Publication Date
October 2018
52 p, ill.
"The Gaibandha Model" good practices guide outlines a framework for successful disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction programming. It is based on the experience of CBM and its partners in implementing community-based disaster risk reduction programs in some of the most flood-affected communities in Bangladesh. The model puts people with disabilities at the center of disaster risk reduction. They are the agents for change, working with the community to improve local systems of disaster prevention, preparedness and response to become more accessible and inclusive.
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Cross-cutting; accessibility; advocacy; Development/ Humanitarian; disability and emergency; inclusive community mobilisation; inclusive disaster response; inclusive disaster risk reduction; inclusive emergency preparedness and planning; organisational development; Disability and community; community; self help; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Education; formal education; Health; risk factors; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; participation; Livelihoods; work and employment