Publication Date
9 p
In this paper, the researchers develop a needs-based home-based rehabilitation programme for people living with HIV in order to improve their quality of life and functional ability. The study aims to provide rehabilitation professionals and researchers with evidence that can be utilised to improve existing rehabilitation interventions for people living with HIV.
The paper outlines a randomised control trial to test the programme, to be conducted at a public hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The trial will assess the participants’ quality of life, perceived level of disability, functional ability and endurance
Trials 16:491
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Cross-cutting; accessibility; Disability and social diversity; persons living with HIV/aids; Enabling environments; mobility; Global picture; disability; Health; systems: health workforce; systems: service delivery; treatment and prevention; Rehabilitation; management (service delivery); therapeutic (treatment); Research; quality of life and wellbeing; research design