Publication Date
March 2008
37 p
Limited attention has been given to helping educators to deal with the new challenges posed by the epidemic. Even less attention has been given to protecting educators from HIV infection and to providing care, treatment and support for educators infected with or affected by HIV and AIDS. There are also very few programmes addressing the needs of other education sector personnel, such as planners, managers and support staff. This booklet looks at educator development and support; educator conduct; and prevention, care, treatment and support of infected and affected eduators
Good Policy and Practice in HIV & AIDS and Education : Booklet 3
This edition replaces: HIV and AIDS and educator development, conduct and support (2006)
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Education; health education; Cross-cutting; awareness raising; Health; systems: leadership and governance; Programme/ Project; programmes and projects; formal education; Rehabilitation; management (service delivery); technical and vocational education and training; peer education; Livelihoods; employer and workplace; educational stakeholders; treatment and prevention