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The influence of HIV/AIDS on community-based rehabilitation in dar es salaam, Tanzania

BOYCE, William
COTE, Laurence

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Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is the method of choice for delivering services for people living with disabilities in many countries. HIV/AIDS is changing the daily lives of many women by adding to their responsibilities. How realistically can such women participate actively in community development activities like CBR? This paper examines the impact of HIV/AIDS on CBR in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Observational sessions and individual interviews were conducted with caregivers of children with disabilities, CBR workers and managers over a three month period. Among the findings was a significant decrease in CBR activities in families affected by HIV/AIDS. This change in family priorities was due to better knowledge of acute diseases and increased stigma of HIV/AIDS in comparison to disability. Older CBR workers were more likely to incorporate elements of HIV/AIDS care with CBR, while younger CBR workers were more likely to avoid HIV/AIDS support. The ability of CBR workers to adapt their working habits to an environment with high HIV/AIDS prevalence is linked to their sense of skill competence and their knowledge/beliefs about risk of infection. Further integration of CBR work with general health development initiatives may improve this situation.

Access to mainstream microfinance services for persons with disabilities : lessons learned from Uganda

BWIRE, Flavia Nakabuye
MUKASA, George

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This article reports from a pilot project in Uganda where the aim is to enable persons with disabilities to have access to mainstream microfinance services. Several lessons have already been learned: 1) entrepreneurs with disabilities are an untapped market opportunity for Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs); 2) to influence MFIs it is important to understand their business model and team up with key actors from the industry; 3) persons with disabilities are often misinformed about MFIs' terms and services and don't know how to tap these opportunities. Gradually a change in attitudes in MFIs and Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs) is observed. All MFIs participating in the project now report an increase in the number of clients with disabilities served. This is happening without the use of any economic incentives.

Inclusive information and communication technologies for people with disabilities

SIMPSON, Jennifer

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Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has the potential both to enhance access for people with disabilities and to contribute to creating barriers. What we now call the digital divide actually began long before the introduction of computers — barriers have existed and still exist today with telephones, television, the Internet and other information technology. It is important to remember that people with disabilities have many different accessibility needs and that there are different ways to make technology accessible and that new accessibility needs emerge as technology changes. This paper looks at the state of accessibility policy in the U.S. in several technology infrastructures that may provide some lessons and directions for increasing inclusive information and communication technologies worldwide. For instance, if the many provisions involving technology in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are to have real and substantive meaning, policy and implementation at the infrastructure level must occur.

Gendered experiences : marriage and the stigma of leprosy

TRY, Leonie

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Stigma is rife in many areas of health and healthcare and it has implicit impacts that are often overlooked. Due to the continued social construction of the stigma of leprosy, it is clear that a greater understanding is needed of how stigma is experienced. This study considers the experiences of marriage of those vulnerable to stigmatisation due to leprosy and more specifically identifies different experiences of leprosy-affected women and men and the possible implications.

Sex, disability and motherhood : access to sexuality for disabled mothers

O’TOOLE, Corbett Joan

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There is limited research into the sexual lives of mothers, particularly mothers with disabilities. This article examines the barriers to sexuality facing mothers with disabilities. These barriers include: stereotypes that disabled mothers are not sexual, lack of resources for essential aspects of parenting, and difficulty in creating time for personal and private adult activities. Recommendations are presented based on the experiences of disabled mothers.

Doing the wild thing : supporting an ordinary sexual life for people with intellectual disabilities


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For many people who are called disabled, having this label means to be excluded from the experience of 'an ordinary sexual life'. For those who are called intellectually disabled exclusion from experiences of any kind of positive sexual life is almost universal. This article explores how some people with intellectual disabilities have sought to open up pathways towards accessing experiences of sexual expression as a way to move forward towards being able to integrate a concept of sexuality into their lives. Two support workers are interviewed. Both are employed by a Human Services organization in Aotearoa, New Zealand, which provides long term support for people with intellectual disabilities. Their comments reveal that access to successful instances of sexual expression for people in this group are currently only available those who are articulate enough and persistent enough to keep trying until they succeed. Barriers to success are isolated and some wider issues surrounding what changes might positively affect this group are discussed.

COVID 19 and the disability movement


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In the light of the COVID19 pandemic and with the aim to support a disability-inclusive response to the crisis, International Disability Alliance (IDA) has launched this hub-page to share the most recent updates and resources as they become available.


Links are provided to resources from IDA members, partners, by disability constituency, by United Nations system and by country. Recommendations are also available. 

COVID 19: Our Members Resources and Processes


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Inclusion International network is mobilizing to create resources and support to help reach people with intellectual disabilities concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Information is provided for different countries and communities with some being in accessible formats.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic


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A collection of resources for people with intellectual disabilities concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The collection includes "Easy to read" information in many different European languages, a video of 5 ways to keep safe and a list of resources in various European countries.

Distance learning solutions (COVID-19 educational disruption and response)


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A list of educational applications, platforms and resources aiming to help parents, teachers, schools and school administrators facilitate student learning and provide social care and interaction during periods of school closure. Most of the solutions curated are free and many cater to multiple languages. While these solutions do not carry UNESCO’s explicit endorsement, they tend to have a wide reach, a strong user-base and evidence of impact. They are categorized based on distance learning needs, but most of them offer functionalities across multiple categories.

