Publication Date
68 p
These fact sheets aim to provide policy makers with concise information about gender related aspects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. They deal with core facts and issues in thematic areas and are underpinned by an analysis which clarifies how gender issues are fuelling the crisis. Each theme presents a self-contained set of issues and recommendations and many of the themes are interlinked. All of them are connected by a concern to promote a gender-enlightened and comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS and its impacts
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Cross-cutting; policy; Development/ Humanitarian; human disasters (war & conflict); rural development; Disability and social diversity; men with disabilities; youth; Education; formal education; Global picture; disability and gender; disability indicators and data; Health; family planning; issues: maternal and child health; risk factors; social determinants of health; systems: health workforce; treatment and prevention; Human rights; freedom from exploitation violence and abuse; rights; Inclusion; participation; Livelihoods; employer and workplace; Politics government and economics; international cooperation; Programme/ Project; monitoring