et al
Publication Date
June 2019
94 p, ill.
This paper was developed by the World Bank in partnership with Leonard Cheshire and Inclusion International. It is an attempt to add knowledge to the current understanding of the importance of learning achievements, with a focus on children with disabilities. While the premise is that inclusive education refers to the inclusion of all children, the focus of this paper is on children with disabilities.
The aim of the paper is to:
- Provide an evidence-based review of educational participation of children with disabilities.
- Establish a case for focusing on learning achievements for students with disabilities.
- Take stock of current mechanisms of measurement of learning outcomes and review their inclusivity.
- Explore evidence of practice and systems which promote disability-inclusive learning for all.
Four case studies are provided - from Pakistan, South Africa, Canada and UK.
View webpage for full text
Education; inclusive education; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; inclusive teaching & learning materials; technical and vocational education and training; educational stakeholders; Cross-cutting; accessibility; Global picture; poverty; disability and gender; participation; policy; Rehabilitation; diagnosis and assessment; Programme/ Project; monitoring; Politics government and economics; economics