Protecting the rights of young children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS in Africa : updating strategies and reinforcing existing networks

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)

Publication Date 

June 2003
40 p

This report attempts to identify strategies, lines of action and innovative approaches to respond to the needs of young children faced by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Key issues addressed in the workshop and report are around obstacles that prevent the provision of appropriate services, key issues that affect young children, and the cultural and religious causes of discrimination. It suggests principles that should be observed in programming in this area, ways of advocating for the needs of young children affected by HIV/AIDS, and ways of moving forward by developing an action plan

Document No:
International workshop co-organized by UNESCO and the Early Childhood Development Network for Africa (ECDNA)
13-17 May 2002
Action Research in Family and Early Childhood

Regional Focus 


Type of material 

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