et al
Publication Date
September 2017
25 p
Ethiopian disabled women’s experiences of intimacy, pregnancy and motherhood are reported. Qualitative, in-depth, and semi-structured interviews along with personal observations were used to explore the full experiences of participants. Interview data revealed that mothers experienced significant challenges with regard to accessibility of health centers, physician’s lack of knowledge about and problematic attitudes toward them and more general societal prejudices towards individuals with disability. The 13 participants were employed women with physical or visual disabilities, and the interviewees were from the Addis Ababa metropolitan area, Ethiopia.
Disability & Society, 32:10, 1510-1533
DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2017.1361385
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Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Inclusion; society and social change; women with disabilities; Cross-cutting; attitudinal barriers; Health; family planning; Disability and community; family & caregivers; issues: maternal and child health; personal relationships; sexual health; Rehabilitation; management (service delivery); culture