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HIV/AIDS communication in selected African countries : interventions, reponses and possibilities

PARKER, Warren
RAU, Asta
PEPPA, Penny

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This review looks at communication activities around HIV prevention in 11 countires in South and East Africa operating in 2006 at a national level. It considers the variations in HIV epidemiology between countries, and the heterogeneity within them, and examines the different approaches to communication that are used. The country summaries include a synopsis of the epidemiology, indicators of knowledge, behaviour and service uptake and information about HIV and AIDS prevention communication, activities, approaches and funding

Pain relieving drugs in 12 African PEPFAR countries : mapping current providers, identifying current challenges, and enabling expansion of pain control provision in the management of HIV/AIDS

HARDING, Richard
et al
January 2007

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This study aims to identify current opioid prescribing services and regulatory bodies within 12 African PEPFAR (Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ) countries, and to examine the barriers to, and appraise the potential for, expansion in the number of opioid providers, for people with HIV and AIDS according to the World Health Organization pain ladder. It concludes that while there are common issues raised by services and International Narcotics Control Board competent authorities, it is clear that these key stakeholders have concerns regarding the potential roll-out of opioids

The questions adolescents ask most frequently about reproductive rights and their answers


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In Tanzania there are laws to protect adolescents and give them access to their rights, including reproductive rights and protection from sexual violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM). This booklet provides adolescents with information on their reproductive rights to guide them towards making informed decisions about their own lives. The questions were all asked by Tanzanian adolescents and the answers include information on family planning and abortion, sexual violence in a society's culture, child sexual abuse, rape and its consequences, forced marriages and advice on what to do, and causes and effects of FGM, with guidance on how to get help. A summary of international and national legal documents referred to appears at the back

Changing children's lives : experiences from memory work in Africa


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This publication aims to share learning from the memory work that Healthlink Worldwide and six other NGOs across sub-Saharan Africa have developed in response to the HIV epidemic. The focus is on learning and analysis in the theory and practice of memory work as well as demonstrating its effectiveness as an HIV response. It is aimed at international and national level policy makers who design and support HIV initiatives, as well as practitioners, who implement responses to the HIV epidemic directly at a local and national level

Tell me more : children's rights and sexuality in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa


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This report explores the strategies that children have developed for dealing with sexuality and relationships in the face of HIV and AIDS; and provides stakeholders with a coherent rights and youth-oriented knowledge base for the development of a sexual and reproductive health agenda for advocacy. It gives an overview of sexual rights with a focus on children’s rights, including their access to sexual and reproductive health information, as endorsed by relevant international conventions and policies. It also looks at the concept of sexuality and the sexual development of children. The report includes a summary of children’s reflections on issues of sexuality and their coping mechanisms for preventing the transmission of HIV and AIDS. Based on these findings, the report makes recommendations for effective responses that would support children’s existing coping mechanisms and enhance their ability to protect themselves

Getting started! : running a junior farmer field and life school|Empowering orphans and vulnerable children living in a world with HIV and AIDS

HILL, Catherine
COLBERT, Patricia

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This manual was developed from the experiences of a number of communities and organisations in southern and eastern Africa in creating Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools as a response to the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children. For many reasons these children more likely than other orphans to be at risk from malnutrition, disease, abuse, stigmatisation and sexual exploitation. The risk of sexual exploitation is particularly significant for those left alone to cope with poverty and who are forced to adopt adult roles and ensure food for the rest of the family. As parents and family members become ill, children take on greater domestic, agricultural and income generating responsibilities. HIV and AIDS has a particular impact on girls who are left to care for ailing parents, or who have to become the heads of households upon the death of caregivers. Also, as many parents are dying at a young age orphaned children are growing up without the necessary knowledge and skills for their future livelihood

Social protection : how important are the national plans of action for orphans and vulnerable children?

October 2006

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This is a review of 14 national plans of action (NPA), or in the absence of a NPA, outputs from the rapid assessment analysis and action planning (RAAAP) work for orphans and children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS. It analyses the way that issues of social protection are incorporated into these plans and highlights areas within the plans where social protection activity may be needed to achieve stated outcomes. There are also country by country summaries of the social protection content of each NPA

CSO capacity for policy engagement : lessons learned from the CSPP consultations in Africa, Asia and Latin America

August 2006

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This paper explore the views of Southern civil society organisations (CSOs) on the issues of evidence-based policy engagement and came out of the Civil Society Partnerships Programme (CSPP). "During its first phase the CSPP conducted a series of consultative seminars and workshops in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The aim was to provide a forum for representatives from policy research institutions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), as well as other stakeholders, to come together. Participants discussed the opportunities and challenges for CSOs when using evidence to inform policy, presented lessons and best practice in this area, shared experiences about ongoing activities and identified opportunities for collaborative work"

Civil society perspectives on TB policy in Bangladesh, Brazil, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Thailand

Public Health Watch, Open Society Institute

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This publication contains an overview of the common themes and funding resulting from five country reports, and the five reports themselves. The World Health Organization has designated all five as TB-high burden countries. The research findings show a low level of awareness about TB, and TB and HIV co-infection; about how TB is transmitted and how it can be cured; and about the link between poverty and TB; as well as low media coverage of TB and a lack of strong communication strategies for national TB programmes. It also contains country-specific recommendations

What African children and youth think and feel : an opinion poll of children and youth in eastern and southern Africa


