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Saving lives : including people with disabilities in emergency planning

April 2005

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This report provides an overview of the steps US federal government should take to include people with disabilities in emergency preparedness, disaster relief and homeland security program.  Key recommendations are provided and offer examples of community efforts to take account of the needs of people with disabilities


Note: This report is also available in alternative formats on the National Council on Disability's (NCD) website:

Rising to the challenges : assessing the impacts of organisational capacity building

WRIGLEY, Rebecca
February 2005

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This paper “offers a brief overview of current thinking and practice in relation to the impact assessment of organisational capacity building interventions. The paper highlights some of the conceptual, methodological and practical challenges (issues of clarity, power and culture, among others) and then goes on to provide an overview of some of the practical approaches that have been adopted by NGOs and CSOs to overcome these challenges.   A ‘thought piece’ designed to engage practitioners (particularly those from developing and transitional countries) in a fruitful debate, it identifies the key challenges towards which INTRAC could most usefully focus its future efforts. These include the need to improve understanding of the particular characteristics of the impact assessment of organisational capacity building and to generate and document innovative, adaptable and accessible approaches. A final challenge is to consider how to raise the profile of impact assessment for organisational capacity building practitioners, so that it is viewed as a vital tool to assist organisational learning, rather than a time-consuming and costly burden”

Praxis Paper n°2

Bottlenecks and drip-feeds : channelling resources to communities responding to orphans and vulnerable children in southern Africa


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"This report summarises findings from recent research by Save the Children UK in southern Africa. The research was undertaken in order to identify policy and advocacy issues that, once addressed, would increase the flow of resources to community-based organisations in ways that ensure that vulnerable children benefit. This report considers what the most efficient and effective mechanisms are that can be implemented at a scale to provide such support"

Responding to children affected by HIV and AIDS : using external support to strengthen community initiative and motivation

WEAVER, Richard
October 2004

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Substantive international action on HIV and AIDS is not translating into effective responses for those worst affected by the epidemic, particularly children. Instead, it is community-based organisations and community initiatives which are most successful in reaching out to these children, often without being resourced by external sources. This briefing paper highlights the responses and lessons learned by a number of Southern-based partner organisations, and makes recommendations for DFID and other donors

NGO capacity analysis : a toolkit for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV/AIDS

International HIV/AIDS Alliance
July 2004

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This toolkit can be used to identify the capacity building needs of NGOs, plan technical support interventions and monitor and evaluate the impact of capacity building. The toolkit is aimed at people and organisations that support NGOs and CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS in developing countries. Including NGO support programmes, training institutions and individual trainers

Community group participation : can it help young women to avoid HIV? An exploratory study of social capital and school education in rural Zimbabwe

et al
June 2004

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Evidence shows that young people remain at risk of contracting HIV despite high levels of knowledge about HIV/AIDS. This paper argues that membership of local community groups in rural Zimbabwe is associated with greater avoidance of HIV and safer sexual behaviour. Group membership facilitates access to health information, supports informed hehavioural changes and connects young people to powerful and resourced groupings or institutions. It also looks at factors determining greater participation in community groups and efficient use of community social capital. It finds that young women with secondary education are disproportionately more represented in local groups and more likely to avoid HIV, concluding that there may be a synergistic relationship between school education and social capital

Integrated questionnaire for the measurement of social capital

GROOTAERT, Christiaan
et al

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This paper introduces a tool, the Integrated Questionnaire for the Measurement of Social Capital, with a focus on developing countries. The tool aims to generate quantitative data on six dimensions of social capital as part of a larger household survey. These dimensions are: groups and networks, trust and solidarity, collective action and cooperation, information and communication, social cohesion and inclusion, empowerment and political action. The tool was tested in Albania and Nigeria and the lessons learned are presented

Orphans and vulnerable children in India : understanding the context and the response

ANASTASI, Marie-Christine
June 2003

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A report from a meeting for exchange and learning between organisations working with orphans and vulnerable children in India, looking community responses to working with this group. The experience of Plan International, Palmyrah Workers Development Society and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance was presented to the meeting. Specific responses to working with orphans and vulnerable children discussed in the report include lessons from a child participatory approach, prevention of mother-to-child transmission and the development of community action

Legal frameworks for citizen participation : synthesis report

MCGEE, Rosemary
et al
April 2003

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This report synthesizes the collective learning generated throughout the project of the legal frameworks for citizen participation. It is not a summary of all findings however it is an analysis that presents findings of the overall study about the significance, at supra-national and supra-regional levels, of legal and policy frameworks for citizen participation in local governance. Additional detailed findings can be found in related case studies and regional reports
Research report series

A manual for CBR planners


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This manual for community-based rehabilitation planners has 13 sections and contains a very useful overview of the history of CBR with valuable introductory reading for newcomers to the field. The subsequent six sections cover planning, needs assessment and include suggestions of how to understand local communities and encourage community participation in CBR programmes. The final six sections are concerned with programme management issues; for example, as organising self-help groups, training personnel for CBR, and the sustainability of projects including evaluation and management of change

Community-based strategies for breastfeeding promotion and support in developing countries


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This review examines the role of communities and community-based resource persons in providing support for appropriate feeding practices and access to skilled support when mothers need it. This document is based on a literature review and an analysis of three projects in Madagascar, Honduras and India. It assesses the impact of interventions, the mechanisms through which behaviours can be changed, and the factors that are necessary to maximise and sustain the benefits of interventions

HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support across faith-based communities : an annotated bibliography of resources


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This annotated bibliography lists, describes and reviews resources that have proven useful to faith-based organisations (FBOs) addressing the HIV crisis in Africa. The information should help each reader identify the right materials to meet his or her community's needs and then to obtain those materials from the appropriate organisation.

Advocacy in action : a toolkit to support NGOs and CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS


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A comprehensive toolkit designed for people and organisations that support NGOs/CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS in developing countries. Introduces the concept of advocacy ('influencing people and organisations in power to create an environment which protects the rights, health and welfare of everyone'); provides a step-by-step guide to planning and implementing advocacy work; and provides information and skills-building activities. Includes 'A facilitator's guide to participatory workshops' and '100 ways to energise groups : games to use in workshops, meetings and the community'. All materials are on the CD-ROM, which is included in the pack, and on the International HIV/AIDS Alliance website

Expanding community-based support for orphans and vulnerable children


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Report based on a workshop on the proliferation, and expansion, in terms of impact and coverage, of orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) initiatives in east and southern Africa. Three levels critical to successful scale-up of activities were identified: community, facilitation, and policy/resource. The respective roles of community groups and CBOs, intermediary NGOs, government, international NGOs and donors are explored. Special consideration is given to the role of intermediary NGOs: those which provide technical and/or financial support to other NGOs/CBOs. Brief case studies are drawn on as examples

People's Health Movement [whole issue]


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This special issue profiles the People's Health Movement. Discusses the roots of the movement in the Alma Ata 'Health For All' declaration, and reports on some of the diverse activities of the grass-roots organisations following the People's Health Assembly and the promotion of the People's Health Charter. Includes a case study of a child health and nutrition initiative in Tamil Nadu, movement activities in Italy and East Africa, and analysis of the way poverty is challenging the WHO agenda

