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Evidence for the effectiveness of rehabilitation-in-the-community programmes

EBENSO, Bassey
FUZIKAWA, Priscila L
March 2008

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"The present literature review identified 29 reports from 22 countries in Asia, Africa and Central America reporting on the outcomes of rehabilitation-in-the-community programmes in low and middle income countries published between 1987 and 2007. Interventions included home visits by trained community workers who taught disabled persons skills to carry out activities of daily living, encouraged disabled children to go to school, helped find employment or an income generating activity, often involving vocational training and/or micro-credit. Many programmes had a component of influencing community attitudes towards disabled persons. The information collected shows that such programmes were effective in that they increased independence, mobility and communication skills of disabled persons, helped parents of disabled children to cope better and increased the number of disabled children attending schools. Economic interventions effectively increased the income of disabled persons although they rarely made them financially independent. CBR activities result in social processes that change the way community members view persons with disabilities, increase their level of acceptance and social inclusion and mobilise resources to meet their needs"
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, Issue 1

Inclusion of persons affected by leprosy in CBR

et al
March 2008

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This article presents reflections of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) professionals who attended a workshop prior to the 17th International Leprosy Congress. The professionals discussed the need to make their rehabilitation programmes, often focussed on serving the needs of persons affected by leprosy, more inclusive for other marginalised groups, in particular persons disabled through non-leprosy causes. They also reflected on the need to promote the self-organisation of people affected by leprosy and their inclusion of them also in general Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) either individually or through their organisations
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, Issue 1

Global trends in disability rehabilitation and their implications for leprosy programmes

THOMAS, Maliakal Joseph
March 2008

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This article explores the global trends in disability rehabilitation and the implications for leprosy programmes. It provides a brief summary the Biwako Millennium Framework of the Asia and Pacific decade to gain a better understanding of current issues and the implications for leprosy rehabilitation programmes
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, Issue 1

HIV/AIDS in Haiti : key findings of the mortality, morbidity, and utilization of services survey : EMMUS-iv 2005-2006

MEASURE DHS (Demographic Health Surveys)

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This report presents survey findings on HIV prevalence in Haiti and other related results, including knowledge of HIV and AIDS, attitudes toward people living with HIV, and sexual behaviour. The survey was undertaken by the Mortality, Morbidity, and Utilization of Services Assessment Survey (EMMUS-IV) [Enquête Mortalité, Morbidité et Utilisation des Services] conducted between October 2005 and June 2006. The French version of this report follows the English version

Towards universal access : scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector : progress report 2008


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This report provides in-depth information on: treatment and care for people living with HIV; HIV testing and counselling; health sector interventions for HIV prevention; scaling up HIV services for women and children; strengthening health systems and health information; and towards universal access as the way forward

Task shifting : rational redistribution of tasks among health workforce teams : global recommendations and guidelines


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These guidelines and 22 recommendations are designed to support for countries that face a high HIV burden and acute shortages within the health workforce. Task shifting involves the rational redistribution of tasks among health workforce teams. Specific tasks are moved, where appropriate, from highly qualified health workers to health workers with shorter training and fewer qualifications in order to make more efficient use of the available human resources for health. The key elements that must be in place if the approach is to prove safe, efficient, effective, equitable and sustainable, cover the need for consultation, situation analysis and national endorsement, and for an enabling regulatory framework. They specify the quality assurance mechanisms, including standardised training, supportive supervision, and certification and assessment, that will be important to ensure quality of care

Invisible : the notion of disability in the context of HIV/AIDS in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

January 2008

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This thesis explores how the cultural context in which people think about disability and HIV exposes disabled people to a higher risk of infection. To investigate this issue, this work analyses the macro-cultural, micro-cultural and individual level of people in the KwaZulu-Natal region of South Africa. This resource would be useful for anyone interested in the cultural aspects of disability and HIV and AIDS

The Millennium Development Goals report 2008


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This UN Report summarizes progress towards the Millennium Development Goals between 2000 and 2008, for the world as a whole and for various country groupings. It also considers factors that may affect future progress towards achieving the goals by 2015

Guidance on infant feeding and HIV in the context of refugees and displaced populations


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This Guidance on Infant feeding and HIV aims to assist in policy formation and decision-making strategies on infant feeding and HIV in refugees and displaced populations. Its purpose is to provide an overview of the current consensus on infant feeding and HIV, and to give guidance to facilitate implementation of HIV and infant feeding programmes in refugee and displaced situations, in emergency contexts, and as an integral element of a coordinated approach to public health, HIV and nutrition programming

