et al
Publication Date
July 2018
102 p, ill.
Humanity & Inclusion (HI) and iMMAP conducted a study concerning with the lack of disability data in the Syria crisis context, which aimed to:
- Provide statistically reliable prevalence of disability as well as disability disaggregated data indicators on access to services.
- Increase understanding of the situation of Syrian refugees with disabilities and their households, compared to their peers without disabilities, in relation to the access to services including education, and key barriers experienced in accessing these services.
- Recommend inclusive actions to be prioritized by humanitarian actors.
The study conducted a literature review, quantitative data collection as well as qualitative data collection. Quantitative data was collected from 6,381 persons of randomly sampled 1,159 households in Azraq and Zaatari camps and Irbid between October 2017 and January 2018. Twenty-five Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and 3 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were also conducted between November 2017 and January 2018 to elicit deeper insights on the educational situation of children with and without disabilities
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Disability and social diversity; refugees; Information & knowledge; acquisition of information; Cross-cutting; accessibility; persons with disabilities; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; Education; inclusive education; Global picture; disability indicators and data; Research; survey; data collection; Health; systems: leadership and governance; issues: malnutrition; children with disabilities; formal education; injuries; Rehabilitation; assistive technologies; Development/ Humanitarian; WASH; Livelihoods; work and employment