Publication Date
February 2009
6 p
This bulletin aims to inspire thinking around how we can move towards a world in which individuals and society recognise and value the importance of different forms of care, but without reinforcing care work as something that only women can or shoud do. It offers an overview of why care is important and the approaches needed to bring about change, including an article which looks at innovative ways of challenging gender norms to bring about a more equal sharing of care responsibilities between men and women, and an inspiring example of home-based carers in Africa coming together to get their priorities heard
Series:Cutting Edge Pack : Gender and Care Serial Title:Bridge Bulletin Serial Part:Issue 20
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Disability and social diversity; men with disabilities; women with disabilities; Global picture; disability and gender; Health; systems: health workforce; Human rights; rights; Inclusion; empowerment; inclusion and mainstreaming; Livelihoods; work and employment; Politics government and economics; socio-economic; Research; data collection