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Disability rights or disabling rights? CRPD alternative report

August 2010

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This report, prepared by a collaborative network of disabled peoples organizations and their allies, is the parallel civil society report submitted along with the governments report as specified by article 35 of the CRPD. The civil society organisations provide an analysis of the present situation of people with disabilities according to the articles of the CRPD and make recommendations to the Hungarian government to enable evidence based legislative and policy planning. This resource is useful for people interested in the situation of people with disabilities in Hungary

Measuring up : a guide for learners|HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations

July 2010

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This resource brings together useful concepts and models from recent literature on advocacy evaluation. Many of these models were developed in and for social change work in the global North, but have been taken and piloted with HIV Alliance and ICASO colleagues working in low- and middle-income countries, to act as a springboard for civil society organisations to develop approaches that meet their needs for accountability, planning and delivering results. The guide comes with a set of resources that is intended to help advocates themselves acquire enough of a working knowledge of the field to train themselves and each other

Fallen off the agenda? more and better aid needed for Iraq recovery

et al
July 2010

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This policy briefing produced jointly by 17 NGOs provides recommendations to the British government, other EU Member States and the European Commission, on how to build democracy and stability in Iraq. This would be of interest to anyone working in international development and reconstruction in Iraq

What should come after the millennium development goals? : voices from the South

et al

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Focusing upon what should come after the millennium development goals, this paper "seeks to broaden the conversation, and ensure that the voices of those directly involved in fighting poverty in the South are heard. (The) research describes the perspectives of 104 representatives from civil society organisations, in 36 developing countries from across the world. Data was collected using a questionnaire, qualitative interviews and a workshop"

Monitoring and evaluating capacity building : is it really that difficult?

SMITH, Rachel
January 2010

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This paper is based on a literature review and interviews with a range of capacity building providers based in the North and South examining both theory and current practice of capacity development, and discusses some of the key barriers to progress. “Primarily concerned with capacity building within civil society organisations (CSOs), although many of the lessons apply equally to organisations in the commercial or state sectors... it begins by looking at some key concepts in both capacity building and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It examines different ways of thinking about M&E, and describes a variety of different tools and approaches used to plan, monitor and evaluate capacity building work. It goes on to discuss M&E in relation to donors and provides an outline of current practice, based on the interviews. Finally, it highlights key areas for further discussion, and presents some conclusions based on the research”

Praxis Paper No. 23

Capacity building in network organisations : experiences from and practical guidelines for HIV and other networks

November 2009

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This report assesses seven capacities of organisations of people living with HIV and other HIV network organisations to see what makes a well-functioning network. These capacities are: involvement and accountability; partnership alliances; leadership; knowledge and skills; internal communication; impact, outputs and external communication; and management and finance. The report looks at four network organisations in Eastern and Southern Africa, with secondary research drawn from networks in Bangladesh, Nepal and India. The findings and recommendations cannot be applied universally to capacity strengthening in all network organisations, but need to be adapted to the context of each particular group

The barefoot guide to working with organisations and social change

et al
July 2009

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This is a practical, do-it-yourself guide for leaders and facilitators wanting to help organisations to function and to develop in more healthy, human and effective ways as they strive to make their contributions to a more humane society... The guide, with its supporting website, includes tried and tested concepts, approaches, stories and activities. Its purpose is to help stimulate and enrich the practice of anyone supporting organisations and social movements in their challenges of working, learning, growing and changing to meet the needs of our complex world. Although it is aimed at leaders and facilitators of civil society organisations, we hope it will be useful to anyone interested in fostering healthy human organisation in any sphere of life. This resource has a supporting website where additional resources are available

Civil society organisations working with orphans and other vulnerable children : capacity assessment tool for quality OVC responses


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This tool has been developed to analyse the capacity of national civil society organisations (CSOs) that implement orphans and other vulnerable children activities. Specifically, the tool can be used to identify capacity strengthening needs, plan technical support interventions, and monitor and evaluate the impact of capacity strengthening support

Disability rights, gender, and development : a resource tool for action


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This manual contains resource materials on approaches to promote the human rights of persons with disabilities, especially women and children, in inclusive people-centered development. It is divided into three modules: Locating the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities within the Human Rights Framework; Tools for Promoting the Rights of Women and Children with Disabilities; and An Inclusive Approach to Gender, Disability, and Development. Each module includes case studies, good practices, analysis and actions to guide human rights practice and the development agenda. This manual is useful for organisations, government agencies and academic institutions who are interested in promoting the human rights of people with disabilities, especially women and children

