Publication Date
192 p
"This report, a collaborative effort of the United Nations and other major international organizations working in the area of population ageing, sheds light on progress towards implementing this Plan. It aims to raise awareness about the speed of population ageing and, more generally, about the experience of being old in our changing world. It recommends moving urgently to incorporate ageing issues into national development plans and poverty reduction strategies. It also shows that abuse, neglect and violence against older persons are much more prevalent than currently acknowledged, and points the way towards more effective prevention strategies and stronger legislation that can protect their human rights"
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Disability and social diversity; elderly; Human rights; freedom from exploitation violence and abuse; Inclusion; exclusion and discrimination; rights; Health; systems: health workforce; Politics government and economics; socio-economic; socio-cultural; Global picture; demographics; disability identity and intersectionality; Cross-cutting; awareness raising