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This is a summary of the findings of polls carried out in 8 countries in eastern and southern Africa on the opinions of children and youth as to their well-being, emotions and environment; their relationships with family and friends; their relationship with their communities, their countries and their leaders; and about their perceptions of the issues concerning them. The polls involved over 4,000 young people aged between 9 and 17

HIV/AIDS stigma : finding solutions to strengthen HIV/AIDS programs


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This paper gives an overview of the research findings of ICRW and its partners in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia into stigma and discrimination around HIV & AIDS, which show many common causes and similar outcomes, and looks at ways to combat stigma

Addressing violence against women in HIV testing and counselling


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This is a summary and recommendations from an international consultation co-convened by the WHO departments of Gender, Women and Health (GWH) and of HIV & AIDS to identify and review promising strategies or good practices to support women who may fear or experience violence as a consequence of HIV testing and/or HIV status disclosure; and develop recommendations to guide programmes and policies related to HIV testing and counselling, in light of current strategies to expand access to these and related services

Medicine prices surveys and proposed interventions to improve sustainable access to affordable medicines in 6 sub-Saharan African countries|Etudes des prix des medicaments et interventions proposeees pur ameliorer durablement l'acces aux medicaments dan


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This document brings together the outcomes of six surveys into medicine prices - for Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Tanzania, Chad and Uganda - and one for the East African Community (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania) . The reports for Mali and Chad are written in French and the others in English

Scaling up memory work : the example of KIWAKKUKI in Tanzania

WARD, Nicola
ITEMBA, Dafrosa

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Scaling up the memory work and extending it from Uganda to other African countries involved many challenges due to the wide range of different contexts, different types of implementing organisations and different cultures. This edition of Health Exchange gives an example from Tanzania where the organisation KIWAKKUKI, has developed a memory project based on experience and learning from NACWOLA in Uganda, but adapted to its specific cultural and organisational context

Inside voices : CBR workers stories


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This book is an output from three CBR writing workshops held in Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi with the aim to facilitate the capacity of CBR workers to communicate their experiences thus increasing documentation of CBR practices in Africa. The book contains articles based on participants’ experience of CBR and is useful to anyone interested in CBR experiences in Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi

Study on knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS of standard VII pupils in Tanga districts - the impact of peer education

TEMU, Aloyse
November 2005

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Peer education (PE) aims to improve pupils' knowledge, attitudes and behaviour about HIV and AIDS and reproductive health. GTZ supports PE in over 200 schools in the Tanga region of Tanzania. A study was done in schools with and without PE to determine if PE has an effect on pupils' knowledge and attitudes. PE made a difference - pupils have better overall knowledge and are better informed on key facts about HIV and AIDS, and many more pupils with PE considered abstinence a viable option. But even in schools with PE there are some gaps, e.g. many pupils believe that one can see if someone is HIV positive and most pupils have negative attitudes about condoms. Contact teachers were found to share a few misconceptions about HIV and AIDS

Civil society involvement in rapid assessment, analysis and action planning (RAAAP) for orphans and vulnerable children : an independent review

July 2005

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This review explores civil society organisations' experiences of the Rapid Assessement, Analysis and Action Planning (RAAAP) process - an initiative launched by USAID, UNICEF, UNAIDS, and the World Food Program - for orphans and other vulnerable children in November 2003. It comprises of a review of where civil society organisations were involved and where they were not and an overview of the process of their invovlement. It also offers recommendations for existing and future RAAAPs to ensure greater invovlement of civil society organisations, and includes individual reports on the 16 sub-Saharan African countries invovled in the first round of RAAAP in 2004

Working report measuring HIV stigma : results of a field test in Tanzania

June 2005

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This is the working report of a project that builds expressly on the findings of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and its partners in a multi-country study on stigma and on the Horizons and POLICY Project work on stigma and HIV. The specific aim of this project is to examine, test and validate selected stigma indicators in Tanzania as a first step to coming up with a set indicators that can reliably assess stigma in a given setting and measure progress in reducing it

USAID project profiles : children affected by HIV/AIDS

January 2005

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This document presents profiles of 114 projects (90 country-specific, 12 regional, and 12 global) funded by USAID. It includes a section on USAID projects that support access to education in Africa. The project profiles include the names of implementing organisations, funding periods and amounts, objectives, strategies, key accomplishments, priority activities for the year ahead, and materials and tools available to other projects that can help meet the needs of children and youth affected by HIV and AIDS. The diversity of these projects demonstrates the US government's efforts to meet the wide variety of needs of children and youth affected by HIV and AIDS. Approaches vary in both strategy and scale. The vast majority of projects work with communities to identify opportunities that strengthen existing resources without undermining local ownership. In many places, communities are already mobilised and have systems in place to identify, protect, and provide basic necessities to the most vulnerable children. USAID supports the strengthening and monitoring of these existing activities

Community television for the poor : a scoping study. Final technical report. The one to watch, literally?

et al

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A technical report on the use of community television. The purpose of the research was to explore the opportunities presented by digital convergence for locally produced and broadcast integrated television and radio for development education, development communication strategies and local content capture among the poor. The research confirms the starting premises of the research, that community radio is known to have strong developmental benefits; that there is a strong trend towards television, even among the poor; and that there will be new opportunities for audiovisual media presented by digital convergence. The report concludes that community television could play a huge role in empowering local communities

