Publication Date
88 p
This manual for community-based rehabilitation planners has 13 sections and contains a very useful overview of the history of CBR with valuable introductory reading for newcomers to the field. The subsequent six sections cover planning, needs assessment and include suggestions of how to understand local communities and encourage community participation in CBR programmes. The final six sections are concerned with programme management issues; for example, as organising self-help groups, training personnel for CBR, and the sustainability of projects including evaluation and management of change
Series:Manual for CBR plannersĀ
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Development/ Humanitarian; civil society organisations; sustainable development; Disability and community; community; self help; Disability and social diversity; women with disabilities; Education; technical and vocational education and training; Global picture; disability indicators and data; Politics government and economics; government and politics; Programme/ Project; design inclusive projects; evaluation; programmes and projects; Rehabilitation; community-based rehabilitation; diagnosis and assessment; Research; data analysis