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Disability and displacement

July 2010

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The 27 feature theme articles in this issue of Forced Migration Reveiw show why disabled people who have been displaced need particular consideration and highlight some of the initiatives taken (locally and at the global level) to change thinking and practices, so that their vulnerability is recognised, their voices heard, and responses are inclusive

Heightened risk identification tool (HRIT)

June 2010

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"The Heightened Risk Identification Tool (HRIT) and User Guide have been developed to enhance UNHCR's effectiveness in identifying refugees at risk by linking community-based / participatory assessments and individual assessment methodologies. They have been designed for use by UNHCR staff involved in community services and/or protection activities (including resettlement) and partner agencies"

The heightened risk identification tool : user guide

June 2010

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"The Heightened Risk Identification Tool (HRIT) and User Guide have been developed to enhance UNHCR's effectiveness in identifying refugees at risk by linking community-based / participatory assessments and individual assessment methodologies. They have been designed for use by UNHCR staff involved in community services and/or protection activities (including resettlement) and partner agencies"

Children and armed conflict : a guide to international humanitarian and human rights law

LANDRY, Guillaume

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This guide offers a full understanding of the current challenges faced by children in armed conflict and the international law, norms and developments that apply to children in these situations. It is divided into two sections: the first gives sets out the background context of the situation; and the second section looks at particular issue faced by children affected by armed conflict and the international law and other developments that attempt to address these issues. The conclusion of the guide, examines the extent of the application of international law and standards, according to the experience of children and young people from Colombia and northern Uganda. There are also a number of annexes designed to further assist practitioners in their analysis, advocacy efforts, provision of care and practice

Disability in displacement

SHIVJI, Aleema

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This article presents information about the difficulties people with disabilities face before, during and after displacement. Key issues are described and examples of practical solutions are provided. This resource is useful for people interested in disability and displacement
Forced migration review, Issue 35

Vulnerability and disability in Darfur

KETT, Maria
TRANI, Jean-François

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This article presents the increased difficulties persons with disabilities face throughout the displacement process as highlighted in focus group discussions in IDP camps in western Darfur. It also features information about disability in international standards and guidelines, as well as future challenges
Forced Migration Review, Issue 35

Psychosocial counselling and social work with clients and their families in the Somali context : a facilitator’s guide

November 2009

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This handbook is "designed to be used as training support handbook for helping professionals in the Somali context. The focus is on psychosocial needs for the rehabilitation of persons with trauma, mental health related forms of distress and those who have experienced gender based violence and gender related abuses. The guidelines, developed within a UNHCR funded programme in Somalia, are intended to assist staffs, who are concerned with providing protection and assistance to refugees and IDP"

Disabilities among refugees and conflict-affected populations : resource kit for field workers|Improving services for displaced persons with disabilities : lessons learned and ideas for action

June 2008

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This resource kit offers ..."practical ideas on how to improve services and protection for people with disabilities and enhance their inclusion and participation in community affairs. It is based on the findings of five country field studies, as well global desk research into other refugee and internally displaced persons programmes and an analysis of existing international policies and practices relating to displaced persons with disabilities. It would be useful to United Nations, non-governmental organisation, community-based organisation and disabled people's organisation field staff working with refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons with disabilities"

Disabilities among refugees and conflict-affected populations

June 2008

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"This report is the culmination of a six-month address the rights and needs of displaced persons with disabilities, with a particular focus on women (including older women), children and youth. Based on field research in five refugee situations, as well as global desk research, the Women’s Commission sought to map existing services for displaced persons with disabilities, identify gaps and good practices and make recommendations on how to improve services, protection and participation for displaced persons with disabilities"

Chapter 11 : protection of persons with specific needs

May 2008

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This chapter outlines the key issues of persons with specific needs in internally displaced persons(IDP) or refugee communities and provides practical recommendations for a camp management agencies
Published in Camp Management Toolkit by The Camp Management Project

NGOs & UN agencies assisting persons with disabilities : a non-exhaustive reference list of organizations working with and for persons with disabilities world-wide

EGUEZ, Maria Isabel
April 2008

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"This reference list is a mapping of specialized organizations working with and for persons with disabilities around the world. This reference list is intended to help UNHCR field staff identify specialized organizations that may be willing to support UNHCR by including persons of concern with disabilities into their programs...The reference list has been divided into five regions: Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Asia & the Pacific, Europe, and the Americas. Each region is then alphabetically categorized by country"

Guidance on infant feeding and HIV in the context of refugees and displaced populations


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This Guidance on Infant feeding and HIV aims to assist in policy formation and decision-making strategies on infant feeding and HIV in refugees and displaced populations. Its purpose is to provide an overview of the current consensus on infant feeding and HIV, and to give guidance to facilitate implementation of HIV and infant feeding programmes in refugee and displaced situations, in emergency contexts, and as an integral element of a coordinated approach to public health, HIV and nutrition programming

Rapid assessment of alcohol and other substance use in conflict-affected and displaced populations : a field guide

EZARD, Nadine

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This guide outlines the steps for planning and conducting rapid assessments of alcohol and other substance use among conflict-affected and displaced populations. It also details information for action plans and report writing, as well as key resources and annexes with sample forms. This guide is useful for practitioners and researchers to conduct rapid assessments of alcohol and other substance use in conflict-affected and displaced populations

Humanitarian reform : fulfilling its promise?

December 2007

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This is a special issue of the Forced Migration Review. It includes articles relating to Iraq, Darfur, Colombia, Bulgaria, Bhutanese refugees, accountability protection, profiling internally displaced populations, and the role of the private sector

The protection of older persons and persons with disabilities

June 2007

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"This paper examines the challenges which older persons and persons with disabilities face in accessing protection, including assistance, in situations of displacement. It reviews current policies on the protection of displaced older persons and those with disabilities; highlights the main protection challenges faced by these individuals; and outlines efforts made by UNHCR and partners to respond to these challenges. Finally, it summarizes the key areas for attention and follow-up in the next three years to improve its performance in providing protection and support to older persons and persons with disabilities"

The UN study on violence against children

PINHEIRO, Paulo Sérgio
August 2006

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This study provides an understanding of the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of different forms of violence against children (physical, psychological, and sexual), taking into account five main settings in which violence takes place - the family, schools, care and residential institutions as well as detention facilities and prisons, in work situations, and in communities and on the streets. A range of cross cutting issues are featured including trafficking and exploitation, refugees, separated and internally displaced children, and children affected by HIV

Displaced populations and long term humanitarian assistance

KETT, Maria
July 2005

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This article endeavours to give healthcare professionals contributing to humanitarian missions and projects in the acute phase of population displacement, an awareness of some of the factors that can influence the long term outcomes can be of great benefit for understanding project implications and sustainability

Vulnerable groups of displaced populations

December 2004

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This article considers some of the wider consequences of conflict and trauma, as well as the broad scope of conflict medicine. It outlines some of the predisposing factors to displacement, some of the immediate and longer-term impacts of displacement, contextualises many of the particular considerations that need to be taken into account when working with people or groups who have undergone such experiences. It highlights how and why internally displaced people are vulnerable, and what effects this vulnerability can have on conflict recovery

Mental health in emergencies : mental and social aspects of health of populations exposed to extreme stressors

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

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A large number of people are exposed to extreme stressors that are a risk factor for mental health and social problems. This report describes principles and strategies that can be applied in resource poor settings where there are people who have been exposed to extreme stressors, such as refugees, internally displaced persons, disaster survivors and populations exposed to terrorism, genocide or war