CBO capacity analysis : a toolkit for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV

December 2007

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This toolkit was developed to enable community based organisations to analyse levels of capacity in different organisational and technical areas. It is based on a previous toolkit developed under the Communities Responding to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic (CORE) Initiative. It can be used with community organisations to identify capacity-building needs, plan any technical support needed by the organisation, and monitor and evaluate the impact of capacity-building support

Recommendations for the victim assistance provisions in a treaty banning cluster munitions : a practitioner's perspective

October 2007

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This resource is a set of recommendations for victim assistance provisions in a treaty banning cluster munitions developed by international civil society organisations in a workshop . It presents what this group believes should be included in a future treaty to ensure that its implementation will respond to the needs and rights of cluster submunition victims

Child-headed households and human rights : a capacity building guide

HULLEY, Charlotte
November 2006

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"The book is aimed at providing information and ideas to help build stronger more sustainable [civil society organisations] CSOs and [community-based organisations] CBOs, in order to tackle the issues related to child-headed households and violence... Its objectives are to: * Strengthen the protection and care of vulnerable children through human rights education relating to social justice issues; * Enable users of this book to develop an understanding and respect for vulnerable children’s rights and responsibilities as citizens; * Enable CSOs and CBOs to challenge and develop action plans and to develop policies to advocate change locally; and * Emphasise the holistic support of children within a rights-based model of support. This model focuses on the whole child and promotes the effective realisation of their rights"

Child-safe organisations : self study manual|A practical child protection resource for grassroots organisations

KING, Sinart
July 2006

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This resource "...provides a framework for the development and practical application of child protection policies within local organisations that work with and for children. The training especially targets grassroots and local organisations which may not have the benefit of policy departments and in- house child protection specialists. "The training, which is provided in three modules, has been tested and revised with more than 30 local organisations working with children in Thailand. The specific aim of the training is to encourage organisations to look within their own organisations and to assess for themselves what they can do to ensure their organisations uphold best practice in child protection. In the course of doing this, organisations will also be protecting their reputations and their staff"

Coaching and mentoring for leadership development in civil society

et al
January 2006

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This paper discusses how coaching and mentoring practices are increasingly used as tools within the civil society sector. This is in line with the trend towards ongoing capacity-building processes rather than one-off events, informed by an increasingly people-centred and ‘holistic’ approach to capacity building. The paper examines a range of practitioners’ experiences of using mentoring and coaching with leaders of CSOs in a range of contexts, including Kenya, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Uganda, Bosnia, South Africa, Malawi and the UK


Praxis Paper series No. 4

Capacity building at the grassroots : piloting organisational development of community-based organisations in South Africa

December 2005

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"This paper explores the use of organisational development (OD) for capacity building of community-based organisations (CBOs) in South Africa. The author works for Community Connections, a South African non-profit support organisation which predominantly provides support to CBOs and community workers. In 2004, the organisation initiated an OD pilot programme, which has been accompanied by research for a doctoral thesis from this year. The aims of the pilot programme and the research are to examine in what ways OD facilitation can support the capacity building of CBOs, and hence contribute to community development and civil society strengthening. This paper presents initial reflections"

Praxis Note No. 18

CBO/FBO capacity analysis : a tool for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV/AIDS

November 2005

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This publication was developed by the CORE Initiative to enable community and faith based organisations to analyse levels of capacity in different areas of organisational and technical work. It is based on an existing toolkit for NGOs developed by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the NGO Capacity Analysis Toolkit) and on a design developed by Geoff Foster, of Family AIDS Caring Trust in Zimbabwe. This tool can be used with community organisations to identify capacity-building needs, plan any technical support needed by the organisation and monitor and evaluate the impact of capacity-building support

Building capacity to mainstream HIV/AIDS internally : reflecting on CABUNGO's experience with NGOs in Malawi

July 2005

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Many community service organisations (CSOs) in Malawi turn a blind eye to the impact of HIV and AIDS in their own organisation. This is partly because, although individual staff are highly aware of HIV and AIDS issues, the internal impact on their own organisation is not very visible yet, and costs are unknown. Most CSOs do not yet fully appreciate the extent of what mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in their organisation means. This brief paper contends that if the programming side of an organisation is going to be effective, it is critical for an organisation to put its own house in order and mainstream HIV and AIDS internally. It presents its case study and describes challenges encountered by 23 participating organisations. Lessons for donors, and for CSOs are elaborated

