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Obesity in disabled children and adolescents : an overlooked group of patients

REINEHR , Thomas
et al
April 2010

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This article presents the results of a literature review about the relationship between disability and obesity in childhood and adolescence. "A total of 38 relevant articles were identified. All studies agreed that the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children with disabilities was almost twice that in their non-disabled peers. No effective, long-lasting interventions for obesity in disabled children and adolescents have been published. Conclusion: Since a high proportion of disabled children and adolescents are overweight or obese, effective strategies for preventing and managing excess weight need to be developed so as not to further endanger their social participation. Moreover, risk factors for overweight in disabled children and adolescents should be identified and their weight status carefully monitored"
Deutsche Arzteblatt International Journal, Vol 107, Issue 15

World alzheimer report 2010 : the global economic impact of dementia

WIMO, Anders
PRINCE, Martin

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This report provides a global picture of the economic impact of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. "The report includes an estimate of the worldwide cost of dementia, including direct medical costs, direct non-medical costs and costs of informal (family) care. The estimates are broken down by world region and include analysis of the differences between low and high income countries. The report also contains important policy recommendations and makes clear to key decision-makers that doing nothing is not an option"

IDF diabetes atlas

UNWIN, Nigel
et al

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This report presents evidence that diabetes is a global epidemic. It contains comprehensive information in the following sections: What is diabetes?; The Global Burden; Regional Overviews; Diabetes and Development; Linking Local to Global; Resources and Solutions; References; Additional Resources. This report is useful for health professionals, scientists, economists, policy-makers, and national and international agencies

Diabetes prevention and control projects in countries with limited resources|Lessons from experience : know-how analysis

BONARERI, Elizabeth
et al
December 2009

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This analysis paper presents the ‘know-how’ acquired by Handicap International in its diabetes prevention and control projects. It provides six practical know-how analysis sections focusing upon stakeholder mobilisation, services in communities, the decentralisation of diabetes care, diabetes clubs for persons with diabetes, supporting associations of persons with diabetes and conducting a study on a disabling disease project. This report would be useful to anyone interested in diabetes prevention and control in developing countries

Contribution of chronic diseases to disability in elderly people in countries with low and middle incomes : a 10/66 dementia research group population-based survey

SOUSA, Renata M
et al
November 2009

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This article assesses "the contribution of physical, mental, and cognitive chronic diseases to disability, and the extent to which sociodemographic and health characteristics account for geographical variation in disability." Using cross sectional surveys of people aged over 65 in seven low and middle income countries, the findings highlight specific associations of chronic diseases to disability and overall that dementia, not blindness, is overwhelmingly the most important independent contributor to disability for elderly people in low and middle income countries. This resource is useful to people interested in the contribution of chronic diseases to disability in elderly people
The Lancet, Vol 374, Issue 97041
To access this article, users need to register (free) online

Packages of care for epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries

MBUBA, Caroline K
NEWTON, Charles R
October 2009

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This article focuses on the management of epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries and recommends a package of care - a combination of interventions aimed at improving the recognition and management of conditions to achieve optimal outcomes - for epilepsy, that is sustainable

Needs assessment to develop diabetes control and prevention projects in limited-resource countries

June 2009

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This toolkit provides a guide for international NGOs to implement a needs assessment to develop diabetes control and prevention projects in limited-resource countries. This practical toolkit highlights the necessary details for related log books, guides, frameworks, checklists, job descriptions, reports and templates. This guide is useful for organisations interested in needs assessment to develop diabetes control and prevention projects in limited-resource countries

Women and health : today's evidence tomorrow's agenda

DE ZOYSA Isabelle

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This is a report on women and health - both women’s health needs and their contribution to the health of societies. Women’s health has long been a concern for the World Health Organization but today it has become an urgent priority. This report explains why. Using current data, it takes stock of what is known about the health of women throughout their lives and across the different regions of the world

WHO handbook on indoor radon : a public health perspective

ZEEB, Hajo

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This handbook focuses on residential radon exposure from a public health point of view and provides detailed recommendations on reducing health risks from radon and policy options for preventing and mitigating radon exposure. The material reflects the epidemiological evidence that indoor radon exposure is responsible for a substantial number of lung cancers in the general population

Future sight loss UK (2) : an epidemiological and economic model for sight loss in the decade 2010 to 2020