Seen & heard : children affected by HIV and AIDS, XVII International AIDS Conference


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This project set out to help young people affected by HIV to find their voices and to provide them with a platform from which to speak not only in their home countries, but also internationally. At the heart of the project, was the participation of a team of six young people, aged 7 to 17, from the United Kingdom, Uganda and Mexico. These young people were the first ever to participate in an International AIDS Conference. They interviewed key participants and asked direct questions about how they will support HIV-affected children

Tuberculosis : a social disease


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This booklet looks at the social history and social causes of tuberculosis; the social legislation that have been used to control and prevent it and the impact of the diseases today

PMI communication and social mobilization guidelines


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These guidelines are help in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes to influence behaviours and mobilise communities to create long-term normative shifts towards desired behaviours and to sustain enabling behaviours around the four interventions of the Presidents Malaria Initiative. These are: * Increased demand for malaria services and products; * Acceptance of indoor residual spraying; * Improved adherence to treatment regimens and intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy during pregnancy; * Regular insecticide-treated nets use by the general population, focusing on vulnerable groups including pregnant women and children under five; * Prompt, appropriate treatment with Artemisinin-based combination therapies for children under five within 24 hours of onset of symptoms; and * Community involvement in malaria control

Fostering disability-inclusive HIV/AIDS programs in northeast India : a participatory study

et al
June 2007

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"This paper summarises findings from a participatory study which aimed to develop practical guidelines to make HIV programmes in the states of Manipur and Nagaland more disability-friendly...The objectives were to: 1) explore HIV risk and risk perception in relation to people with disability (PWD) among HIV and disability programmers, and PWD themselves; 2) identify HIV-related education and service needs and preferences of PWD; and 3) utilise findings and stakeholder consultation to draft practical guidelines for inclusion of disability into HIV programming in this region of India"

The essentials of antiretroviral therapy for health care and program managers

HOPE, Ruth
April 2007

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This book provides health care workers and mangers with information and practical guidance relating to antiretroviral therapies (ART). It also considers wider care and treatment issues such as; opportunistic infections, the integration of ART with antenatal and midwifery services, the particular needs of children and young people, support relating to nutrition, spiritual needs, psycho-social and economic issues. In addition, the need for community level support to help with adherence to treatment and address stigma and discrimination are also considered, as is end-of-life care for people whose disease does not respond to treatment

The quality of life, mental health, and perceived stigma of leprosy patients in Bangladesh

et al
March 2007

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"The present study aims to determine the quality of life (QOL) and general mental health of leprosy patients compared with the general population, and evaluate contributing factors such as socio-economic characteristics and perceived stigma. A total of 189 patients (160 outpatients, 29 inpatients) and 200 controls without leprosy or other chronic diseases were selected from Dhaka district, Bangladesh, using stratified random sampling"
Social Science Medicine Journal, Vol 64, Issue 12

Achieving millennium development goals (4, 5 &6) in Africa south of Sahara : BCH Africa's strategic vision

Building Capacities for Better Health in Africa (BCH Africa)

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This is document outlines BCH-Africa's strategic vision to help countries in sub-Saharan Africa to meet three of the millennium goals by 2015. These goals are: to help to reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; and combat HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases. The strategy sets out four main areas of focus: promoting social ownership of immunisation, to contribute to a rapid reduction in infant and maternal mortality; promoting national partnership and developing community skills to roll back malaria in Africa sustainably; developing individual and community skills to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS and tuberculosis; and using communication approaches that achieve long-lasting social changes to help control HIV, malaria and tuberculosis and resolve other health problems. Accompanying strategic priorities are: integrating health communication interventions; and building human resource capacity in community health promotion with a firm commitment to involving all the main actors and partners to create greater social ownership and sustainability

Excreta disposal in emergencies : a field manual


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This manual gives practical guidance on how to select, design, construct and maintain appropriate excreta disposal systems to reduce faecal transmission risks and protect public health in emergency situations. It outlines the key issues to be considered when assessing excreta disposal needs and priorities, and provides guidance on how to plan, design and construct appropriate systems, and on how to maintain and promote appropriate use of those systems. It is designed for use by field-based technicians, engineers and non-technical staff responsible for sanitation planning, management and intervention in emergencies

