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A guide to country-level information about equity, poverty and health available from multi-country research programs

CARR, Dara
et al

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This guide provides information about 14 inter-country programmes including activities, sponsors, countries covered, and contact details. It includes an extensive list of studies that have been produced or are underway under the auspices of each of the 14 programmes, together with further contact details. This list is organised by country, and is designed to introduce professionals concerned with particular countries to the research taking place there, and the people undertaking it

Review of the present situation in special needs education


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An overall comparison between the two situations - 1986 and 1993 - reported here and in the previous report allow for some guarded optimism. Most countries provided some information on policies but varied greatly in the amount of detail offered. Special educational provision is more firmly located within regular education, at school and the administrative levels, than before and has greater legislative underpinning. Within the policy statements, themselves, the most common strands related to : developing the individual's potential, integration and necessary steps for implementation. Regarding legislation, most countries did include special needs provision in the same regulatory framework as general education; the most common reason given for excluding particular children was severity of disability. Much remains to be done and there is no room for complacency. Many countries face fiscal and personnel constraints, and maintaining let alone increasing existing investment in special educational provision will not be easy. A word of caution : even where resources are not the central issue, the pressures created by the general school reforms taking place in many countries may reduce the priority given to speical educational provision. However, progress has been made, despite the many difficulties.


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The programme of surveillance of tuberculosis in Europe (EuroTB) started in 1996 to promote the use of epidemiological surveillance in tuberculosis control in Europe, and to standardise tuberculosis control methods. The website is available in English and French. It also contains information about infection rates for different countries and EuroTB newsletters

Prevention of blindness and visual impairment


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This site gives information on vision and hearing disabilities, and their prevention worldwide. UN resolutions on the prevention of visual impairment and deafness are available from the site as well as country profiles. E-mail enquiries are invited

Eldis : the gateway to development information


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ELDIS is a gateway to information on development issues, providing free and easy access to a wide range of high quality online resources. It provides summaries and links to online documents. It also offers a directory of websites, databases, library catalogues and email discussion lists, and an email news service that can bring the latest research to your mail-box. Its resource guides offer easy access to information on a wide range of subjects



Expand view is a collaboration between the DFID AIDS Policy Team, the UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development and the DFID Health Resource Centre, which produces the Eldis AIDS resource guide. brings together the contents of the resource guide with policy discussions and country resources which are currently under development. There is a new AIDSPortal resource section on orphans and vulnerable children. It is also possible to access country specific resources and contacts from civil society organisations. There is information about a recent symposium to support the sharing of best practice in OVC programming which includes an overview of issues around OVC

Data query


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Data Query offers free access to a segment of the World Development Indicators (WDI) database, an extensive collection of data about development. This segment includes 54 timeseries indicators for 208 countries and 18 groups, spanning five years. Users can choose several ways of displaying the data: index, percentage change, and graphs, and can export the result in standard formats. Definitions and sources are also available

You and AIDS : the HIV/AIDS portal for Asia Pacific

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This website aims to fill a gap in information provision in the region, addressing the overall development context, and to act as a regional platform to synergise multisectoral responses against the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The site includes country-specific information including statistical information; background information on broad policy themes such as corporate social responsibility, migration, and volunatry counselling and testing; a searchable 'library' of information sources; and a collection of interviews and opinion pieces by influential people and subject experts


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The purpose of this website is to monitor the development of human rights, rule of law standards, and policies in EU countries and those applying for membership. The work here includes: encouraging regular and comprehensive independent monitoring; contributing to improving standards and policies; and promoting active engagement of civil society. This work would be useful for anyone with an interest in human rights and policy development across Europe

The Secretariat of the African decade of persons with disabilities (SADPD)

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This website aims to empower partnerships between governments, disabled people's organisations and development organisations to include disability and persons with disabilities in policies and programmes in all sectors of society in Africa. The priority activities for the African Decade are capacity building, advocacy, lobbying and awareness raising

