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"The Reproductive Health Research Unit (RHRU) University of the Witwatersrand, in partnership with the FRONTIERS Program of the Population Council, and the KwaZulu Natal Department of Health conducted a three-year operations research study titled "Men in Maternity" (MIM) in the Ethekwini district. The study was completed in July 2003...The intervention was clinic-based and included two broad strategies: improving antenatal care services by strengthening the existing antenatal package and service monitoring and supervision; and introducing couple counseling by providing training to health providers, inviting partners of antenatal women to attend counseling twice during pregnancy and once post delivery, and providing information to couples with a new antenatal booklet...At follow-up few differences were found between the control and intervention groups to support the hypothesized effect of the intervention. Significant differences were found only in changing communication, partner assistance during pregnancy emergencies, and knowledge of the condom as a method of dual protection"