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Programme report 1997

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization

Primary prevention of mental, neurological and psychosocial disorders


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This book describes a number of simple and effective measures for the primary prevention of selected mental, neurological, and psychosocial disorders. Addressed to policy-makers as well as mental health professionals, the book aims both to increase awareness of the potential of primary prevention and to encourage the use of specific interventions. Four disorders are covered: mental retardation, epilepsy, suicide, and burnout of health care staff. Each disorder is discussed according to a common format that includes information on the size of the problem, risk factors and causes, and measures available for primary prevention. The book adopts a public health approach, arguing that the multifactorial causes of most mental and neurological disorders requires broad-based strategies involving many different sectors. Recommended lines of action range from simple procedures to measures at the legislative level. [Publisher's abstract, amended]