REIDY, Angela

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This report provides estimates of the numbers of persons that were likely to have age-related macular disease, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma at two points in time 2010 and 2020. Estimates of the baseline and cumulative costs to society of the prevailing health and social care provision and support in that time frame are provided using a cost of illness approach from the societal perspective. Useful figures and tables are provided to present the results

Economic implications of chronic illness and disability in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union


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Specific to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, this comprehensive resource aims to examine the poverty-disability relationship in transition countries. It explores the linkages between disability and employment, school enrolments, and the time-use of adults. This report also considers more broadly the nature of service delivery and the socio-economic implications for disabled people

mhGAP mental health gap action programme : scaling up care for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders


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This report presents an action plan to scale up services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders for countries, especially low and lower middle income countries. It describes the mhGAP programme, outlines framework for country action and emphasises the building of partnerships. This resource is useful for people interested in scaling up services for mental health in developing countries

Age-friendly primary health care centres toolkit


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This toolkit aims to improve the primary health care response for older persons. The information presented assists health care workers in the diagnosis and management of chronic diseases and the four main issues of memory loss, urinary incontinence, depression and falls/immobility that often impact people as they age. The toolkit contains a number of instruments that can be used by primary health care workers to assess and address older persons' health, such as evaluation forms, slides, figures, graphs, diagrams, scale tables, country guidelines, exam sheets, screening tools, cards, and checklists
Note: The link provided also contains Annex 1: Trainers guide for normal ageing and communication, a Normal Ageing power point presentation and Communication with older people power point presentation

What works? interventions for maternal and child under nutrition and survival

BHUTTA, Zulfigar
et al
January 2008

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This article "reviews interventions that affect maternal and child undernutrition and nutrition-related outcomes. These interventions included promotion of breastfeeding; strategies to promote complementary feeding, with or without provision of food supplements; micronutrient interventions; general supportive strategies to improve family and community nutrition; and reduction of disease burden (promotion of handwashing and strategies to reduce the burden of malaria in pregnancy). (The authors) showed that although strategies for breastfeeding promotion have a large effect on survival, their effect on stunting is small"
The Lancet, Vol 371, Issue 9610

Essential skills for mental health care

RAZI, Emma
September 2007

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This manual has been designed to provide essential information to mental health professionals to help provide good, safe care to people with mental ill health. The initial chapters provide an introduction to mental health and the later chapters and the appendices will be of more use to experienced health professionals who prescribe medicine

Uganda demographic health survey 2006

August 2007

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The 2006 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) is a nationally representative survey of 8,531 women age 15-49 years and 2,503 men age 15-54 years and is the first such survey to cover the entire country. The primary purpose of the UDHS is to furnish policymakers and planners with detailed information on fertility; family planning; infant, child, adult, and maternal mortality; maternal and child health; nutrition; and knowledge of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. In addition, in one in three households selected for the survey, women age 15-49, men age 15-54, and children under age 5 years were weighed and their height was measured to assess their nutritional status. Women, men, and children age 6-59 months, in this subset of households were also tested for anemia, and in addition the women and children were tested for vitamin A deficiency. In addition to the main report, the key findings, a preliminary report, a wall chart and fact sheet are also available online

Evidence on the long-term effects of breastfeeding : systematic reviews and meta-analyses

HORTA, Bernardo L
BAHL, Rajiv

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"The primary objective of this series of systematic reviews was to assess the effects of breastfeeding on blood pressure, diabetes and related indicators, serum cholesterol, overweight and obesity, and intellectual performance...
Reviewers' conclusions: The available evidence suggests that breastfeeding may have long-term benefits. Subjects who were breastfed experienced lower mean blood pressure and total cholesterol, as well as higher performance in intelligence tests. Furthermore, the prevalence of overweight/obesity and type-2 diabetes was lower among breastfed subjects. All effects were statistically significant, but for some outcomes their magnitude was relatively modest."

Tonga national disability identification survey 2006

TAYLOR, Dimity
March 2006

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This survey identifies the prevalence of disability among the population of Tonga; the main causes of disability; the extent to which people with disabilities are able to participate in the community, education and employment sectors and the needs of people with disabilities. A list of recommendations for creating a more inclusive society focuses on government policy and direction, legislation, various government departments and ministries, women's development, the police, national organisations and NGOs, churches, sport and the media. It was conducted on behalf of DACTION - the Tonga Disability Action Committee, and the Tonga Red Cross Society. Executive summary also available in Tongan

