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Capitalisation on network strengthening, community-based approach and partnership in mine risk education project : Lessons learned from experience in Angola

SAVI, Gabrielle

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This report highlights three components of Handicap International's Mine Risk Education project in Angola. The first involves networking in the Angolan context and the associated lessons, constraints and the strengths. The second, is a discussion on the evolution of the community-based approach in Angola. Lastly, this report discusses the strengths and weaknesses of partnerships made with local NGOs

Tough choices : disability and social security in South Africa | Disability and social change : a South African agenda

SWARTZ, Leslie
SCHNEIDER, Marguerite

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This resource investigates disability and social change in South Africa. Specifically, it asserts that the biggest barrier to the full participation of disabled people in South African society is discrimination. In line with the social model of disability, this work further claims that societal attitudes hinder access to safe, accessible and affordable transport, employment and HIV and AIDS programmes

Are disabled peoples’ voices from both south and north being heard in the development process?|A comparative analysis between the situation in South Africa, Zimbabwe, United Kingdom and Northern Europe

May 2005

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This study reveals that there are major differences between the South and the North regarding issues involving persons with disabilities. It shows that the North provides devices for disabled persons and maintains high standards in disability; whereas countries in the South have weak acts of parliament, in addition to the fact that much of the South does not have social security benefits

World malaria report 2005


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A comprehensive report on the spread of malaria worldwide, including detailed profiles of countries' efforts to control the disease through treatment and prevention

Making cash count : lessons from cash transfer schemes in east and southern Africa for supporting the most vulnerable children and households

et al

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This is the report of a study comparing unconditional cash transfers to vulnerable groups in 15 countries in east and southern Africa, with in-depth analysis of four counties - Ethiopia, Lesotho, Mozambique and Zambia. Because cash transfers are new to this region, the aim is to draw lessons for policy from a comparative review. The report finds that knowledge gaps impede the development of meaningful policy. This work would be useful for anyone with an interest in vulnerable groups, development and the socio-economic factors

DFID departmental report 2005


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This report gives a comprehensive account of previous spending and future plans for spending of the UK Department for International development (DFID). Specifically, this report focuses on DFID's work and key developments from April 2004 to March 2005 and explains DFID's approach to working as part of a wider international effort to address poverty in developing countries. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in international organisations and development

Physical rehabilitation services in South East Europe

December 2004

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The report gives a comprehensive overview of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) services in South East Europe, and specifically in: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia and Montenegro and the UN Administered Province of Kosovo. It also provides general information about the organisation of the health care system and an analysis of the existing educational system for PMR professionals in each country, giving the number of professionals working in PMR

Status report on poverty and disability in the Americas - voices from the Americas

November 2004

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This study is the first of four regional studies that draw attention to poverty and the increased vulnerability of disabled people and their families. The study seeks to draw attention to the extreme and systemic poverty disabled people face in Latin America and the Caribbean; to understand the relationship between disability and poverty; and to formulate policy that will reduce poverty and support disability programmes in the region. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in disability and development

2004 report on the global AIDS epidemic : executive summary

June 2004

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This annual report takes an overall look at the global AIDS epidemic. It considers the impact of HIV and AIDS on people and societies and includes a particular focus on the orphans and vulnerable children. It takes a further look at scaling up HIV prevention initiatives, with considerations about the threat of HIV to young people. There is a look at treatment, care and support for people living with HIV. It also takes into account the notion of human rights and protection. There are finally some considerations of the financing of responses to the crisis, and the need to coordinate national responses to HIV and AIDS. There is a table fo useful information on country specific estimates and data relating to HIV and AIDS

Lessons learned workshop : a review of assistance programmes for war wounded and other persons with disabilities living in mine-affected countries

June 2004

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This workshop and report were designed to gather from participants their collective experience to reflect on the impact of the Treaty to Ban Landmines, on victim assistance work and offer some clarity and focus to the international community. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in disability, advocacy and conflict situations

A civil society forum for Africa and the Middle East on promoting and protecting the rights of street children

March 2004

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[Publisher's abstract:] In March 2004, Consortium for Street Children coordinated a Civil Society Forum for North Africa and the Middle East. This conference was the fifth in a series of regional forums organised by CSC with the aim of bringing together key NGOs and government representatives from selected countries to exchange experiences and formulate recommendations for the promotion and protection of the human rights of street children within each region. Ten countries from North Africa and the Middle East participated in the forum: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen

Psycho-social/mental health care in the occupied Palestinian territories : the embryonic system

et al

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This report presents the findings of a survey exploring the nature and extent of counselling and therapeutic services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It is the first installment of an ongoing assessment of psycho-social/mental health care in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. It aims to identify the main obstacles, map the extent of institutional provision of services, identify principal learning and development needs, and gain a picture of the type of work and methods used. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in mental health and programme planning

Disability research abridged report 2004


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This resource outlines the issues and challenges facing people with disabilities and service providers in Cambodia and offers insight into future policies and service delivery models. Empirically based, this research seeks to provide a sustainable and realistic approach to integrating people with disabilities into the development of their communities. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in disability and development

From autonomy to dependency : barriers to independent living encountered by elderly Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

LEMIRE, Xavier
LEPRESLE, Claude-André

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This survey explores the situation of elderly Palestinian people living in camps in Lebanon, covering both individual abilities and environmental resources, and identifies the main obstacles to their leading an independent life. The aim is to determine how to improve access to their rights and to adequate services

Living conditions among people with activity limitations in Zimbabwe : a representative regional survey

EIDE, Arne H
et al
December 2003

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"This report presents the findings of a study about the livelihoods of people with disability in Zimbabwe using data from household surveys with and without people with disabilities. The report, one of a series of regional research reports to establish baseline data on living conditions among people in Southern Africa, looks at the fields of health, employment, education, living conditions and services for people with disabilities"

Situation analysis of different social welfare issues in Iraq

October 2003

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This report contains the findings, conclusions and recommendations based on rapid assessment study conducted during the summer of 2003. The study assesses the post-war situation in Baghdad with regards to disability and rehabilitation, learning difficulties, landmines, torture, orphans and disadvantaged children.

Small arms in the pacific

ALPERS, Philip
March 2003

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This study investigates a range of small arms-related issues in 20 nations of the southern Pacific. It also examines the status of existing firearm legislation and the degree of legal stockpiles and illicit trade, and the socio-economic impacts of armed conflict on Pacific communities. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in conflict situations, socio-economic impacts and development

