Disability and social responses in some Southern African nations : Angola, Botswana, Burundi, D.R. Congo (ex Zaire), Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. A bibliography, with introduction and some historical items


Publication Date 

January 2003
[110 p]

(From introducton) This bibliography, currently with approx. 1400 items, began in 1996 with a focus on the development of non-medical services concerned with mental retardation (mental handicap, learning difficulties, intellectual impairment) in Zambia. The development of services for people with other disabilities, and for children, and childrearing and language use, and then developments in neighbouring countries, soon began to be added. Then the weight of the new material outgrew the initial focus. Some biomedical papers have been added for their social contents or where a community-based or health education program concerned with biomedical conditions seems relevant to the development of disability awareness in communities. Newspaper and magazine-type articles have mostly been omitted. Available to download from the CIRRIE website

Replaces earlier edition entitled: Reponses to disabilities in Zambia & neighbours - Angola, Botswana, D.R. Congo (ex Zaïre), Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe : bibliography of published & unpublished material (mainly non-medical and in English) listed by first author's name, with introduction, notes on accessibility of material, and indexes by country and by additional authors. 7 Jun 01

Regional Focus 


Type of material