Publication Date
May 2002
33 p
This literature review covers key issues relating to children aged 3-12 and HIV/AIDS, including discrimination, grief, children's rights, and knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS. The impact on the child, family and community is discussed in detail, particularly in terms of the psycho-social impact of bereavement and how this impacts on the child at different stages in its development. Various community programmes within southern Africa are highlighted, which support children to develop life skills. The influence, role and practice of the media in working with and reaching children is addressed, and case studies of South African media projects such as Soul Buddyz and Takalani Sesame are provided
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Health; treatment and prevention; systems: service delivery; Disability and social diversity; children with disabilities; vulnerable groups; Human rights; rights; mental health; Inclusion; society and social change; Rehabilitation; trauma; Education; health education; Disability and community; family & caregivers; Programme/ Project; programmes and projects; sexual health; Information & knowledge; communication; media; Research; literature review; data collection