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Multimedia training kit : AIDS reporting | Multimedia training kit


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This section of iTrainOnline's 'Multimedia training kit' (MMTK) is dedicated to reporting on HIV and AIDS. It consists of two units: the first, 'HIV/AIDS journalism and communication skills', aims to give participants the confidence and skills to communicate more effectively about HIV/AIDS research and other HIV/AIDS issues. The second, 'Finding and evaluating HIV/AIDS information on the internet', provides guidance on finding and evaluating the wide variety of HIV/AIDS information and resources available on the internet. Supplementary materials include a list of HIV-related email discussion forums, a glossary and a list of other HIV information sources

Right to information for people with disability

Sakshi Trust
ActionAid India

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This is a guide for people wanting to access information under India's Right to Information Act (2005) in the context of disability. It has been designed for use by NGOs, parents of disabled children, care givers, students or anyone concerned with disability. It contains a detailed background on the different benefits that a disabled person is entitled to from the government. The main topics covered are disability certification, education, employment, public access, poverty alleviation schemes, assistive devices and complaint process and as such will be useful to any one seeking general information as well. A list of pre-formatted draft applications for people seeking information from any State or central office is included

December 2005

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This website aims to make high quality manuals, field books and training courses easily available to groups who need them (free of cost to those in the South but with a contribution of $25 requested from those in the North); to encourage colleagues to be open to new knowledge and skills, to plan and stick to self-guided learning; to introduce topics which may be new to some people an to link users to resources, useful organisations, websites and materials; and to provide a place for users working in different countries in the South to stay informed. The resources are available online and cover a variety of topics in a clear, easy to understand format. It provides a number of guidelines including guidelines for writing reports [] and a simple guide to the web []

Orphans and other vulnerable children support toolkit

December 2005

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This is a collection of information, tools and guidance on supporting orphans and other vulnerable children living in a world with HIV/AIDS. It covers a wide range of subject areas, including running a programme, health and nutrition, education, psychosocial support, economic strengthening, living environments and children's rights. It contains a wide range of useful resources on the different topic areas. It also contains a section on early childhood development

Disability, inclusion and development : key information resources

December 2005

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This directory of information resources pulls together over 300 of the most practical and useful books, reports, videos, CD-ROMs and websites on disability. It is aimed at organisations working with disabled people in developing countries. Organised thematically, It covers a wide range of issues including human rights, gender, poverty and mainstreaming, as well as planning and management of disability programmes and service delivery relating to children, community-based rehabilitation, mental health and HIV and AIDS. The directory provides a quick reference listing of information resources with clear abstracts and details of distributors and websites, while the CD-ROM contains many published and un-published full-text documents, as well as links to websites for those who can access the Internet. The index of publishers and distributors will be especially useful to resource centres and information services which collect and manage information on disability and development

The Deaf Resource Library

June 2005

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This virtual library has an online collection of reference material and links intended to educate and inform people about deaf cultures in Japan and the United States. The website is maintained by the Assistant Professor of Social Anthropolgy at Macalester College, USA

Eldis OnDisc : Feasibility study for document caching and CD-ROM creation and distribution project

June 2005

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This report documents the Institute of Development Studies' investigation into the feasibility of creating Eldis OnDisc, a CD-ROM derived from their extensive website of development information. This report provides: background to the proposal, description of how the feasibility study was conducted, findings from the user survey, publisher survey, and other interviews, recommended next steps, and suggested budget. Annexes include user and publisher surveys, potential copyright agreements, and user and publisher responses to their proposal. The report concludes that there is a substantial market for offline distribution of Eldis-identified documents, and that publishers and distributors seem very interested in participating in this. Key findings from the survey are that: users still have problems accessing full text on the internet and have a need for offline access to such content, for both their own work and that of their colleagues; publishers are generally willing to release copyright, but there is a major logistical task in collecting the agreements although there is a growing interest in open-source content provision; users see value in a range of disc formats, including both single subject and multiple subject discs; and finally, small scale, high-impact distribution is possible. The business case for Eldis' involvement in such distribution is leverage of the IDS network of information service consumers

HIV and young children : an annotated bibliography on psychosocial perspectives

SHERR, Lorraine
February 2005

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This annotated bibliography offers a practical guide to the content of the references which informed the literature review presented in BVLF Working Paper 33 (Young Children and HIV/AIDS: Mapping the Field). It is intended to help readers who want to go deeper into the issues and explore the original source material. The bibliography presents the references - mostly to peer-reviewed medical or psychology journals - under subject headings such as "disclosure", "interventions", "parentless children", "social development", and more

TB Alert


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TB Alert is a UK-based charity that aims to stop tuberculosis worldwide

