Publication Date
February 2018
32 p, ill.
This guidance, and the associated toolkit, are designed to support frontline workers, community volunteers, and mobilizers and their supervisors who are working in GBV prevention and response to foster inclusion of persons with disabilities in their community activities. It includes guidance, key actions and tools to improve accessibility of existing community processes and activities relating to GBV. This resource has been developed based on the findings of a needs assessment conducted in 2017 which confirmed that women, children and youth with disabilities in Lebanon and their caregivers are facing a range of GBV-related risks.
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Cross-cutting; accessibility; attitudinal barriers; Disability and community; community; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; women with disabilities; youth; Global picture; disability and gender; Health; systems: health workforce; Human rights; freedom from exploitation violence and abuse; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming