Resources search

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This website is a useful resource for publications, conferences, documents and websites to do with childcare and is targeted at educators and caregivers. Although it is US-based, it does cover global issues. The key publication, Childcare Information Exchange is available through the website which also contains a list of early childhood organisations

TB education and training resources

CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) Division of Tuberculosis Elimination (DTBE)

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This website includes a searchable database of over 1000 education and training resouces in TB that can be used by TB and other health care professionals, patients, and the general public. The database includes material from the DTBE, the National Model TB Centres and numerous other national and international organisations. The website can also be used to submit TB materials for inclusion in the database, find out how to order TB materials, locate funding opportunities, get information about TB organizations, find out about upcoming events, sign up for TB-related listservs and digests, and to locate TB-related web links. The site is maintained by the National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) who can be contacted for advice and information, and to order materials

Population and health infoshare


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Population and Health InfoShare is an electronic library of material submitted by over 100 partner organisations. It features documents in reproductive and child health, HIV/AIDS, population and related areas. The primary objectives of PH InfoShare are to increase access to important population and health information; provide a means for organisations to share and exchange information; and foster greater dissemination of research findings and lessons learned. For users, PH InfoShare affords easy access to population and health material. Users may access documents by visiting the website or by sending requests via e-mail. Additionally, users may subscribe to e-mail updates, specifying the material they want to receive by topic, region, and partner, or can email themselves documents that they have identified through searching the website. The search facility allows users to select a topic, language, region/country and partner organisation from drop-down lists

Reproductive health gateway


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This gateway website allows users to search the websites of dozens of organisations that work with the Global Health Bureau of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It is more efficient than using search engines like Google because it only searches websites selected for their accuracy, authority and relevance to reproductive health

Aidsmap : information on HIV and AIDS

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This comprehensive website includes reviewed information on a wide range of HIV and AIDS issues, including treatment and care, living with HIV, preventing HIV, basic information on the disease and the epidemic, and a database of organisations. Although there is a slight bias towards information relevant to people in developed countries, particularly around treatment options, many of the information resources will be useful in and are tailored to resource-poor settings. NAM exists to support the fight against AIDS with independent, accurate, accessible and comprehensive information. Includes directories of contacts and organisations working in the HIV field, as well as international resources database which is searchable in 6 languages

Gender and HIV/AIDS web portal

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This database holds information resources about the gender dimension of HIV and AIDS. The resources include research, studies and surveys, training materials, multi-media advocacy tools, speeches and presentations, press releases and current news, best practices and personal stories, campaign actions and opinion pieces by leading commentators. Short summaries are provided for each of the resources. Resources are organised by topic, type, and region and the site is fully searchable. The portal offers registration for email alerts when the site is updated; on-line forms for sending materials and resources you would like to include in the site; and surveys and opinion polls on specific issues. It has been developed by UNIFEM in collaboration with UNAIDS

European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

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The European Centre for Development Policy Management's (ECDPM) mission is to facilitate cooperation between African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and the European Union (EU). Its two long term objectives are to enhance the capacity of public and private actors in ACP and other low-income countries; and to improve cooperation between development partners in Europe and the ACP region. The website holds information about the centre's core themes: political dimensions of partnership, ACP-EU trade relations, actors of partnerships and three cross-cutting programmes: communications and information technology, strategy and innovation and finance and administration. The site also gives access to the centre's key publications in these areas

ODI Research and policy in development (RAPID) Programme

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This website for ODI's Research and Policy in Development (RAPID) programme provides a range of information on the use of research and evidence in development policy and practice. The site includes lessons from the programme so far, current and past projects, bibliographies, and links to related work. The RAPID programme aims to improve the use of research in development policy and practice through improved knowledge about research-policy links; improved knowledge management and learning systems; improved communication; and improved awareness of the importance of research. It addresses the role of evidence in policy processes; improved communication and information systems for policy and practice; and approaches to institutional development for evidence-based policy

ICTD within the framework of the MDGs

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This webpage features a brief article exploring the connections between ICTs and development., particularly with regard to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Links to several useful reports on ICTs and the MDGs are also provided

iConnect Online

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The iConnect website provides case stories, news and critical articles which discuss issues in ICTs for development. It seeks to promote exchange of experiences and knowledge on the use of information and communication technologies for development. Partly funded by the Building Communication Opportunities (BCO) initiative, iConnect draws content from its partners, links resources and expertise and encourages collaboration. Searching for the term 'health' in the search box retrieves over 200 resources. These range from short reports to project briefings, case studies and online discussions

Health e communication


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The Communication Initiative (CI) website provides information on communication and development experiences and thinking, facilitating horizontal linkages between people engaged in communication action, peer commentary on programmes and strategies and taking opportunities to promote strategic thinking on communication and development issues and problems. The health window provides a point of entry themed on health communication. The 'evaluation' section of the health window signposts to useful examples and case studies of evaluation

How to evaluate an Internet-based information source | BIOME evaluation guidelines


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This section of the BIOME evaluation guidelines provides a step-by-step guide to evaluating information on the Internet. The steps are: follow any links to find out as much as you can about a resource; analyse the URL; examine the information within the resource; consider the accessibility, design and layout, and ease of use of the source; obtain any additional information; and compare the resource to other similar materials. Includes an explanation of what to look for within each step, and the key questions you are trying to answer. There are also some additional hints on evaluating mailing lists and Newsgroups, databases, and FTP archives. These guidelines were produced for a UK-based information service called BIOME which provides access to Internet resources in the health and life sciences, aimed at students, researchers, academics and practitioners. The guidelines are well-written and accessbile, but might require some adaptation to developing country information services or resource centres

Social Capital Gateway : resources for the study of social capital


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This website contains useful resources for researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners interested in social interactions and social capital. Resources are organised by topics, including: social capital and the economy, social capital in developed countries, social capital in low-income countries, social capital and institutions, social capital and transition, social capital and well-being. Includes directories on specialised websites, digital libraries, and social scientists interested in social capital

Learning resource center (LRC) toolkit


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This comprehensive toolkit contains practical information and training materials on the technical aspects of running a resource centre. There are sections on databases, the Internet, marketing, writing grant proposals, searching for health information, computer software, and many more

Open knowledge network


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Open Knowledge Network is an initiative to support the creation and exchange of local content in local languages across the South, supported by a range of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The health content is especially useful for community-based health organisations



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This website is dedicated to news and current awareness about HIV and AIDS. Reporting focuses on the humanitarian, political, economic, cultural and regional contexts of the HIV/AIDS crisis. Services include 'news briefs', country profiles and treatment map, and a weekly email-newsletter. The service aims to improve the flow of accurate and accessible coverage of HIV and AIDS; strengthen media advocacy; encourage the sharing of research and best practice; highlight responses from governments, civil society and international organisations, and promote the voices of those infected and affected

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This website aims to disseminate information on HIV/AIDS to researchers, the health profession, the public, infected individuals, educators and policy-makers. It has sections dedicated to each of these audiences available in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa. 'Current awareness' pages offer compiled lists of links to 'breaking news' and 'fast facts' relevant to each audience group. Although some information refers specificially to the South African context, the site holds much information relevant to Africa and internationaly

You and AIDS : the HIV/AIDS portal for Asia Pacific

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This website aims to fill a gap in information provision in the region, addressing the overall development context, and to act as a regional platform to synergise multisectoral responses against the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The site includes country-specific information including statistical information; background information on broad policy themes such as corporate social responsibility, migration, and volunatry counselling and testing; a searchable 'library' of information sources; and a collection of interviews and opinion pieces by influential people and subject experts