China AIDS Survey

SETTLE, Edmund

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China AIDS Survey aims to provide historical and analytical resources for relevant HIV/AIDS stakeholders, including educational and advocacy groups, government and civil society actors, and policy / media organizations, a diverse database dedicated to the AIDS crisis in China. China AIDS Survey consists of concise overviews of the main issues concerning HIV/AIDS in China; annotated chronologies charting the course of the AIDS epidemic in China over a span of 20 years; a glossary of over 200 AIDS-related terms and phrases in Chinese (characters and pinyin) and English; and a collection official statements and other relevant documents on HIV/AIDS in China and as a non-traditional security issue

World disasters report 2005 : focus on information in disasters [summary]


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This report considers the quality of communication between aid givers and receivers, and what impact this has on vulnerable people. The report examines how information is handled before, during and after disasters. It analyses thematic issues such as consulting with affected people, assessing needs, mapping risks and sharing information. It looks at the role of both local and international media, and the impact of information and communication technology on humanitarian relief. The report calls on agencies to focus less on gathering information for their own needs and more on exchanging information with the people they seek to support

The role of information and communication technologies in the development of African women | Le rôle des technologies de l'Information et de la communication dans le développment des femmes africaines

RADLOFF, Jennifer
PRIMO, Natasha
August 2004

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This paper presents the findings of a study commissioned by the Association for Progessive Communications on the role of ICTs in empowering women in Africa. It provides examples of good practice and includes recommendations to civil society organisations on how to create an enabling environment for women to access and use ICTs for development. The crucial link between understanding the gender dimensions of the information society - in terms of what women's needs are and a thorough understanding of conditions of access, policies - and the potential ICTs have of boosting the economic, political and social empowerment of women, and the promotion of gender equality is explored. An extensive resource list and examples of successful initiatives form the field are included in appendices

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in African public library services

July 2004

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This article concerns the use of computers in public libraries in developing countries. To investigate the current level of use of ICTs and plans for the future within the public library environment, a survey was undertaken of 22 public library services in ten English-speaking African countries. The results indicate great disparities in the level of access to computers between the countries, and within country, and indicate a need for more funding and appropriate training

Expanding contraceptive options and access for youth

FINGER, William
March 2004

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In a time when young people are increasingly at risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, the role of contraception in preventing these is crucial. This issue of YouthLens looks at how education, services and products can help protect youth against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. It stresses that young people should be targeted with appropriate messages

Organising local documentation services for the water and sanitation sector : guidelines


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Guidelines for the development of local documentation centres which can be maintained with minimum effort, and provide useful information on water and sanitation to colleagues and the local community without the help of professional librarians or documentalists. Concentrates on the basic tasks needed to set up and operate a small documentation centre at the local level. This second edition has been revised to take account of the developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) which have revolutionised information provision during the past ten years. The revised guidelines continue to cover manual systems, but also include more detailed guidance on computer applications and access to the Internet

Disabled women on the web


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This website focuses on women with disabilities. The resource section offers a variety of materials on and by women with disabiltites, including articles by disabled women, resources on women and disabilities and disabled women projects. A resource called “Claiming our bodies” is available

World youth report 2003 : the global situation of young people

UNITED NATIONS. Department for Economic and Social Affairs

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Overall, young people today are better off than previous generations, but many are still severely hindered by a lack of education, poverty, health risks, unemployment and the impact of conflict. The World Youth Report 2003 provides an overview of the global situation of young people. The first ten chapters focus on the priority areas of education, employment, extreme poverty, health issues, the environment, drugs, delinquency, leisure time, the situation of girls and young women, and youth participation in decision-making as identified by the World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) adopted by the General Assembly in 1995. The remaining five chapters address some of the newer issues that were later identified as additional priorities for youth and were adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2003

Double burden : a situation analysis of HIV/AIDS and young people with disabilities in Rwanda and Uganda


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This analysis was carried out by Save the Children UK after reports from the field suggested that disabled people were not accessing HIV prevention information or services, despite being at higher risk of infection. It outlines ways in which disabled people are not fully included in safer-sex communications: for instance blind people hear talk about condoms, but have never held one; the necessity to have a sign-language interpreter for deaf people compromises their right to confidentiality; young girls with disabilities are more likely to be raped and are less able to negotiate safe sex. It recommends the greater integration of disabled people into health and HIV communications and further research to develop disabled-friendly means of communication

The 10/90 report on health research 2003-2004


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This report, the fourth since Global Forum for Health Research formed in 1998, covers progress in helping correct the 10/90 gap (that only ten per cent of health research funds are spent on 90 per cent of the world's problems) over the past two years. It focusses on health and health research as sound economic investments; priority setting in health research; progress in measuring the 10/90 gap; research capacity strengthening; information networks in health research; gender; the MDGs and health research; and networks in the priority research areas

