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Luces y sombras de la información de salud en Internet

APEZTEGUÍA Urroz, Javier
et al

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The SEIS report "Lights and shades of the information of health in Internet" gathers the communications and conclusions of the meeting organised by the Spanish Society of Computer Science of Health (SEIS) in Pamplona on 18 June 2002. The report reviews the quality of the information on health on the Internet from the point of view of the information suppliers, health and consuming or patient professionals. For all of them directives are formulated to provide information with quality, in their case, and to evaluate that to which they accede

Do internet interventions for consumers cause more harm than good? A systematic review

et al

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A systematic review of the effect of consumer use of online health information on decision-making, attitudes, knowledge, satisfaction and health outcomes and ulilisation. Ten comparative case studies are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Internet: all studies showed some positive effects on health outcomes, although the methodological quality of many studies was poor. The study was not specific to developing country or resource-poor context

Doing the wild thing : supporting an ordinary sexual life for people with intellectual disabilities


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For many people who are called disabled, having this label means to be excluded from the experience of 'an ordinary sexual life'. For those who are called intellectually disabled exclusion from experiences of any kind of positive sexual life is almost universal. This article explores how some people with intellectual disabilities have sought to open up pathways towards accessing experiences of sexual expression as a way to move forward towards being able to integrate a concept of sexuality into their lives. Two support workers are interviewed. Both are employed by a Human Services organization in Aotearoa, New Zealand, which provides long term support for people with intellectual disabilities. Their comments reveal that access to successful instances of sexual expression for people in this group are currently only available those who are articulate enough and persistent enough to keep trying until they succeed. Barriers to success are isolated and some wider issues surrounding what changes might positively affect this group are discussed.

Streams of knowledge toolbox [introduction]

October 2001

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This is the introduction to a set of tools that form the draft Toolbox on Streams of Knowledge (SoK). The toolbox is a work in progress. Its use results in learning among partners in the SoK coalition that work together to strengthen resource centres' contributions to improved water and sanitation delivery. The learning process emerged from the project Study into Resources and Management (STREAM) of drinking water supply and sanitation centres in four continents. This brought together IRC's long standing partners and new ones in a joint learning process of what makes effective resource centres. Tools include: 1. Diagnostic study; 2. Understanding the resource centre concept; 3. Assessing the potential of a resource centre; 4. Gender scan guideline; 5. Consolidating resource centres; 6. Electronic information services; 7. Evaluating effectiveness of resource centres and their partners; 8. Self-assessment guide; 9. Improving management & control functions; 10. Quality assurance; 11. Impact Assessment

Discovering the 'magic box' : local appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICTs)

MICHIELS, Sabine Isabel

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This paper discusses the lack of empirical evidence or analyses of local information and communication technology (ICT) applications, and their impact on people's social and economic lives. While there is a lot of information about the potential benefits of using ICT to alleviate poverty and promote equity, the lack of monitoring and evaluation in this area means that guidelines for the effective deployment of ICT, and its appropriation at the local level, have not evolved

Documenting and communicating HIV/AIDS work : a toolkit to support NGOs/CBOs


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This toolkit looks at planning documentation and communication, so that lessons from the work of NGOs and Community Based Organisations are captured and shared with others. Includes sections on: introducing communication and documentation; planning, designing and evaluating particular documentation 'products'; and building documentation and communication skills. Also includes a range of useful handouts and workshop session outlines, and 12 'information cards' relating to specific communication 'products' such as newsletters, or radio programmes

Information design and distance learning for international development


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[Publisher's abstract] This book presents an investigation by research into the ways in which distance learning is affected by the physical design of printed study materials. In particular, it examines the use of engineering drawing systems for illustrated, instructional texts concerned with technical aspects of infrastructure development. Part I comprises a review of literature on learning and adult education; international development and distance learning; information design for self-instruction; and research into illustration, with particular reference to the visual perception of engineering drawings and the implications for their cross-cultural use. Part II presents questions and hypotheses which emerged from the literature review. It also presents the research methodology designed to test comprehension of engineering drawing systems, along with the results of tests undertaken by five adult learning groups selected from pre-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate populations. Part II concludes with an analysis and discussion of the results of these tests. Part III presents the conclusions drawn from both the literature review and from the analysis of the research results. It concludes with proposals for further study

HIV/AIDS and children affected by armed conflict


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This publication addresses the issue of how to incorporate HIV prevention and care into routine responses to complex humanitarian emergencies. It considers evidence that conflict facilitates the spread of HIV and also inhibits responses to HIV/AIDS. It reviews interventions carried out at international and national levels by UNICEF, other UN agencies and non-governmental organizations. Lessons learned are discussed and recommendations are given for UNICEF’s role in reducing the spread of HIV in situations of armed conflict

Investing in knowledge : ECDPM experiences, 1994-2000

November 2000

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New information and communication technologies (ICTs) are changing the way our organisations work. In response, organisations are devising new, collaborative, strategies to manage information and share knowledge. This paper illustrates how ECDPM, a small foundation, has sought to achieve its information and communication goals

A deafblindness web resource

May 2000

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This website, owned by an individual, hosts a wealth of information on deafblindness and explains terminology and syndromes. It refers to journals and periodicals, videos about deafblindness and equipment. Internet resources are also listed

Access for all : helping to make participatory processes accessible for everyone


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This manual draws attention to different aspects of the accessibility of meetings, written documents, visual communications, presentations, environment and accommodation. It gives an overview of the major issues around accessibility for disabled people and presents practical adaptations to enable disabled people to be included in participatory activities

Information on learning braille


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This is a comprehensive guide to resources for teaching braille, including teaching packs, writing machines and writing materials. It includes contact details of organisations in the UK and USA. It is also available on audio-cassette, diskette and in braille

Working with the media in conflicts and other emergencies


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A guide written primarily for DFID staff, highlighting the benefits, challenges and options when considering funding media/communications interventions. Includes sections on when to support such initiatives; what types of assistance to provide media organisations; how to appraise and monitor media interventions. Also supplies intervention frameworks to assist in identifying relevant interventions; advice on supporting balanced, responsible reporting; case studies; lists of relevant organisations, contacts within DFID, and further reading

RBM advocacy guide


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A practical guide to advocacy work around malaria, including useful facts and statistics, and detailed information on advocacy strategies for social change. It presents a comprehensive tool for telling others about the Roll Back Malaria partnership and influencing their thinking around malaria control. It outlines four basic steps that are essential for an effective advocacy initiative: gathering the facts, packaging the message, working with the media and mobilising others. It contains specific examples and creative ideas. Political protocol, media etiquette and social values vary widely from country to country and the guide suggests cultural sensitivity. There is an advocacy resources chapter where readers may borrow successful ideas from others to creatively adapt and apply to their own situations and campaigns

Using the Internet to share research and knowledge


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Overview of using websites and email to communicate research findings. Recommends using e-mail to build one-to-one dialogue rather than to send out press releases or other mass mailings. Sees the strength of websites as providing a public space for publications and databases

Agricultural information sources

CARTER, Isabel
September 1999

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The research explored information sources used and preferred by grassroots farmers. Agriculture was selected because there is even less printed material available for farmers than, for example, for health workers. There was a particular interest in discovering the views of farmers about their access to and use of printed information. This is a summary of DFID Education Research paper no 31 (see related record)

