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Realisation of sustainable development goals by, for and with persons with disabilities: UN flagship report on disability and development 2018

December 2018

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This report represents the first UN systemwide effort to examine disability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level. The report reviews data, policies and programmes and identifies good practices; and uses the evidence it reviewed to outline recommended actions to promote the realization of the SDGs for persons with disabilities. Over 200 experts from UN agencies and International Financial Institutions, Member States and civil society, including research institutions and organizations of persons with disabilities, contributed to this report. The report covers new areas for which no global research was previously available, for example, the role of access to energy to enable persons with disabilities to use assistive technology. It also contains the first global compilation and analysis of internationally comparable data using the Washington Group on Disability Statistics short set of questions. Reviews of legislation from 193 UN Member States were conducted and analysed for this report to highlight good practices and to assess the current status of discriminatory laws on voting, election for office, right to marry and others

Smarter, greener, more inclusive? Indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy. 2017 edition

July 2017

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The focus of this publication is on showing progress of the EU and its Member States towards the goals and targets defined in the Europe 2020 strategy. The analysis of long-term trends, as described by the strategy’s headline indicators, is accompanied by additional contextual information, which improves understanding of the driving forces behind the developments that these indicators show. The current edition builds upon and updates the previous releases. The publication provides analyses based on the most recent statistics in the five thematic areas of employment, R&D and innovation, climate change and energy, education, and poverty and social exclusion. Each area is analysed in a dedicated chapter. An executive summary outlines the main statistical trends observed in the indicators. Additional country profiles describe the progress of each Member State towards its national Europe 2020 targets

DOI: 10.2785/760192

Projecting progress : reaching the SDGs by 2030

et al
September 2015

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The report presents an analysis that begins to systematically quantify the scale of the challenge that the world has set itself with the Sustainable Development Goals for the first time.  The authors selected one target per goal – a total of 17 – and projected forward to 2030, grading them from A-F according to how near they will be to completion in 2030. This was based on available projections of current trends sourced from leading institutions, alongside our own where there were gaps. The resulting scorecard shows that unless significant changes are made, none of the SDGs will be met

Fuel for life : household energy and health


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This document draws attention to the impact on public health of household energy practices, and of the use of traditional fuels such as wood, dung and coal. Section 1 looks in some detail at household energy, indoor pollution and health. Section 2 considers the implications of the Millennium Development Goals for household energy, focusing on women and children. Section 3 suggests alternative ways forward, supporting the use of clean fuel, greater investments in household energy and the designing of effective energy programmes

Appropriate technology

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Features articles on appropriate technology for agriculture, aquaculture, food processing, small-scale industry, rural community development, stoves, waste utilization, energy as well as health features. Sample issue and contents available from website
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Boiling point|a practitioner's journal on household energy, stoves and poverty reduction

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A technical journal for those working with household energy. Deals with technical, social, financial and environmental issues and aims to improve the quality of life for poor communities living in the developing world. Contains practical information on stove construction and design, appropriate technologies in the field of stoves and household energy, stove making materials, governmental and NGO stove programmes, research and development, associated sociological issues, cooking practices, fuel issues and conservation. Back issues available on CD-ROM. Previously published by Practical Action
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Projecting progress : reaching the SDGs by 2030 : interactive storyboard


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This website shows the Overseas Development Institute’s (ODI) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) interactive story board. It provides a scorecard, based upon taking data from one target per goal and projecting forward to 2030, with each goal graded from A-F according to how near they will be to completion in 2030. The results include no ‘A’s are awarded, and 5 goals receive an ‘F’ illustrating that, unless significant changes are made, none of the SDGs will be met. The remainder of the website also features videos, images and text outlining what must happen if the world is to reverse these projections and successfully implement all 17 SDGs
