Publication Date
116 p, ill
The Key Informant Method (KIM) has previously been tested by CBM, LSHTM and others, and found to be a valid method for the identification of children with severe visual impairment and blindness in Bangladesh, using community volunteers in the place of a door-to-door survey. This report outlines a study that set out to expand this and test whether voluntary, community-level Key Informants (KIs) could be trained to effectively identify children with moderate or severe physical impairments, sensory impairments (visual and hearing) or epilepsy in Bangadesh and Pakistan, and if so whether this process could be used to assess prevalence and plan appropriate referral services for children meeting these criteria
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Programme/ Project; needs/ market assessment; Disability and social diversity; functional limitation: visual; Politics government and economics; collaboration; Research; data analysis; Global picture; demographics; persons with disabilities; research design; participatory and community-based participatory research; Disability and community; organisations of persons with disabilities (ODP); Cross-cutting; accessibility; Rehabilitation; evaluation; disability studies; community; Inclusion; empowerment; awareness raising; policy; legislation and policy; disability indicators and data