitments made at international and national levels and the accumulated knowledge described in this report give us the necessary tools to protect children from violence, to prevent it from happening in the first place, and to mitigate the consequences"
Note: the report is available in individual pdf files from the link above

Job creation in postconflict societies

BEASLEY, Kenneth W
April 2006

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This paper discusses the main justifications for job creation projects after serious conflict or natural disaster. Major lessons and best practices are reviewed to guide the design and implementation of job creation projects as components of peacekeeping, humanitarian, transitional, or transformational development programs. This paper is useful for people interested in job creation in post-conflict societies

Protecting children from sexual exploitation and sexual violence in disaster and emergency situations

DELANEY, Stephanie
March 2006

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"This manual is about how to protect children from sexual violence and sexual exploitation, specifically in disaster and emergency situations. It is not intended to be an academic report but instead is a practical guide that we hope will be of use to people working directly in the field. The aim is to provide fundamental information to assist personnel working in emergency situations in responding to protect children, in terms of what can be done before disaster strikes (which might be called ‘mitigation’ efforts), in the immediate aftermath (the ‘response’) and in the longer term reconstruction phase (sometimes called the ‘recovery’). We have also included recommended actions and key considerations to be taken into account in the event of sexual violence or sexual exploitation"

Eliminating world poverty : making governance work for the poor. White Paper on international development


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This is DFID's White Paper on eliminating world poverty. It sees good governance, at both national and international level, as key to the success of development policies and poverty alleviation. The paper commits the UK government over the next five years to support the poorest countries, increasing the development budget to 0.7%; to help build transparent and democratic government; to improve security, incomes and public services; to facilitate international cooperation to tackle climate change; to help reform the international system

Understanding the challenge ahead : Executive summary report

TRANI, Jean-Francois

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This report outlines a series of reports in the National Disability Survey in Afghanistan (NDSA) undertaken by Handicap International on behalf of the government of Afghanistan. The NDSA aims to bridge the knowledge gap regarding the numbers, health, educational and employment situation, livelihoods and social integration of Afghans with disabilities. The Executive summary report presents a brief view of the methodology and results of the NDSA. The first section discusses the methods and field realities. The other sections discuss health, education, livelihood and employment in more detail

Capitalisation on network strengthening, community-based approach and partnership in mine risk education project : Lessons learned from experience in Angola

SAVI, Gabrielle

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This report highlights three components of Handicap International's Mine Risk Education project in Angola. The first involves networking in the Angolan context and the associated lessons, constraints and the strengths. The second, is a discussion on the evolution of the community-based approach in Angola. Lastly, this report discusses the strengths and weaknesses of partnerships made with local NGOs

A wall in its midst : the separation barrier and its impact on the right to health and on Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem

HABIB, Ibrahim
December 2005

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The construction of a separation barrier between Israel and the West Bank is having devastating effects on the social and economic life of Palestinians. This report attempts to assess its impact on health care delivery in East Jerusalem and on Palestinian hospitals. The policy of closure entails that a large section of Palestinian population with Israeli residency is denied access to health care services, while people living in the Occupied Territories can no longer benefit from Jerusalem hospitals, even when they can provide care unavailable elsewhere. The report advocates for supporting East Jerusalem hospitals, ensuring high medical standards and solid financial backing. Effective political lobbying should ensure that close ties with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are maintained

Protecting and assisting older people in emergencies

December 2005

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The rapid increase in the older population worldwide poses new challenges, particularly in resource poor countries and in emergency settings. Older people are particularly vulnerable to the effects of natural disaster or conflict and less able to adapt to sudden disruptions in their lives. They can also make crucial contributions to their communities, caring for orphans, providing inter-generational support, helping resolve conflicts, offering their knowledge on alternative and traditional healing practices. This document looks in some detail at both the needs and strengths of the elderly in emergencies and calls for greater promotion of the rights of older people, their inclusion in all stages of humanitarian interventions, mainstreaming and allocation of adequate resources for older people's protection

Ageing and emergencies [whole issue]

December 2005

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Older people are often among those who suffer most the devastating impact of emergencies. They have also the potential to make vital contributions, such as looking after orphans and vulnerable children. This issue suggests ways and tools aimed at: addressing the invisibility of older people; improving their access to relief; finding out who needs most help; and using older people's knowledge and skills to support relief efforts and help the peace-building process in post-conflict settings. Includes a list of key resources around ageing and emergencies

Out of control : the UK Government’s efforts to understand cluster munitions and international humanitarian law

November 2005

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This report analyses UK government practices regarding cluster munitions and the implementation of international humanitarian law. The findings point to fundamental inadequacies in UK government practice and also highlight serious areas of concern for broader international humanitarian legislation. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in government policy, advocacy and humanitarian law

Displaced populations and long term humanitarian assistance

KETT, Maria
July 2005

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This article endeavours to give healthcare professionals contributing to humanitarian missions and projects in the acute phase of population displacement, an awareness of some of the factors that can influence the long term outcomes can be of great benefit for understanding project implications and sustainability

Caring for landmine victims

June 2005

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This booklet examines the challenges involved in providing assistance to landmine victims, many of whom cannot be provided with sufficient care because of poverty and a lack of health facilities. It also highlights the responsibilities of states to the Ottawa Convention and the new protocol on explosive remnants of war (ERW), and encourages increased efforts by both health-care systems and governments to support the victims

What rights for mine victims? reparation, compensation : from legal analysis to political perspectives

et al
April 2005

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This report examines different areas of international law: human rights, international humanitarian law and environmental law, as well as national laws in order to compile the potential legal means which could be claimed by landmine victims. The latter half of the report describes steps that can be undertaken by the international community to set up appropriate mechanisms. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in human rights, international law and landmine victims

Our common interest : report of the Commission for Africa

March 2005

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This wide-ranging report was produced by the Commission For Africa, assembled by British Prime Minister Tony Blair in 2004 to define the challenges facing Africa, and to provide clear recommendations on how to support the changes needed to reduce poverty. The report is in two parts. The first, The Argument, addresses itself to a wider audience and sets out the Commission's call to action. The second part, The Analysis and Evidence, lays out the substance and basis of the recommendations. Recommendations are set out between these two sections. Topics covered include governance, peace and security, social issues such as education, health and vulnerability, and economic growth and development

The final report of the first review conference of the states parties to the convention on the prohibition of the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines and on their destruction

February 2005

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This report presents final information from the first review conference of the states parties to the convention on the prohibition of the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines and on their destruction. This report consists of five parts and twelve annexes “"First Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction"
Nairobi, Kenya
29 November 3 December 2004

